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Today — 29 June 2024Technology

NASA and SpaceX misjudged the risks from reentering space junk

28 June 2024 at 20:22
A European ATV cargo freighter reenters the atmosphere over the Pacific Ocean in 2013.

Enlarge / A European ATV cargo freighter reenters the atmosphere over the Pacific Ocean in 2013.

Since the beginning of the year, landowners have discovered several pieces of space junk traced to missions supporting the International Space Station. On all of these occasions, engineers expected none of the disposable hardware would survive the scorching heat of reentry and make it to Earth's surface.

These incidents highlight an urgency for more research into what happens when a spacecraft makes an uncontrolled reentry into the atmosphere, according to engineers from the Aerospace Corporation, a federally funded research center based in El Segundo, California. More stuff is getting launched into space than ever before, and the trend will continue as companies deploy more satellite constellations and field heavier rockets.

"The biggest immediate need now is just to do some more work to really understand this whole process and to be in a position to be ready to accommodate new materials, new operational approaches as they happen more quickly," said Marlon Sorge, executive director of Aerospace's Center for Orbital and Reentry Debris Studies. "Clearly, that’s the direction that spaceflight is going.”

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If your immutable Linux desktop uses Flatpak, I’m going to have a bad time

28 June 2024 at 20:08

The openSUSE project recently announced the second release candidate (RC2) of its Aeon Desktop, formerly known as MicroOS Desktop GNOME. Aside from the new coat of naming paint, Aeon breaks ground in a few other ways by dabbling with technologies not found in other openSUSE releases. The goal for Aeon is to provide automated system updates using snapshots that can be applied atomically, removing the burden of system maintenance for “lazy developers” who want to focus on their work rather than desktop administration. System-tinkerers need not apply.

The idea behind Aeon, as with other immutable (or image-based) Linux distributions, is to provide the core of the distribution as a read-only image or filesystem that is updated atomically and can be rolled back if needed. Google’s ChromeOS was the first popular Linux-based desktop operating system to follow this model. Since the release of ChromeOS a number of interesting immutable implementations have cropped up, such as Fedora Silverblue, Project Bluefin (covered here in December 2023), openSUSE’s MicroOS (covered here in March 2023), and Ubuntu Core.

↫ Joe Brockmeier at LWN

With the amount of attention immutable Linux desktops are getting, and how much work and experimentation that’s going into them, I’m getting the feeling that sooner or later all of the major, popular desktop Linux distributions will be going this route. Depending on implementation details, I actually like the concept of a defined base system that’s just an image that can be replaced easily using btrfs snapshots or something like that, while all the user’s files and customisations are kept elsewhere. It makes intuitive sense.

Where the current crop of immutable Linux desktops fall flat for me is their reliance on (usually) Flatpak. You know how there’s people who hate systemd and/or Wayland just a little too much, to the point it gets a little weird and worrying? That’s me whenever I have to deal with Flatpaks. Every experience I have with Flatpaks is riddled with trouble for me.

Even though I’m a KDE user, I’m currently testing out the latest GNOME release on my workstation (the one that I used to conclude Windows is simply not ready for the desktop), using Fedora of course, and on GNOME I use the Mastodon application Tuba. While I mostly write in English, I do occasionally write in Dutch, too, and would love for the spell check feature to work in my native tongue, too, instead of just in English. However, despite having all possible Dutch dictionaries installed – hunspell, aspell – and despite those dictionaries being picked up everywhere else in GNOME, Tuba only showed me a long list of variants of English.

After digging around to find out why this was happening, it took me far longer than I care to publicly admit to realise that since the latest version of Tuba is only really available as a Flatpak on Fedora, my problem probably had something to do with that – and it turns out I was right: Flatpak applications do not use the system-wide installed spellcheck dictionaries like normal applications do.

This eventually led me to this article by Daniel Aleksandersen, where he details what you need to do in order to add spellcheck dictionaries to Flatpak applications. You need to run the following commands:

$ flatpak config languages --set "en;nl;"
$ sudo flatpak update

The list of languages uses two-letter codes only, and the first language listed will serve as the display language for Flatpak applications, while the rest will be fallback languages – which happens to include downloading and installing the Flatpak-specific copies of the spellcheck libraries. Sadly, this method is not particularly granular. Since it only accepts the two-letter codes, you can’t, say, only install “nl-nl”; you’ll be getting “nl-be” as well. In the case of a widely spoken language like English, this means a massive list of 18 different varieties of English. The resulting menus are… Not elegant.

This is just an example, but using Flatpak, you’ll run into all kinds of issues like this, that then have to be solved by hacks or obscure terminal commands – not exactly the user-friendly image Flatpak is trying to convey to the world. This particular issue might not matter to the probably overwhelming English-speaking majority of Flatpak developers, but for anyone who has to deal with multiple languages on a daily basis – which is a massive number of people, probably well over 50% of computer users1 – having to mess around with obscure terminal commands hidden in blog posts just to be able to use the languages they use every day is terrible design on a multitude of levels, and will outright make Flatpak applications unusable for large numbers of people.

Whenever I run into these Flatpak problems, it makes it clear to me that Flatpak is designed not by users, for users – but by developers, for developers. I can totally understand and see why Flatpak is appealing to developers, but as a user, they bring me nothing but grief, issues, and weird bugs that all seem to stem from being made to make developers’ lives easier, instead of users’.

If immutable Linux distributions are really hellbent on using Flatpak as the the means of application installation – and it seams like they are – it will mean a massive regression in functionality, usability, and discoverability for users, and as long as Flatpak remains as broken and badly designed as it is, I really see no reason to recommend an immutable Linux desktop to anyone but the really curious among us.

  1. Even in a country like the United States, which we think of as an English-speaking country, there are currently 42 million Spanish-speaking people, who most likely also have to use English on a daily basis. The way multilingual features are treated as afterthoughts by the tech industry – even the open source one – is baffling. ↩

Bipartisan Consensus In Favor of Renewable Power Is Ending

By: BeauHD
28 June 2024 at 23:30
An anonymous reader quotes a report from Ars Technica: One of the most striking things about the explosion of renewable power that's happening in the U.S. is that much of it is going on in states governed by politicians who don't believe in the problem wind and solar are meant to address. Acceptance of the evidence for climate change tends to be lowest among Republicans, yet many of the states where renewable power has boomed -- wind in Wyoming and Iowa, solar in Texas -- are governed by Republicans. That's partly because, up until about 2020, there was a strong bipartisan consensus in favor of expanding wind and solar power, with support above 75 percent among both parties. Since then, however, support among Republicans has dropped dramatically, approaching 50 percent, according to polling data released this week. [...] One striking thing about the new polling data, gathered by the Pew Research Center, is how dramatically it skews with age. When given a choice between expanding fossil fuel production or expanding renewable power, Republicans under the age of 30 favored renewables by a 2-to-1 margin. Republicans over 30, in contrast, favored fossil fuels by margins that increased with age, topping out at a three-to-one margin in favor of fossil fuels among those in the 65-and-over age group. The decline in support occurred in those over 50 starting in 2020; support held steady among younger groups until 2024, when the 30-49 age group started moving in favor of fossil fuels. Democrats, by contrast, break in favor of renewables by 75 points, with little difference across age groups and no indication of significant change over time. They're also twice as likely to think a solar farm will help the local economy than Republicans are. Similar differences were apparent when Pew asked about policies meant to encourage the sale of electric vehicles, with 83 percent of Republicans opposed to having half of cars sold be electric in 2032. By contrast, nearly two-thirds of Democrats favored this policy. There's also a rural/urban divide apparent (consistent with Republicans getting more support from rural voters). Forty percent of urban residents felt that a solar farm would improve the local economy; only 25 percent of rural residents agreed. Rural residents were also more likely to say solar farms made the landscape unattractive and take up too much space. (Suburban participants were consistently in between rural and urban participants.) What's behind these changes? The single biggest factor appears to be negative partisanship combined with the election of Joe Biden. Among Republicans, support for every single form of power started to change in 2020 -- fossil fuels, renewables, and nuclear. Among Democrats, that's largely untrue. Their high level of support for renewable power and aversion to fossil fuels remained largely unchanged. The lone exception is nuclear power, where support rose among both Democrats and Republicans (the Biden administration has adopted a number of pro-nuclear policies).

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

Apple Developing New Way To Make iPhone Batteries Easier To Replace

By: BeauHD
28 June 2024 at 22:02
According to a report from The Information, Apple is developing a new "electrically induced adhesive debonding" technology that would make iPhone batteries easier to replace. 9to5Mac reports: Currently, replacing an iPhone battery requires using tweezers to remove the existing battery, which is held in place by adhesive strips. Then, you must use a "specialized machine and tray" to press the new battery into place. The new process uses metal instead of foil to cover the battery, as The Information explains: "The new technology --- known as electrically induced adhesive debonding -- involves encasing the battery in metal, rather than foil as it is currently. That would allow people to dislodge the battery from the chassis by administering a small jolt of electricity to the battery, the people said. Consumers still have to pry open the iPhone themselves, which is not an easy process because of the adhesives and screws that keep the iPhone's screen sealed in place." Even with this change, however, Apple will still recommend that iPhone users visit a professional to replace their battery. If Apple's development of this new bonding technology goes according to plan, it could debut it with at least one iPhone 16 model this year. According to the report, it would then expand to all versions of the iPhone 17 next year.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

Lawsuit Claims Microsoft Tracked Sex Toy Shoppers With 'Recording In Real Time' Software

By: BeauHD
28 June 2024 at 21:25
Samantha Cole reports via 404 Media: A woman is suing Microsoft and two major U.S. sex toy retailers with claims that their websites are tracking users without their consent, despite promising they wouldn't do that. In a complaint (PDF) filed on June 25 in the Northern District of California, San Francisco resident Stella Tatola claims that Babeland and Good Vibrations -- both owned by Barnaby Ltd., LLC -- allowed Microsoft to see what visitors to their websites searched for and bought. "Unbeknownst to Plaintiff and other Barnaby website users, and constituting the ultimate violation of privacy, Barnaby allows an undisclosed third-party, Microsoft, to intercept, read, and utilize for commercial gain consumers' private information about their sexual practices and preferences, gleaned from their activity on Barnaby's websites," the complaint states. "This information includes but is not limited to product searches and purchase initiations, as well as the consumer's unique Microsoft identifier." The complaint claims that Good Vibrations and Babeland sites have installed trackers using Microsoft's Clarity software, which does "recording in real time," and tracks users' mouse movements, clicks or taps, scrolls, and site navigation. Microsoft says on the Clarity site that it "processes a massive amount of anonymous data around user behavior to gain insights and improve machine learning models that power many of our products and services." "By allowing undisclosed third party Microsoft to eavesdrop and intercept users' PPSI in such a manner -- including their sexual orientation, preferences, and desires, among other highly sensitive, protected information -- Barnaby violates its Privacy Policies, which state it will never share such information with third parties," the complaint states. The complaint includes screenshots of code from the sexual health sites that claims to show them using Machine Unique Identifier ("MUID") cookies that "identifies unique web browsers visiting Microsoft sites," according to Microsoft, and are used for "advertising, site analytics, and other operational purposes." The complaint claims that this violates the California Invasion of Privacy Act, the Federal Wiretap Act, and Californians' reasonable expectation of privacy.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

Apple Vision Pro Launches In First Countries Outside the US

By: BeauHD
28 June 2024 at 20:45
After launching in the United States earlier this year, Apple's Vision Pro is now available to buy in China, Japan, and Singapore. "The Apple Vision Pro will also roll out to Germany, France, Australia, the UK, and Canada on July 12th, with preorders for those regions available starting today at 5AM PT," notes The Verge. Apple is documenting the international launch via a recent blog post. According to CNBC, the device starts at $4,128 (29,999 yuan) in China, compared to $3,500 in the U.S. Meanwhile, Apple is already hard at work on a more budget-friendly model. In Bloomberg's "Power On" newsletter, Apple news-breaker Mark Gurman reports today that the tech giant is "working on a cheaper headset, a second Vision Pro model and augmented-reality glasses to better compete with Meta."

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

Appeals Court Seems Lost On How Internet Archive Harms Publishers

By: BeauHD
28 June 2024 at 20:02
An anonymous reader quotes a report from Ars Technica: The Internet Archive (IA) went before a three-judge panel Friday to defend its open library's controlled digital lending (CDL) practices after book publishers last year won a lawsuit claiming that the archive's lending violated copyright law. In the weeks ahead of IA's efforts to appeal that ruling, IA was forced to remove 500,000 books from its collection, shocking users. In an open letter to publishers, more than 30,000 readers, researchers, and authors begged for access to the books to be restored in the open library, claiming the takedowns dealt "a serious blow to lower-income families, people with disabilities, rural communities, and LGBTQ+ people, among many others," who may not have access to a local library or feel "safe accessing the information they need in public." During a press briefing following arguments in court Friday, IA founder Brewster Kahle said that "those voices weren't being heard." Judges appeared primarily focused on understanding how IA's digital lending potentially hurts publishers' profits in the ebook licensing market, rather than on how publishers' costly ebook licensing potentially harms readers. However, lawyers representing IA -- Joseph C. Gratz, from the law firm Morrison Foerster, and Corynne McSherry, from the nonprofit Electronic Frontier Foundation -- confirmed that judges were highly engaged by IA's defense. Arguments that were initially scheduled to last only 20 minutes stretched on instead for an hour and a half. Ultimately, judges decided not to rule from the bench, with a decision expected in the coming months or potentially next year. McSherry said the judges' engagement showed that the judges "get it" and won't make the decision without careful consideration of both sides. "They understand this is an important decision," McSherry said. "They understand that there are real consequences here for real people. And they are taking their job very, very seriously. And I think that's the best that we can hope for, really." On the other side, the Association of American Publishers (AAP), the trade organization behind the lawsuit, provided little insight into how the day went. When reached for comment, AAP simply said, "We thought it was a strong day in court, and we look forward to the opinion." [...] "There is no deadline for them to make a decision," Gratz said, but it "probably won't happen until early fall" at the earliest. After that, whichever side loses will have an opportunity to appeal the case, which has already stretched on for four years, to the Supreme Court. Since neither side seems prepared to back down, the Supreme Court eventually weighing in seems inevitable.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

Nearly 4,000 Arrested In Global Police Crackdown On Online Scam Networks

By: BeauHD
28 June 2024 at 19:20
According to Interpol, nearly 4,000 people around the world have been arrested for a variety of online crimes, with $257 million in assets seized. The Record reports: The operation, dubbed First Light, was conducted by police officers from 61 countries and targeted phishing, investment fraud, fake online shopping sites, romance scams, and impersonation scams, according to a statement by Interpol. In addition to arresting thousands of potential cybercriminals, the police also identified over 14,600 other possible suspects across all continents. During the searches, law enforcement seized suspects' real estate, high-end vehicles, expensive jewelry, and many other high-value items and collections. They also froze 6,745 bank accounts used for transferring money obtained through illegal operations. In one case, the police intercepted $331,000 gleaned from a business email compromise fraud involving a Spanish victim who unknowingly transferred money to someone in Hong Kong. In another case, authorities in Australia successfully recovered $3.7 million on behalf of an impersonation scam victim after the funds were fraudulently transferred to bank accounts in Malaysia and Hong Kong. The criminal networks identified during the operation were spread around the globe. In Namibia, for example, the police rescued 88 local youths who were forced into conducting scams as part of a sophisticated international crime network, according to Interpol. Law enforcement from Singapore, Hong Kong, and China prevented an attempted tech support scam, saving a 70-year-old victim from losing $281,200 worth of savings.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

My Favorite Amazon Deal of the Day: Eero Mesh Wifi Router

28 June 2024 at 19:00

Amazon's early Prime Day deals are here, with deals on school supplies, TVs, Blink security cameras, and more leading up to Prime Day on July 16. Yet another deal has arrived, this time on an Eero router, which can help your wifi reach every area in your home. Amazon has a single router that expands your wifi up to 1,500 square feet for $39.99 (originally $69.99) or a three-pack that expands it to 4,500 sq. ft. for $99.99 (originally $214.96).

Mesh wifi is great if you can justify the cost for the extra devices. It doesn't make your internet faster per se, it just expands your same router speed to different points in your house so the whole house (ideally) is covered. Mesh wifi uses nodes or points that you can physically put around your home where the signal is weak so your devices seamlessly connect to the one with the best connection as you move around the home. It's like copying and pasting your router to different places.

The Eero router expands your reach up to 1,500 square feet, and each router works as a router or "extender." One of the Eero devices must be connected to your router physically with an ethernet cable. The other two just need to be plugged in with their power cord and be within a certain distance of the main router.

If you're more of a Google person, the three-pack Google Nest Wifi Routers are also available for $155.23 (originally $349.99). They work the same way but extend your wifi up to 5,400 square feet and each point doubles as a Google smart speaker.

Yesterday — 28 June 2024Technology

NASA orders more tests on Starliner, but says crew isn’t stranded in space

28 June 2024 at 18:58
Boeing's Starliner spacecraft is seen docked at the International Space Station on June 13.

Enlarge / Boeing's Starliner spacecraft is seen docked at the International Space Station on June 13. (credit: NASA)

NASA and Boeing officials pushed back Friday on headlines that the commercial Starliner crew capsule is stranded at the International Space Station but said they need more time to analyze data before formally clearing the spacecraft for undocking and reentry.

Two NASA astronauts, commander Butch Wilmore and pilot Suni Williams, will spend at least a few more weeks on the space station as engineers on the ground conduct thruster tests to better understand issues with the Starliner propulsion system in orbit. Wilmore and Williams launched June 5 aboard an Atlas V rocket and docked at the station the next day, completing the first segment of Starliner's first test flight with astronauts.

NASA managers originally planned for the Starliner spacecraft to remain docked at the space station for at least eight days, although they left open the possibility of a mission extension. The test flight is now likely to last at least a month and a half, and perhaps longer, as engineers wrestle with helium leaks and thruster glitches on Starliner's service module.

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Microsoft: all content on the web is fair use

28 June 2024 at 18:26

When someone tells you who they are, believe them. Microsoft’s AI chief Mustafa Suleyman:

With respect to content that is already on the open web, the social contract of that content since the ’90s has been that it is fair use. Anyone can copy it, recreate with it, reproduce with it. That has been freeware, if you like. That’s been the understanding.

↫ Mustafa Suleyman

This is absolute bullshit from the first word to the very last. None of this is true – not even in the slightest. Content on the web is not free for the taking by anyone, especially not to be chewed up and regurgitated verbatim by spicy autocomplete tools. There is no “social contract” to that effect. In fact, when I go to any of Microsoft’s website, documents, videos, or any other content they publish online, on the open web, and scroll to the very bottom of the page, it’s all got the little copyright symbol or similar messaging.

Once again, this underlines how entitled Silicon Valley techbros really are. If we violate even a gram of Microsoft’s copyrights, we’d have their lawyers on our ass in weeks – but when Microsoft itself needs to violate copyright and licensing on an automated, industrial scale, for massive profits, everything is suddenly peace, love, and fair use. Men in Silicon Valley just do not understand consent. At all. And they show this time and time again.

Meanwhile, the Internet Archive has to deal with crap like this:

The lawsuit is about the longstanding and widespread library practice of controlled digital lending, which is how we lend the books we own to our patrons. As a result of the publishers’ lawsuit, more than 500,000 books have been removed from our lending library.

↫ Chris Freeland at the Internet Archive Blogs

Controlled lending without a profit motive is deemed illegal, but violating copyright and licensing on an automated, industrial scale is fair use. Make it make sense.

Make it make sense.

Apple II graphics: more than you wanted to know

28 June 2024 at 18:07

The Apple ][ is one of the most iconic vintage computers of all time. But since Wozniak’s monster lasted all the way until 1993 (1995 if you could the IIe card, which I won’t count until I get one), it can be easy to forget that in 1977, it was a video extravaganza. The competitors– even much bigger and established companies like Commodore and Tandy– generally only had text modes, let alone pixel-addressable graphics, and they certainly didn’t have sixteen colors. (Gray and grey are different colors, right?)

↫ Nicole Branagan

If there’s ever anything you wanted to know about how graphics work on the Apple II, this is the place to go. It’s an incredibly detailed and illustrated explanation of how the machine renders and displays graphics, and an excellent piece of writing to boot. I’m a little jealous.

Apple’s Vision Pro goes on sale outside the US for the first time

28 June 2024 at 17:42
A mixed reality headset over a table in an Apple Store

Enlarge / A Vision Pro on display at an Apple Store in Tokyo. (credit: Apple)

Apple's Vision Pro headset went on sale outside the United States for the first time today, in the first of two waves of expanded availability.

The $3,499 "spatial computing" device launched back in February in the US, but it hasn't taken the tech world by storm. Part of that has been its regional launch, with some of the biggest markets still lacking access.

Apple announced that the product would be sold internationally during its keynote at the Worldwide Developers Conference earlier this month.

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ChatGPT outperforms undergrads in intro-level courses, falls short later

28 June 2024 at 17:23
Overhead view of a classroom full of students at desks, focused on writing on papers.

Enlarge (credit: Caiaimage/Chris Ryan)

“Since the rise of large language models like ChatGPT there have been lots of anecdotal reports about students submitting AI-generated work as their exam assignments and getting good grades. So, we stress-tested our university’s examination system against AI cheating in a controlled experiment,” says Peter Scarfe, a researcher at the School of Psychology and Clinical Language Sciences at the University of Reading.

His team created over 30 fake psychology student accounts and used them to submit ChatGPT-4-produced answers to examination questions. The anecdotal reports were true—the AI use went largely undetected, and, on average, ChatGPT scored better than human students.

Rules of engagement

Scarfe’s team submitted AI-generated work in five undergraduate modules, covering classes needed during all three years of study for a bachelor’s degree in psychology. The assignments were either 200-word answers to short questions or more elaborate essays, roughly 1,500 words long. “The markers of the exams didn’t know about the experiment. In a way, participants in the study didn’t know they were participating in the study, but we’ve got necessary permissions to go ahead with that”, Scarfe claims.

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Microdosing candies finally recalled after psychoactive muscimol found

By: Beth Mole
28 June 2024 at 17:10
Microdosing candies finally recalled after psychoactive muscimol found

Enlarge (credit: Diamond Shruumz)

After weeks of reports of severe illnesses across the country, the maker of Diamond Shruumz microdosing chocolates, gummies, and candy cones has finally issued a recall. It covers all lots and all flavors of all the brand's products.

The illnesses have been marked by several severe symptoms, which notably include seizures, loss of consciousness, and the need for intubation and intensive care. To date, there have been 39 people sickened, including 23 hospitalizations across 20 states, according to the Food and Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The FDA first issued a warning on the brand's chocolate bars on June 7, when there were reports of eight cases, including six hospitalizations, in four states.

Diamond Shruumz's parent company, Prophet Premium Blends, said in the recall notice that it had received only two complaints about the products to date and, upon receiving those complaints, reviewed recent laboratory analyses (Certificates of Analysis) of its products. According to the company, those CoAs noted "higher than normal amounts of muscimol," which is one of two key compounds found in hallucinogenic Amanita mushrooms. Muscimol "could be a potential cause of symptoms consistent with those observed in persons who became ill after eating Diamond Shruumz products," the company said in the recall notice.

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Appeals court seems lost on how Internet Archive harms publishers

28 June 2024 at 16:25
Appeals court seems lost on how Internet Archive harms publishers

Enlarge (credit: mitay20 | iStock / Getty Images Plus)

The Internet Archive (IA) went before a three-judge panel Friday to defend its open library's controlled digital lending (CDL) practices after book publishers last year won a lawsuit claiming that the archive's lending violated copyright law.

In the weeks ahead of IA's efforts to appeal that ruling, IA was forced to remove 500,000 books from its collection, shocking users. In an open letter to publishers, more than 30,000 readers, researchers, and authors begged for access to the books to be restored in the open library, claiming the takedowns dealt "a serious blow to lower-income families, people with disabilities, rural communities, and LGBTQ+ people, among many others," who may not have access to a local library or feel "safe accessing the information they need in public."

During a press briefing following arguments in court Friday, IA founder Brewster Kahle said that "those voices weren't being heard." Judges appeared primarily focused on understanding how IA's digital lending potentially hurts publishers' profits in the ebook licensing market, rather than on how publishers' costly ebook licensing potentially harms readers.

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Ford CEO Jim Farley discusses the rapid evolution of electric vehicles

28 June 2024 at 16:18
Ford CEO Jim Farley joins CNBC's Julia Boorstin for a discussion on EVs, rapidly evolving vehicle technology, and how drivers' shifting priorities are reshaping what we expect in cars and trucks. NBCUniversal News Group is the media partner of Aspen Ideas Festival.


Ford CEO Jim Farley joins CNBC's Julia Boorstin for a discussion on EVs, rapidly evolving vehicle technology, and how drivers' shifting priorities are reshaping what we expect in cars and trucks. NBCUniversal News Group is the media partner of Aspen Ideas Festival.

Mechanic's Viral TikTok Highlights Right To Repair Issues With Newer Car Models

By: BeauHD
28 June 2024 at 18:40
Parks Kugle reports via the Daily Dot: A mechanic went viral when he posted a TikTok about technicians being locked out of computer systems in a new Dodge Ram. TikTok user Shorty of Shorty's Speed Shop (@shortysspeedshop) garnered over 301,000 views when he showed viewers what mechanics had to do to be able to repair newer car models. "It has officially happened. 2024 Ram 3500, authorization denied," Shorty said as he showed viewers the computer screen. "Cannot get into anything on this except generic OBD2 Software." Shorty went on to explain that this update made his "manufacturer software 100 percent irrelevant." Then, Shorty showed viewers the Vehicle Security Professional (VSP) Registry on the National Automaker Service Task Force (NASTF) website. According to NASTF, automakers require mechanics to become credentialed VSPs if they want to purchase key and immobilizer codes, PIN numbers, and special tool access from Automaker websites. A VSP is required to "verify proof of ownership/authority prior to performing any security operation." "It's all part of the NASTF Security Professional Registery," Shorty explained. Shorty believes that this rule allows manufacturers to lock mechanics out of anything they "deem security sensitive." Shorty then broke down the "requirements to gain VSP access." According to him, these include a $325 fee "every two years" and a $100 fee for every subsequent two-year license renewal. He says mechanics also need "commercial liability insurance of $1 million" and a "fidelity or employee dishonesty bond of $100,000." The VSP application page on NASTF's website confirms that there is a $100 Application Fee that covers a "Two Year Renewal" and a $325 Primary Account fee that covers a "Two Year License." It also confirms his claims about the required commercial liability insurance and fidelity or employee dishonesty bond. "There's a lot of people that don't know that this is going on, and it's going to affect everybody getting their cars fixed," Shorty remarked.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

You Can Get an iPad 7th Gen With Beats Flex Headphones for $200 Right Now

28 June 2024 at 18:30

You can get this refurbished iPad 7th Gen with Beats Flex wireless headphones and accessories on sale for $199.97 right now (reg. $299.99) through July 21. The iPad has a 10.2-inch Retina display, 32GB of storage, 8MP rear and 1.2MP front cameras, up to ten hours of battery life, and updates to the latest iPadOS. It's in grade "A" condition, meaning it has only light wear, no scratches on its screen, and minimum 80% battery health. The Beats Flex headphones are open-box items—excess store inventory or customer returns—verified to be in new condition. They have dual-chamber acoustic sound and up to 12 hours of listening time on a single charge. It also includes an iPad case (color varies), screen protector, stylus (color varies), and a charging block and cable.

You can get this refurbished iPad 7th Gen bundle on sale for $199.97 right now (reg. $299.99) through July 21 at 11:59 p.m. PT, though prices can change at any time.

'The Greatest Social Media Site Is Craigslist'

By: BeauHD
28 June 2024 at 18:02
An anonymous reader quotes an op-ed for Slate, written by Amanda Chen: In August 2009, Wired magazine ran a cover story on Craigslist founder Craig Newmark titled "Why Craigslist Is Such a Mess." The opening paragraphs excoriate almost every aspect of the online classifieds platform as "underdeveloped," a "wasteland of hyperlinks," and demands that we, the public, ought to have higher standards. The same sentiment can found across tech forums and trade publications, a missed opportunity that the average self-professed LinkedIn expert on #UX #UI #design will have you believe that they are the first to point out. But as sites like Craigslist increasingly turn into digital artifacts, more people, myself included, are starting to see the beauty that belies those same features. Without them, where else on the internet could you find such ardent professions of desire or loneliness, or the random detritus of a life so steeply discounted? The site has changed relatively little in both functionality and appearance since Newmark launched it in 1995 as a friends and family listserv for jobs and other opportunities. Yet in spite of that, it remains a household name whose niche in the contemporary digital landscape has yet to be usurped, with an estimated 180 million visits in May 2024. Though, it's certainly not for a lack of newcomers attempting to stake their claims on the booming C2C market; in the U.S., Facebook Marketplace, launched in 2016, is its closest direct competitor, followed by platforms like Nextdoor and OfferUp. Craigslist's business model is quite simple: Users in a few categories -- apartments in select cities, jobs, vehicles for sale -- pay a small but reasonable fee to make posts. Everything else is free. Its Perl-backed tech is straightforward. The team is relatively lean, as the company considers functions like sales and marketing superfluous. This strategy has allowed Craigslist to stay extremely profitable throughout the years without implementing sophisticated recommendation algorithms or inundating the webpage with third-party advertisements. Its runaway success threatens decades-old industry gospels of growth, disruption, and innovation, and might force tech evangelists to admit they don't fully understand what people want. [...] These days I find myself casually browsing Craigslist in lieu of Instagram. Like readers of a local paper, I use it to keep a pulse on what's happening around me, even if I'll never know who these people are. That's beside the point. Perhaps Craigslist's single greatest cultural contribution, and my favorite place to lurk, is the "missed connections." The feature has inspired countless copycats, artistic reinterpretations, human interest stories, and analyses (one in particular extrapolated that Monday evenings are the most lovelorn time across the country). There is something deeply comforting about seeing those intangible threads of yearning which permeate a city so plainly laid out, as confirmation that you're not alone in wanting to be seen by others alive in the same place and time as you. Sometimes I'll peruse random job listings or the "free" section. This leads to the ever-amusing exercise, which I'll often invite friends to participate in, of speculating about the motivations and circumstances behind an object's acquisition and imminent relinquishment. I'll even visit the clunky, dial-up era-style discussion forums, subdivided into topics labeled things like "death and dying" or "haiku hotel," where a unique penchant for whimsy and romance can be felt deeply throughout. On Craigslist, a post can be a shout into the void that may or may not be returned, an affirmation of life, but regardless, in 45 days it's gone. Positioned somewhere in between digital ephemera and archive, the site's images and language are often utilitarian, occasionally unintelligible, and just when you least expect it, absurd, poetic, and profound. "Frequently, technologists remain convinced that the market will eventually reveal a solution for all of our deep-seated societal problems, something that we can hack if only granted access to better tech," writes Chen, in closing. "From the start, the industry has advanced the idea that change is inherently good, even if only for its own sake, which can be viewed as symptomatic of the accelerating conditions of late-stage capitalism. Of course, there are many ways in which change is desperately needed in this moment, but when it comes to the particular case of Craigslist, it hardly seems necessary."

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

This Is Actually the Best Way to Reheat Fries

It wouldn’t be fair to say that I bought an air fryer simply to reheat french fries, but it would be disingenuous to claim that my desire to reheat french fries had nothing to do with the purchase. A few years ago—when we were young and the air was sweet—I wrote a blog claiming that waffling sad, cold fries was a first-rate way to reheat them.

Almost immediately, the comments started rolling in. “You fool, you absolute imbecile,” they said. “An air fryer is the only tool you should use to reheat french fries, and you are an idiot for suggesting otherwise.” (I am paraphrasing, but this was the feel of the comments, at least as I recall it.)

“Maybe I should get an air fryer,” I thought, before waiting another eight months to get one. (I finally got the Instant Pot Vortex Mini, because it is small and red and $50.)

The tiny, powerful convection oven—which does not technically fry anything—is quite handy. I’ve already got a whole list of stuff I plan to air fry, but I started with cold fries (and ate them for breakfast), because that’s what brought us to this point in the first place.

My friends, you (and everyone else who yelled at me) were not lying. When it comes to restoring limp, cardboard-like fries to their former crisp, golden glory, the air fryer kicks the waffle maker’s ass (though I maintain waffled leftover fries make excellent breakfast potatoes).

How to reheat cold fries in the air fryer

Beyond reheating completely cold fries, this is a great way to revive takeout fries that may have sat in a paper bag or plastic container for too long. Just five to 10 minutes in a 375-degree air fryer perks ‘em right back up. Timing will vary from air fryer to air fryer but, unlike the Instant Pot or a sous-vide circulator, it’s very easy to check on your air fried food mid-cook—just slide the little basket out. Try not to over-pack the air fryer; you want the hot air to be able to circulate around each fry. It took my air fryer a mere five minutes at 375℉ to restore cold, lifeless, fairly thick-cut breakfast fries to their former glory, which is dangerously quick, particularly in a household that is prone to over-ordering french fries.

Reheated french fries in an air fryer basket.
While a little overlapping is fine, try not to crowd your fries. Credit: Allie Chanthorn Reinmann

What makes leftover fries so sad?

Leftover fries are sad and soggy due to moisture migration, and the air fryer takes care of that nonsense in short order. Once a fry starts to cool, the water inside the fluffy starch granules moves out towards the crust, rendering the insides of the fry grainy and the outsides mushy.

Why reheat fries with an air fryer?

An air fryer can’t rehydrate those starch granules, but it certainly revives a fry’s soggy outsides. The hot, circulating air drives off moisture and gets any dormant fry grease movin’ and groovin’, re-crisping the potato’s crust. And while the insides aren’t quite as tender and fluffy as they are when you first take them out of a deep fryer, they are pretty damn close. The ones I ate for breakfast this morning were almost indistinguishable from fresh fries, though it’s worth noting that they seemed to be a “fresh-cut, once cooked” kind of fry, so this may have only been their second (not third) heating.

Tips for reheating fries in the air fryer

Don't crowd the pan. Lay the french fries in a single layer and try to avoid a lot of overlapping. This will prevent any steam from getting trapped and allow your taters to crisp faster. If you have a lot of fries to reheat, it might be best to do it in batches.

Spritz 'em with oil. For a just-out-of-the-fryer crust, give your fries a light spritz with a neutral cooking oil. The fresh layer of fat conducts the heat from the air fryer that much more effectively.

Check on them mid-cook. Your air frying time will vary depending on the thickness of the french fry you're reheating (steak cut? shoestring? crinkle?), so it's important to check on your spuds once or twice. The convection air flow is so efficient, a few minutes too long and you'll go from crisp and fluffy to hard and dry.

Four of the Best Ways to Trigger a Bidding War on Your House

28 June 2024 at 17:30

Unlike the weather, the real estate market hasn't been as hot as usual this June, with the typical home selling for 0.3% below its asking price, according to new data from Redfin. While it's a welcome shift for homebuyers, those getting ready to put their home on the market now face a harder sell.

At the same time, you may have heard about homes in your area that sold for over the asking price, following a bidding war involving multiple parties, and wondered what they're doing right. As it turns out, there are several tactics sellers can use to improve their chances of having similar results. Here are a few realtor-approved methods for sparking a bidding war.

How to trigger a bidding war when selling your home

In theory, all you need for a bidding war is at least two people who fall in love with a home and have the money to offer more than the asking price. You could hope that you get lucky and it happens organically, but according to Dana Hall-Bradley, a realtor with Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Fine Living in Celebration, Fla. and Joe Muck, a realtor at J Muck Realty, there are several ways you can make your home more appealing to buyers and increase your chances of getting multiple offers.

First, there are the tried-and-true methods: Pricing your home lower than the comps, hiring a successful realtor, making it available for private showings, hiring a professional photographer to take the listing photos, making cosmetic repairs to the interior, improving curb appeal, and making sure your home smells good during a showing or open house.

If you've done all of that and your freshly painted colonial still isn't bringing all the buyers to the yard, here are a few other tactics to try:

1. Set a deadline for offers

Instead of putting your home on the market and waiting for offers to roll in, this will help create a sense of urgency. "Offer deadlines are a good idea as long as you already have an offer your client/s like," Much says. "This can push those sitting on the fence to submit an offer and perhaps even include an escalation clause, which can move the current offer to do the same."

Once you receive more than two offers, have your realtor message the potential buyers saying something like: “We are in receipt of multiple offers. The seller has requested all buyers submit their highest and best offers no later than Tuesday at 7 p.m.” At that point, you can also add a line to the listing to that effect.

2. Respond to all offers

So, someone submitted a lowball offer for your home. Instead of getting annoyed and ignoring the message, use it as an opportunity to talk up your property and the interest it's generating. When you (politely) respond thanking them for their offer, you can also mention that you've received multiple higher offers. That way if they really are interested in your home and have the money to buy it, they'll know they have to step it up.

3. List the home around the holidays

Muck recommends this strategy for two reasons. First, there are fewer homes on the market at that time of year, so there won't be as much competition. Also, "you can display how your home 'feels' at a time of the year when that is top of mind for many buyers," he says.

4. Host an over-the-top open house

If you're having trouble getting people in the door for public and private showings, you may want to consider holding an open house that feels more like An Event.

"I would highly recommend an 'over-the-top' and themed open house or broker’s open house to spark interest to buyers," Hall-Bradley says. "[It] make[s] it a more fun and inviting space for local realtors/brokers to preview," and, in turn, make them excited to promote your home to potential buyers.

But you're going to have to get creative: Baking a few dozen cookies and putting some balloons on the mailbox isn't going to cut it. Here's what Hall-Bradley suggests:

  • Hold the event immediately after listing the property.

  • Create personalized invitations geared toward the theme. 

  • Advertise a give-away of some sort. "In the past, I have had the local spa in our town donate spa gift certificates," she says. "The guest would leave their name or business cards, and we would have a drawing after the event."

  • Have a goodie bag for each guest—perhaps containing something local to your neighborhood.

  • Roll out a (literal) a red carpet for guests, specifically if it’s a higher-end home.

  • Have an open bar with themed cocktails. 

  • Order snacks from a local chef. 

  • Offer a photo booth where the potential buyer would need to put their phone number or email in order to get their photo sent to them.

For example, Muck once hosted an ice cream social open house during the summer—complete with an ice cream truck—that resulted in a bidding war. "[It] encouraged families to come to the open house and view the home, but also gave them a sense of what living in the house would be like for their family," he says. Muck has also threw a lakefront BBQ as an open house for a lakefront property, which also helped generate multiple offers and resulted in selling the home for more than the asking price.

"By transforming your open house into an unforgettable event, you create a buzz that attracts serious buyers and highlights the uniqueness of your property," Hall-Bradley says. "This approach can make potential buyers feel special and excited about their prospective new home."

Game Pass Ad in Windows 11 Settings Sparks User Backlash

By: msmash
28 June 2024 at 17:21
An anonymous reader shares a report: Starting with those builds, Windows 11 will show a Game Pass recommendation / ad within the Settings app. The advertisement will appear on both Windows 11 Home and Windows 11 Pro if you actively play games on your PC. Microsoft lists this feature first under the "Highlights" section of its blog post about the update. Some users aren't pleased. "Microsoft has gone too far," news blog TechRadar wrote.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

My Seven Favorite Productivity Methods in One Efficient List

28 June 2024 at 17:00

A good productivity method can mean the difference between a disorganized, unfulfilling day and one during which you get a lot done and feel great about it. That tradeoff is why so many of these methods, techniques, and hacks exist.

That said, not every productivity method will work for every person. To find the one that works best for you, take a look through this guide to seven of my favorites. Try one that sounds like a strong match for how you think and work (or try to avoid work).

The “Action Method” of productivity

This method is one of my favorites for keeping on task when I’m juggling multiple projects. It calls on you to organize your tasks into three categories: Action steps, references, and back-burners. Once you’ve done that, you put it all into a spreadsheet with those three categories as the column headers. You slot tasks into each column alongside notes, supplemental material, and whatever else you need—and move them around as they change their designations, as what is a back-burner today might be an action step tomorrow. Organizing it all this way helps you keep on top of the most pressing needs.

Here’s a full explanation of how to employ the Action Method. (The “ABC” method is very similar, with “A” tasks being must-do and high-priority, “B” tasks being should-do activities, and “C” tasks being low-priority ones.)

The 3-3-3 productivity method

Using this technique, you aim to plan your day in threes: Spend your first three hours engaging in deep work on your most important project, then complete three other urgent tasks that require less time, and then do three “maintenance” tasks, like answering emails or scheduling other work. This method works because you do your deep, focused work up-front, which gets you in the zone and gives you a sense of accomplishment, which makes tackling the stuff afterward easier.

Here’s a guide to planning your day in threes.

The “Eat the Frog” productivity method

Similar to 3-3-3, the “Eat the Frog” method invites you to tackle work on your biggest, scariest, wartiest task first thing in the morning. Whatever time-intensive task that has kept you up at night is, that’s what you should do first. After that, everything else should be easy. Some proponents argue you should “eat the frog” as soon as you wake up, but this method can work on any schedule as long as you commit to jumping into the hard thing early, enthusiastically, and without hesitation, thus freeing up the rest of your day for other work and lowering your overall stress level.

Here’s a guide to eating your first frog, so to speak.

The Kanban productivity method

Kanban is similar to the Action Method but requires you to label your tasks as to-do, doing, and done. It works best when managed in a spreadsheet or even on a big board with sticky notes, but you need the three columns so you can move whatever is completed into your “done” pile and anything that still needs doing into “to-do.” If you’re a visual person, this is going to be a game-changer, as it helps you easily see what needs to be done, and gives you some satisfaction when you see what you’ve already accomplished piling up under “done.”

Here’s a guide to implementing the Kanban productivity method.

The timeboxing productivity method

Another trick for the visually inclined and motivated, timeboxing requires you to schedule your entire day. Every activity, from answering emails, to working on a big project, to eating a snack, should go on your calendar. It’s much easier to use a digital calendar, like Google Calendar, for this, since so much of the average day is subject to change and it’s simpler to move things around there than in a physical planner, but try not to deviate from the schedule too much. The idea behind this method is that it allows you to plan to devote exactly as much time to each task as you need to complete it while still filling your entire day with activity.

Here’s a guide to getting started with timeboxing.

The Pomodoro productivity technique

This is an old standby that has withstood the test of time because it works so well: Work for 25 minutes on a task, take a short break of about five minutes, and work for 25 minutes again. Every time you complete four 25-minute cycles, take a longer break. This gets you into the groove of working hard in those 25-minute bursts, since you know a little reprieve is coming. The break recharges you and you get back at it, over and over again, until your job is complete. To maximize the benefits of Pomodoro, get a specialized timer so you don't have to set alarms on your phone and can work without glancing at it and all its distracting apps.

Here’s a guide to getting started with the Pomodoro method.

The Results Planning Method (RPM)

This technique comes from famed motivational speaker Tony Robbins, who outlined it in his Time of Your Life program and designed it to be motivational, fast, and efficient. Not only does does the acronym stand for Rapid Planning Method, but it can also serve as a guide to what your day should look like: Results-oriented, purpose-driven, and built around a "massive action plan."

Consistently—every morning or week—ask yourself these three questions:

  1. What do I want?

  2. What is my purpose?

  3. What do I need to do/What is my massive action plan?

By doing this, you connect more to your mission and get more energized about getting to work right away on the answer to the third question, rather than spending a bunch of time deliberating about what you should or shouldn't be doing with your time.

T-Mobile Faces Backlash Over Broken Price Guarantee

By: msmash
28 June 2024 at 16:41
T-Mobile is facing customer outrage after announcing a $5-per-line price increase on plans that were marketed with a "lifetime" price guarantee. The move has sparked over 1,600 complaints to the Federal Communications Commission, ArsTechnica reports Kathleen Odean, 70, of Rhode Island, is among the affected customers. "The promise was absolutely clear," she told Ars. "It's right there in writing: 'T-Mobile will never change the price you pay for your T-Mobile One plan.'" T-Mobile claims an FAQ page allows for price changes, but customers argue this caveat was never prominently disclosed. The company's 2017 press release touted the guarantee without mentioning exceptions.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

Six Ways to Earn Travel Points (Without Opening a New Credit Card)

28 June 2024 at 16:30

You're probably familiar with two of the most common ways to earn travel rewards: take a flight to accrue miles, or open a credit card—ideally one with a generous welcome bonus—that gives you points for purchases. But if you aren't a frequent flyer, don't want to open a bunch of travel card accounts (or can't, thanks either to your own credit or rules aimed at reducing churning), or aren't able to spend a ton of extra cash, there are other ways to rack up points and miles for your next vacation.

Maximize your existing card benefits

If you already have a card that earns you points and miles, you can leverage several strategies to rewards more quickly than you would just by swiping your card for everyday purchases. One obvious approach is to spend smarter by buying certain items at merchants that qualify for category bonuses (such as cleaning supplies at the grocery store).

Collect referral bonuses

Some issuers offer referral bonuses (typically 5,000 to 15,000 points) if someone signs up for a new card using your unique link. If you have a spouse or partner to refer, they could earn a sign-up bonus while you get the referral bonus, maximizing the points you can redeem together. You can also add an authorized user, which can help a family member build credit while you earn extra miles.

Link to other loyalty programs

You can also link your credit cards to other loyalty programs to earn bonus airline miles on unrelated spending (such as on dining or other travel). For example, connecting your Lyft account can net you extra Delta SkyMiles, Alaska Mileage Plan, Hilton Honors points, or Bilt Rewards points.

Shop via online portals

To earn even more—anywhere from 2X to 5X points—on top of your standard credit card rewards accrual, try using a shopping portal to make purchases with participating retailers you would shop directly with anyway. Some airlines also have their own shopping portals that link with your membership number to earn miles that go into your loyalty account.

If you have a handful of loyalty programs you could earn points with, consider using a tool like Cashback Monitor or add the Chrome extensions for several shopping portals to compare where you get the most bang for your buck. Note that the bonuses may be even greater around big shopping holidays.

Sign up for dining rewards

Most major airlines and some hotel chains also have dining rewards programs, including Delta SkyMiles Dining, American Airlines AAdvantage Dining, Southwest Rapid Rewards Dining, and United MileagePlus Dining. All you have to do is connect your credit card and use it when you dine at or get takeout from participating restaurants. You may even be eligible to earn bonus miles in the first month after you sign up. It doesn't hurt to register and simply earn bonuses in the background, and you can register multiple cards even if they're not travel rewards cards specifically.

Complete opinion surveys

Filling out surveys doesn't have the greatest ROI in terms of time vs. points earned, but it is another way to add to your mileage account without spending any money. The following airlines will award you small bonuses for completing opinion surveys:

Keep an eye out for targeted offers

Both banks and airlines have been known to offer points and miles bonuses as incentives to sign up or retain customers, so don't just toss mailed offers or delete emails without reading them.

For example, American Express and Chase have awarded points to anyone who enrolls in (free) features like mobile wallets and pay over time. Similarly, opening a new checking or savings account can earn you travel rewards. Bask Bank offers 2.5 AAdvantage miles (instead of interest) for every dollar saved, with points awarded monthly. Citibank also occasionally runs promotions with AAdvantage miles and ThankYou points. (Be sure to research interest rates and fees before deciding to open new accounts.)

Book a rental car with an airline promo code

Major rental car companies, including Avis, Alamo, Budget, Hertz, and National, will award airline miles (and/or hotel points) if you book with a promotion code. You typically need to be a member of the rental company's loyalty program and enter your frequent flyer information when making your reservation. However, note that you may pay a surcharge to receive airline or hotel credits, so it may not be worthwhile depending on how many points you are earning.

'Let's Not Go Overboard' On Worries About AI Energy Use, Bill Gates Says

By: msmash
28 June 2024 at 16:00
An anonymous reader shares a report: Bill Gates has defended the rapid rise in energy use caused by AI systems, arguing the technology would ultimately offset its heavy consumption of electricity. Speaking in London, Gates urged environmentalists and governments to "not go overboard" on concerns about the huge amounts of power required to run new generative AI systems, as Big Tech companies such as Microsoft race to invest tens of billions of dollars in vast new data centres. Data centres will drive a rise in global electricity usage of between 2-6 per cent, the billionaire said. "The question is, will AI accelerate a more than 6 per cent reduction? And the answer is: certainly," said Gates, the Microsoft co-founder who has been a prolific investor in companies developing sustainable energy and carbon- reduction technologies. In May, Microsoft admitted that its greenhouse gas emissions had risen by almost a third since 2020, in large part due to the construction of data centres. Gates, who left Microsoft's board in 2020 but remains an adviser to chief executive Satya Nadella, said tech companies would pay a "green premium" -- or higher price -- for clean energy as they seek new sources of power, which was helping to drive its development and deployment. "The tech companies are the people willing to pay a premium and to help bootstrap green energy capacity," he said at the Breakthrough Energy Summit in London on Thursday.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

You Should Try This Popular Cart to Clean Up More Efficiently

28 June 2024 at 16:00

How you store your cleaning supplies is important, not just for safety considerations, but also just in terms of keeping your home tidy. Not having a protocol in place when it comes to how you store your cleaning supplies will only lead to clutter—and that will defeat the purpose of cleaning.

But you also have to consider how easy it is to use the things you have stashed away. If it's too difficult to actually access and use your tools, you aren't as likely to do it. A cleaning cart that's been popular on TikTok... TK

The cleaning cart

When you're storing and organizing your things, one of the most important rules to keep in mind is that similar items should be categorized together. This usually means tossing all your Pine Sol, Windex, Clorox, and Mr. Clean under your sink, but that doesn't mean it's easy to get them all back out, let alone take them with you to other rooms that need cleaning. Try storing everything on a rolling cart instead, like this:

This slim, wheeled cart that's been popular on TikTok can fit into small spaces easily—but it's also mobile, which means you can take all your supplies with you around the house. My only additional recommendation would be to make sure you get a cart with a sturdy handle in case you have a lot of stairs in your home. The one in the video has two small handles on the sides, but one with a larger handle and slightly deeper shelves is perfect for tilting on an angle and dragging up the steps. Consider this one:

I also like that one because the wheels are lockable, so whether it's in storage or next to you while you clean, it won't roll all over the place.

Making the most of a cleaning cart

The cart is great on its own, but it can be improved with a few little tweaks, depending on the tools you use for cleaning most frequently.

  • A sponge holder ($9.99) affixed to the side of a shelf will keep your sponges from getting the cart and cleaning products wet, and it help your sponges dry after use.

  • These multipurpose hooks (six for $10.75) can hold brushes, spray bottles, rags, and other implements off the side of the cart for easy access and drying.

  • Some drawer organizers (25 pieces for $18.45) can also help you keep smaller pieces grouped together within the cart so nothing shifts around or gets lost.

As for what to put in the cart in terms of actual cleaning supplies, the short answer is "everything" and the longer answer is "it depends what you usually clean." In general, your cart should contain all of your cleaning essentials so, again, everything is located in one place. You could dedicate the top rack to kitchen cleaning supplies, the middle to the bathroom, and the bottom to everything else in general. If you have a ton of different cleaning supplies or a lot of rooms, you might even consider getting two carts and organizing them based on your different spaces.

If you need some cleaning products to stock up your cart once it arrives, you can't go wrong with these, which are my favorites:

Google Translate Just Added 110 More Languages

28 June 2024 at 15:30

Google Translate can come in handy when you're traveling or communicating with someone who speaks another language, and thanks to a new update, you can now connect with some 614 million more people. Google is adding 110 new languages to its Translate tool using its AI PaLM 2 large language model (LLM), which brings the total of supported languages to nearly 250. This follows the 24 languages added in 2022, including Indigenous languages of the Americas as well as those spoken across Africa and central Asia.

Many of the recently added languages are ones you've probably never heard of, as they're spoken only by small communities or have no native speakers.

Cantonese, which is spoken predominantly in southeastern China, Hong Kong, and Macau as well as communities across the world, may be one of the most recognizable additions with this update. According to Google, the overlap between Cantonese and Mandarin—which was already available—makes it difficult to train LLMs. Punjabi (Shahmukhi), the most spoken language in Pakistan, is also now available.

A quarter of the newly supported languages come from Africa, and include Afar—spoken in Djibouti, Eritrea, and Ethiopia—and Tamazight (Amazigh), a Berber language used across North Africa, as well as NKo, Fon, Kikongo, Luo, Ga, Swati, Venda, and Wolof.

You can also now use Google Translate to communicate in Manx, a Celtic language from the Isle of Man in the Irish Sea. The last native speaker of Manx died in 1974, leading to its near-extinction, but thanks to revitalization efforts, there are now a few dozen first-language speakers, and a couple thousand who speak Manx as a second language.

The update also includes Portuguese (Portugal), Tongan, Tibetan, Tahitian, Venetian, Sicilian, Fijian, and Jamaican Patois.

The Google Translate app is available in the Apple App Store and the Google Play store. It can translate text you paste in, as well as text appearing in photos. It can also translate voice input as well as handwritten characters.

Google Cuts Ties With Entrust in Chrome Over Trust Issues

By: msmash
28 June 2024 at 15:20
Google is severing its trust in Entrust after what it describes as a protracted period of failures around compliance and general improvements. From a report: Entrust is one of the many certificate authorities (CA) used by Chrome to verify that the websites end users visit are trustworthy. From November 1 in Chrome 127, which recently entered beta, TLS server authentication certificates validating to Entrust or AffirmTrust roots won't be trusted by default. Google pointed to a series of incident reports over the past few years concerning Entrust, saying they "highlighted a pattern of concerning behaviors" that have ultimately seen the security company fall down in Google's estimations. The incidents have "eroded confidence in [Entrust's] competence, reliability, and integrity as a publicly trusted CA owner," Google stated in a blog. The move follows a May publication by Mozilla, which compiled a sprawling list of Entrust's certificate issues between March and May this year. Entrust -- after an initial PR disaster -- acknowledged its procedural failures and said it was treating the feedback as a learning opportunity.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

For Cheaper Rent, Find a 'Boommate'

28 June 2024 at 15:00

Today, about half of renters are “cost-burdened,” which is a fancy way of saying the rent is too damned high (more than a quarter of them spend more than half their income on housing). And older Americans—your Baby Boomers—aren’t selling their big, comfortable houses like they used to, which is driving up housing prices and exacerbating a housing shortage that began during the pandemic.

There’s also a “loneliness epidemic” as our increasingly isolated and online lifestyles leave many of us (of all ages) feeling depressed and alone on a regular basis. Put together, the struggle for connection and an affordable place to live can pose a formidable challenge for people on both ends of the age spectrum.

There’s an unexpected solution to both problems, however: Boommates.

What is a "boommate"?

The traditional progression for people used to involve starting a family and buying a house large enough to accommodate those kids, then selling the big, empty house when the kids were grown up. But Baby Boomers, who are hitting “peak 65” as the youngest members of that generation hit retirement age, have a lot of reasons not to sell those big houses. Many are paid off, and those that still carry mortgages have interest rates so low they seem almost mythical in the modern age. And about three-fourths of people over 50 want to “age in place” in the houses they’ve built their lives in.

What that means is that a lot of older Americans are rattling around large houses with several bedrooms and bathrooms, all by themselves. And these older homeowners have figured out that they can rent those bedrooms: Close to a million people over the age of 65 now have intergenerational housemates. There are even platforms that help people find housemates with a focus on intergenerational living, like HomeShare Online and Nesterly, which specifically offers discounted rent to people willing to take on some of the household chores for aging homeowners.

Why you should consider a "boommate"

There are a lot of potential benefits of intergenerational living with a boommate:

  • Economically, all those empty bedrooms represent income for the homeowner. The vast majority of people over the age of 65 don’t have enough money saved for retirement, and renting their empty bedrooms could net them as much as $14,000 annually to supplement their retirements.

    For younger folks, there’s an opportunity for a lower rent. Renting a single room is cheaper than renting an entire home or apartment (and can save renters as much as $24,000 on rent annually). And many older homeowners are willing to negotiate a lower rent in exchange for helping out with chores and maintenance. Additionally, the overall cost of living can be reduced for both the homeowner and the tenant due to expenses being shared between the two.

  • Psychologically, bringing in roommates can help alleviate the loneliness and isolation experienced by many older people who have become “empty nesters,” with adult children living far away, while simultaneously experiencing the challenge of keeping and making friends after age 50; having younger adults around can fill that void. And loneliness isn’t just for the Olds: Nearly 80% of Generation Z and more than 70% of Millennials describe themselves as lonely, so they can benefit psychologically from a boommate situation as well.

A lower rent and less loneliness—if you’re struggling to find an affordable rent, a boommate might be the ideal solution, especially if you’re handling everything alone, without a support network.

The Majority of Gen Z Describe Themselves as Video Content Creators

By: msmash
28 June 2024 at 14:40
For the first two decades of the social internet, lurkers ruled. Among Gen Z, they're in the minority, according to survey data from YouTube. From a report: Tech industry insiders used to cite a rule of thumb stating that only one in ten of an online community's users generally post new content, with the masses logging on only to consume images, video or other updates. Now younger generations are flipping that divide, a survey by the video platform said. YouTube found that 65 percent of Gen Z, which it defined as people between the ages of 14 and 24, describe themselves as video content creators -- making lurkers a minority. The finding came from responses from 350 members of Gen Z in the U.S., out of a wider survey that asked thousands of people about how they spend time online, including whether they consider themselves video creators. YouTube did the survey in partnership with research firm SmithGeiger, as part of its annual report on trends on the platform. YouTube's report says that after watching videos online, many members of Gen Z respond with videos of their own, uploading their own commentary, reaction videos, deep dives into content posted by others and more. This kind of interaction often develops in response to videos on pop culture topics such as "RuPaul's Drag Race" or the Fallout video game series. Fan-created content can win more watch time than the original source material, the report says.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

Use 'RPM' to Structure Your Day More Efficiently

28 June 2024 at 14:30

Figuring out how to structure your days so they're as productive as possible is hard, not to mention sticking to such a routine going forward. This is where RPM can help. The Rapid Planning Method, or RPM, can help you streamline your daily planning process and get started working on your action steps sooner, making you more productive overall. And since RPM is fairly straightforward, you're more likely to stick with it.

What is the Rapid Planning Method (RPM)?

This technique comes from famed motivational speaker Tony Robbins, who outlined it in his Time of Your Life program. Robbins may have a slightly cheesy rep, but RPM has the goods: Not only does does the acronym stand for Rapid Planning Method, but it can also serve as a guide to what your day should look like: Results-oriented, purpose-driven, and featuring a massive action plan.

It starts with asking yourself three questions consistently—every morning, for instance, or every week:

  1. What do I want?

  2. What is my purpose?

  3. What do I need to do/What is my massive action plan?

You can write down your answers or just keep them in mind, but they're intended to drive you forward into action that will be efficient and lead to accomplishing your ultimate goal. (For best results, I recommend writing the answers down in a planner, so you can stick your guiding principles somewhere you'll continually see them.)

How RPM makes you more productive

There are a whole lot of productivity methods out there—and the benefit of RPM is that it can be easily combined with many of them. For example, you can implement a 1-3-5 to-do list as part of your overall action plan. The defining feature of RPM is that it keeps your goals and desires front and center, giving you something to strive for. and organize your actions around. Just by keeping that central plan in mind, you can weed out what isn't important and highlight what you want to prioritize, all without a lot of time-wasting deliberation.

Like using SMART goals, using RPM infuses your daily tasks with a sense of purpose or a mission, helping you stay focused and engaged.

Six Ways to Protect Your Fruit Harvest From Pests and Sun Damage

28 June 2024 at 14:00

Every year, my stone fruit trees sprout a comforting number of cherries, plums, and peaches. But by the time I should be harvesting, 90% of it is gone. It’s as if I can hear the birds laughing at me. For every perfect strawberry, there are four that have gotten hit by pill bugs before they ripened. Our fruit is highly susceptible to local foraging wildlife, bugs, and even sunburn. Here are all the ways you can protect your fruit so it’s there for you when it’s time to harvest. 

Gauze your plants

In order to get fruit, you need pollination. But once that pollination occurs, and you have unripened fruit on your trees or shrubs, you can cover it to protect it. If it’s an entire tree, you can shroud it with a veil, but for individual fruits, you can also use gauze bags specifically for this purpose. The gauze allows light through, but not bugs or birds. I prefer the bags because they’re less likely to trap pollinators or birds. I have started using the bags on my grapes because I found it made them far easier to harvest. You simply plucked the bags away, with the grapes already contained. You can protect your perfect figs or apples, too, using this method. So far, I’ve been highly pleased with the success rate and at the end of the season, I wash the bags. 

Kaolin clay on your fruit trees

You can make a slurry of kaolin (a benign powder of refined clay) and spray your fruit trees with it. The clay coats the fruit in a harmless coating that deters pests by disguising the fruit. Smart bugs who can still find the fruit are going to become more occupied with grooming those clay particles off of themselves and will eventually give up and leave. The benefits don’t end there: The kaolin protects the fruit from sunburn, too. This method is more labor intensive, because you have to spray once a week to build up a suitable layer of clay. Since this method can deter the apple maggot, plum curculio, codling moth, European apple sawfly, cucumber beetle, oriental fruit moth, tufted apple bud moth, white apple leafhopper, and pear psylla, I’m going to try it for the first time next year on the apple and pear trees that bear too much fruit to sleeve in gauze. 

Distract and deter for strawberries

When bugs aren’t trying to worm into strawberries from below, birds are trying to get to them from above. The birds are easily distracted by red rocks the size of strawberries, painted the same color red, spread around your berry patch. I’m amazed each year at how effective this low-effort method is. Deterring bugs, however, is a little harder. Pill bugs can be deterred by diatomaceous earth (a finely crushed plankton)—but although it’s organic, I try to avoid using it because it can harm beneficial insects in the soil, too. I’ve resorted to elevating the berries to eliminate the problem. Every spring, as soon as the berries start to produce runners, I add a hefty amount of straw to the berry bed, so the berries will sit on top of the straw once they ripen. I’ve also started to plant most of my berries in vertical planters, so they hang, rather than sit on the ground. These two methods have greatly increased my fruit yields. 

Shade cloth to avoid sunburn

Sunburn has become a bigger problem in recent years due to heat domes and plants that are not prepared for that kind of prolonged direct sunlight and heat. The most effective way to protect plants is to create an overstory and understory, so your berries (the understory) are protected by trees overhead (overstory). If you can’t do this, it’s time to create some trellises or temporary structures from which to hang shade cloth. This UV-blocking fabric allows airflow but blocks out a percentage of the UV from the sun (it comes in varying degrees of UV blocking). It doesn’t harm the fruit in any way, so long as it’s not on the fruit, but hung above it, creating shade. 

Plant sacrificial fruit

Though I have many blueberry bushes, I started with one large one, and I made an agreement with the birds. “You get the top; I get everything else." Now I have enough berry plants around the property that there’s plenty to share. Planting pollination stations with native berries will be a distraction for the local wildlife population. 

Traps and beneficial insects

Each kind of fruit has natural predators, and they likely make traps for those insects. Check your nursery for them—they’re usually cardboard and sticky, and come with a specific pheromone. They can be hung in the area of your fruit and be changed out every so often. You can also consider beneficial insects, where you purchase the predators of the problem pest, introduce them to your garden and hope they want to stay. 

Upgrade to Windows 11 Pro for one of the lowest prices you’ll find

28 June 2024 at 13:30

TL;DR: Take the leap to Microsoft Windows 11 Pro for one of the lowest prices you’ll see — just $22.97 — through July 21.

Running the most up-to-date operating system is one of the best ways to ensure your computer stays secure and you have the best tools to work more effectively. When you have Microsoft Windows 11 Pro, you’ll be set up to reach all of your productivity and security goals. Through 7/21, you can get it for one of the lowest prices you’ll find at just $22.97.

Windows 11 Pro was made with the hybrid working world in mind, replete with productivity features like seamless redocking, snap layouts, widgets, and an array of custom tools to help you work the way you want. It also offers the Copilot AI to assist with research and tedious tasks, as well as a ton of security features to protect your device when you’re working out in public.

Get an OS upgrade for a can’t-miss price. Through 11:59 pm PT on 7/21, you can get Microsoft Windows 11 Pro for just $22.97 (reg. $199).


Microsoft Windows 11 Pro – $22.97

See Deal

StackSocial prices subject to change.

Personal Software, Professional Software

Get a Prime Day-like deal on Microsoft Visual Studio — $35

28 June 2024 at 13:00

TL;DR: During our version of Prime Day, you can get Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2022 for Windows for just $34.97 (reg. $499).

Coding is difficult enough. With the right tools, however, complex projects can be made a lot more accessible. That’s where Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2022 for Windows comes in. This leading 64-bit integrated development environment (IDE) is Microsoft’s finest, giving you the tools you need to streamline your coding workflow and collaborate more effectively. During our version of Prime Day, you can get it for more than $450 off.

Microsoft Visual Studio makes it much easier to code cross-platform and in multiple languages in the same central interface. You can save time by completing lines or blocks of code automatically with IntelliCode, and collaborate live with coworkers or colleagues with Live Share. CodeLens gives you deeper insights into your code to debug more effectively, track changes, and more.

Find out why Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2022 for Windows has earned a 4.6/5-star rating from both Capterra and GetApp. During our version of Prime Day, you can get it for just $34.97 (reg. $499).


Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2022 for Windows – $29.97

See Deal

StackSocial prices subject to change.

Professional Software

Reddit’s favorite desk chair is a massive 66% off

28 June 2024 at 11:14

If you’re dealing with the aches and pains from sitting in an old office chair and are looking to replace it with a new one, you’ve come to the right place. Staples is currently selling the Hyken Ergonomic Mesh Swivel Task Chair for just $90 with the coupon code 94171 (it shaves off an additional $10), plus free shipping. This specific chair is the chair of choice among Reddit’s chair nerd hivemind at r/buildapc, so you know it has serious staying power.

Plus, I happen to own this exact chair model and can confidently vouch its comfort and ergonomics. I’ve been using it for years at this point! Back pain? Sore shoulder? Never heard of them.

Looking for more desk accessories? Check out real PC enthusiasts swear these 24 desk accessories changed their life.

The Union & Scale chair features a mesh back and seat, a swivel-tilt mechanism, and a tension knob that allows you to change the resistance for easy reclining. It’s capable of holding up to 276 pounds and it will require assembly. According to the Reddit wizards (aka commenters), this chair has a good mix of support and comfort, especially if you plan on sitting in it for a long time. I spend an embarrassing amount of time at my desktop computer and rarely do I feel any aches and pains from this chair. If I do feel pain, it’s usually my own doing, as I sit like a pretzel on occasion.

This is an awesome deal, so don’t sleep on it. Get it now before the chance to grab Reddit’s favorite desk chair for a pittance disappears.

Computer Accessories

Best laptops for engineering students 2024: Expert picks and advice

28 June 2024 at 11:00

Calling all engineering students! If you’re in the market for a laptop that can handle resource-intensive coursework, you’ve come to the right place. These laptops offer reliable performance as well as a portable form factor, which is important for when you’re running from class to class. We’ve also included budget-friendly machines and gaming rigs for those late night gaming sessions. Read on to learn more.

Why you should trust us: Hey, it’s in our name! PCWorld prides itself on laptop experience and expertise. We’ve been covering PCs since 1983, and now review more than 70 laptops every year. All of the picks below have been personally tested and vetted by our experts, who’ve applied not only performance benchmarks but rigorous usability standards. We’re also committed to reviewing PC laptops at every price point to help you find a machine that matches your budget.

Looking for great laptop deals? Check out our regularly updated list of the best mainstream, gaming, and 2-in-1 laptop deals.

Updated June 28, 2024: We added the Lenovo Yoga Pro 9i as an alternative option underneath the Best Overall pick and the Microsoft Surface Laptop 7 as the Best Battery Life pick. We’ve also updated our list of recent laptop reviews, so be sure to check those out near the bottom of the page.

The best laptops for engineering students

Dell Inspiron Plus 14 – Best overall

Dell Inspiron Plus 14 - Best overall
Dell Inspiron Plus 14 - Best overall
Dell Inspiron Plus 14 - Best overall


  • Strong performance
  • Phenomenal battery life
  • Fantastic typing experience


  • CPU throttles under very heavy loads
  • No user upgrades
Price When Reviewed: $999
Best Prices Today: $999.99 at Dell

Why we like the Dell Inspiron Plus 14

The Dell Inspiron 14 Plus is one of the most well-rounded laptops we’ve come across in recent months. This sub-$1,000 machine offers reliable performance, phenomenal battery life, and a gorgeous display. You really can’t get much better than that. With an exceptional PCMark 10 score of 7,061, it toppled comparable machines like the Acer Swift Go 14 and the more expensive  Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Carbon. This laptop also has a battery life of 17 hours on a single charge (a spectacular result!), so you don’t have trouble yourself with finding a wall outlet to juice up.

Who should buy the Dell Inspiron Plus 14

Anyone looking for a laptop that checks off all the right boxes. Battery life and overall performance are outstanding, sure, but don’t forget about the gorgeous 14-inch 1400p display, which is “exceedingly well suited to office work and static imagery,” according to our review. It has a maximum brightness level of 418 nits and an anti-glare coating, so you can use this laptop in various lighting conditions. The design is far from sexy, but its hardware capabilities and amazing battery life make up for the uninspired aesthetics.

Alternative option: If you’re willing to shell out the extra cash, the Lenovo Yoga Pro 9i ($1,699.99) is a more premium option. It’s loaded with a faster processor (Intel Core Ultra 9 185H), more RAM (32GB), and a higher resolution display (3200×2000). It also has a bigger screen that measures 16 inches and a killer keyboard. You can’t really go wrong here if you need high-end power for high-end engineering tasks.

Read our full Dell Inspiron 14 Plus review

Microsoft Surface Laptop 7 – Best battery life

Microsoft Surface Laptop 7 - Best battery life
Microsoft Surface Laptop 7 - Best battery life
Microsoft Surface Laptop 7 - Best battery life


  • Attractive, slim, and light
  • Class-leading battery life
  • Excellent wireless connectivity via Wi-Fi 7
  • Good performance in real-world situations


  • Vague keyboard falls short of competitors
  • IPS touchscreen's image quality can't compare to OLED
  • Gaming performance doesn't hold up
Price When Reviewed: Starting at $999.99, as-tested $1999.99

Why we like the Microsoft Surface Laptop 7

Microsoft’s 2024 Surface Laptop is one of the first machines to release with the new Qualcomm Snapdragon X Elite CPU. While we really like its slim profile and reliable day-to-day performance, we’re absolutely astonished by the 20 hour battery life. The 54 watt-hour battery is small compared to the 90 watt-hour battery inside the Dell Inspiron 16 Plus, making the 20 hour battery life all the more impressive. According to our review, we strongly believe it poses a “significant threat to alternatives with AMD and Intel hardware.” The competition better watch out!

Who should buy the Microsoft Surface Laptop 7

Anyone that needs a long-lasting laptop. It’s a solid choice for those who travel often or those who don’t want to worry much about battery life. The Qualcomm chip isn’t the best for hardcore gaming, but it’s fantastic for battery life and daily activities. It also scores quite well in benchmarks with Arm support and wireless connectivity is excellent thanks to Wi-Fi 7, which is the latest Internet standard. If your workload includes heavy-duty tools designed to stress x86 chips, without a dedicated Arm version available, you’d probably be better off selecting a laptop with an Intel or AMD CPU inside however. The Asus Zenbook 14 OLED is a great option with strong 16-hour battery life (though the Surface Laptop 7 lasted about 3 hours longer in our battery rundown test).

Read our full Microsoft Surface Laptop 7 (13.8″) review

Acer Aspire 3 – Best budget option

Acer Aspire 3 - Best budget option
Acer Aspire 3 - Best budget option
Acer Aspire 3 - Best budget option


  • Reliable performance
  • 1080p display
  • HD webcam
  • Solid build


  • Speakers sound tinny when playing music
  • A little heavy
Price When Reviewed: $329.99

Why we like the Acer Aspire 3

The Acer Aspire 3 laptop offers dependable performance at an affordable price. It’s fast enough for day-to-day tasks like checking e-mail, browsing the web, assembling code, and so on. You’re also getting a full-sized keyboard plus a 1080p screen. It even edged out the competition with a respectable Cinebench R15 score of 1,925, beating out the comparable Acer Aspire Vero 14. Cinebench, by the way, determines how well a laptop handles processor-intensive multi-threaded workloads by running all of the cores of a CPU.

Who should buy the Acer Aspire 3

Anyone who’s on a restricted budget! It’s a great value because of the low price tag and the good performance. The HD webcam also produces clean, crisp video, so you’ll always look your best in video calls, and the battery lasts about eight hours on a single charge. That’s more than enough battery life for a full day of learning!

Read our full Acer Aspire 3 review

Asus TUF Gaming A16 Advantage Edition – Best for work and gaming on a budget

Asus TUF Gaming A16 Advantage Edition - Best for work and gaming on a budget
Asus TUF Gaming A16 Advantage Edition - Best for work and gaming on a budget
Asus TUF Gaming A16 Advantage Edition - Best for work and gaming on a budget


  • All-day battery life
  • Robust chassis
  • Gorgeous 16:10 display


  • 720p HD camera leaves little to be desired
  • Keys feels a little soft
Price When Reviewed: $1,099.99

Why we like the Asus TUF Gaming A16 Advantage Edition

The Asus TUF Gaming A16 Advantage Edition is something of a unicorn and I mean that in the best way possible. It exhibits strong graphics performance as well as long battery life. Long battery life? A gaming laptop? How preposterous! Well, not anymore! The Asus TUF managed an incredible 11 and a half hours on a single charge. Also, thanks to the Nvidia GeForce RTX 4050 GPU inside, it achieved an impressive 123 frames-per-second in the Rise of the Tomb Raider benchmark. That’s nothing to sneeze at, especially for a sub-$1,000 gaming machine.

Who should buy the Asus TUF Gaming A16 Advantage Edition

The Asus TUF Gaming A16 Advantage Edition is a good option for those on a tight budget. For under a grand, you’re getting reliable graphics performance, a spacious keyboard, and long battery life. It also works as a good general purpose machine, which is perfect for college students that want to work on homework during the day and then switch to gaming at night. With a Cinebench R20 score of 589, it should have “no trouble running lightweight apps and programs,” according to our review.

Alternative option: The Lenovo LOQ 15 is a good alternative option, as it comes with a slightly better GPU (RTX 4060). Despite getting a high rating, it didn’t make the cut because of poor battery life and limited connectivity options.

Read our full Asus TUF Gaming A16 Advantage Edition review

Acer Swift Edge 16 – Best ultraportable

Acer Swift Edge 16 - Best ultraportable
Acer Swift Edge 16 - Best ultraportable
Acer Swift Edge 16 - Best ultraportable


  • Gorgeous OLED display
  • Lightweight
  • Strong CPU performance


  • Mediocre battery life
  • Weak audio
Price When Reviewed: $1,299.99

Why we like the Acer Swift Edge 16

The Acer Swift Edge 16 is lightweight, affordable, and powerful. It weighs just 2.71 pounds. The 3200x2000p OLED screen is super vibrant and, according to our review, “delivers an infinite contrast ratio and deep inky black levels that produce convincing shadows in dark scenes.” It even turned in a strong PCMark 10 score of 6,494, beating out the more expensive Acer Swift Go 16. That means the Swift Edge 16 is capable of out-performing some machines that cost hundreds of dollars more.

Who should buy the Acer Swift Edge 16

If you’re looking for a lightweight ultraportable with strong performance, the sub-$1,000 Acer Swift Edge 16 is the laptop you want. It’s light enough to take with you from class to class and the spacious 16-inch display is fantastic for school work, watching movies, and so on. Sure, the design is a bit bland and battery life is a disappointing six to seven hours (still not an awful result), but if you can handle those minor shortcomings, then the Acer Swift Edge 16 is the right pick for you.

Alternative option(s): If you’re able to stretch your budget a little further, then you should definitely consider picking up the Acer TravelMate P6. It’s a little lighter than our top pick at 2.65 pounds and has a bigger battery, but it’s more expensive and doesn’t have an OLED display. The HP Dragonfly G4 is another solid option, as it offers high performance as well as an LTE connection. That said, it’s very expensive.

Read our full Acer Swift Edge 16 review

Asus Zenbook 14 OLED – Best OLED display

Asus Zenbook 14 OLED - Best OLED display
Asus Zenbook 14 OLED - Best OLED display
Asus Zenbook 14 OLED - Best OLED display


  • Robust build quality
  • Attractive OLED touchscreen
  • Good CPU and integrated GPU performance
  • Outstanding battery life


  • Uninspiring design
  • Keyboard isn't memorable
  • Mediocre connectivity options
Price When Reviewed: $849.99

Why we like the Asus Zenbook 14 OLED

The Asus Zenbook 14 OLED dazzled us with its peppy CPU performance, outstanding battery life, and slick-looking OLED touchscreen display. According to our review, “movies and games look realistic and vibrant” on the 14-inch 1980x1200p OLED touchscreen, although it can be difficult to view content in brighter environments because of the reflective surface. It also died at the 16 hour mark on a single charge, which is absolutely fantastic. That result outclasses comparable machines like the Lenovo Slim 7 14 Gen 9 and the HP Pavilion Plus Laptop 14. As for how it performs, you should have zero problems zipping through real-world tasks like web browsing, video conferencing, and so on.

Who should buy the Asus Zenbook 14 OLED

Anyone that’s looking to pick up an affordable laptop with an OLED display. It’s so much more than that, though. The build quality is solid and day-to-day performance is both fast and responsive. Connectivity options are a bit limited, but that’s not unusual for a laptop in this price range. Overall, this is an exceptional budget laptop, as you can’t really beat the price to performance ratio.

Read our full Asus Zenbook 14 OLED review

Recent laptop reviews

  • Dell Inspiron 16 Plus: The Dell Inspiron 16 Plus is a powerful 16-inch workstation with a nice combination of performance, battery life, and build quality. It’s a good alternative to gaming laptops for people who want more power than the average laptop offers.
  • Surface Laptop 7: The Microsoft Surface Laptop’s strong processor performance and top-tier battery life prove that Windows’ transition to Arm has staying power, but even the most casual gamers should think twice.
  • Acer Aspire 3: The Acer Aspire 3 cuts performance to the bone as it limbos below a $500 MSRP.
  • Lenovo Yoga Pro 9i: The Lenovo Yoga Pro 9i is one of the best mainstream Windows laptops on the market, with great specs, a gorgeous display, and a killer keyboard.

How we test engineering laptops

The PCWorld team puts every Windows laptop through a series of intense benchmarks that test GPU and CPU performance, battery life, and so on. The idea is to push the laptop to its limits and then compare it against others we’ve tested.

Below, you’ll find a breakdown of each test and the reasons why we run them. For a much deeper look at our review methodology, check out how PCWorld tests laptops.

Windows laptops

  • PCMark 10: The PCMark 10 benchmark is how we determine how well the laptop handles general use tasks like web browsing, word processing, spreadsheets, streaming, and so on.
  • HandBrake: HandBrake is more intensive than PCMark 10. It measures how long a laptop’s CPU takes to encode a beefy 30GB file.
  • Cinebench: Cinebench is a brief stress test of the CPU cores. It renders a 2D scene over a short period of time.
  • 3DMark: 3DMark checks if 3D performance remains consistent over time by running graphic-intensive clips. This is how we test a gaming laptop’s GPU.
  • Video rundown test: To gauge battery life, we loop a 4K video using Windows 10’s Movies & TV app until the laptop dies.



How much processing power will I need in an engineering laptop?

You’re going to need a good amount of processing power for engineering tasks, so we’d recommend an Intel Core i5 or higher. However, an Intel Core i7 is considered ideal. This type of processor is good for multitasking, gaming, and demanding workloads.


Is RAM important to an engineering laptop?

Absolutely! The amount of RAM directly impacts the speed of your programs. Engineering students will likely be living in programs like Java and Python, so making sure those programs run smoothly is absolutely vital. The bare minimum we’d recommend is 8GB, but 16GB is better.


What about storage?

You’re going to need quite a bit of space for a slew of engineering programs, so we’d recommend at least 512GB of SSD (solid state drive) storage. If you want more space and have the budget for it, go for 1TB of NVMe SSD storage.


How much should my laptop weigh?

You don’t want to be lugging a five pound beast from class to class. A portable laptop should weigh about three pounds or less. In terms of portability and value, we suggest buying a laptop with a 13- or 14-inch display.

