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FTC Sues Adobe Over Hard-to-Cancel Subscriptions and Fees

17 June 2024 at 14:45
The maker of Photoshop and other popular design software hid details of expensive cancellation fees, according to a Justice Department lawsuit.

Β© Jordan Strauss/Associated Press

David Wadhwani, the president of Adobe’s digital media business.

Is Your Driving Being Secretly Scored?

9 June 2024 at 05:00
The insurance industry, hungry for insights into how people drive, has turned to automakers and smartphone apps like Life360.

Β© Andres Kudacki for The New York Times

A safety feature of the Life360 app tracked the driving habits of Kathleen Lomax and her family, including her daughters, Brigitte, left, and Morgan.

When β€˜Prior Authorization’ Becomes a Medical Roadblock

25 May 2024 at 05:03
Medicare Advantage plans say it reduces waste and inappropriate care. Critics say it often restricts coverage unnecessarily.

Β© Caroline Yang for The New York Times

Marlene Nathanson, right, with her husband, was abruptly refused a request to cover further treatment from her Medicare Advantage plan as she recovered from a stroke. β€œShe has to leave our facility by Friday,” a therapist told her.

F.C.C. Votes to Restore Net Neutrality Rules

25 April 2024 at 13:56
Commissioners voted along party lines to revive the rules that declare broadband as a utility-like service that could be regulated like phones and water.

Β© Pool photo by Oliver Contreras

Jessica Rosenworcel, chairwoman of the Federal Communications Commission.