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Yesterday β€” 28 June 2024World News

Many overseas doctors feel ill-prepared to join NHS, survey finds

More than half of international medical graduates questioned say NHS induction inadequate

Many doctors from overseas are left feeling lost, anxious and not ready to care for patients after joining the NHS because they are not properly looked after, research has found.

Many international medical graduates (IMGs) feel the NHS does not help them prepare for life as a doctor in the UK and the practicalities of moving to a new country, according to a survey.

38% said they had too little time to shadow other doctors to gain valuable insights.

45% were not trained on cultural differences between the NHS and their country of origin and what is acceptable in the UK compared with in their home nation.

48% said their induction did not involve being given enough knowledge or training before starting to work clinically.

51% did not receive help or advice with practical issues after moving to the UK such as finding a place to live, opening a bank account, registering with a GP or paying council tax.

41% said they were left feeling alone and isolated.

38% questioned their decision to work in the NHS.

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Β© Photograph: Jeff Moore/PA


Β© Photograph: Jeff Moore/PA

Before yesterdayWorld News

Junior doctors strike in England despite risk of scoring β€˜own goal’

About 25,000 BMA members begin five-day action at 7am that some union leaders say will achieve little

Junior doctors in England will strike today for the 11th time over pay, amid concern in their union that a stoppage so close to the general election is an β€œown goal”.

Senior figures in the British Medical Association (BMA) believe the strike is pointless and β€œnaive” and risks irritating Labour, which looks likely to be in power by next Friday and asked the union to call it off.

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Β© Photograph: Jonathan Brady/PA


Β© Photograph: Jonathan Brady/PA
