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Today β€” 29 June 2024World News

Unpaid UK carers β€˜face financial hit that can last decades’

29 June 2024 at 02:00

Loss of income, curbs on benefits and soaring bills are piling pressure on people caring for family members

People who look after family members free of charge are taking a huge hit to their finances which could continue into their retirement as they find themselves unable to balance paid work with their caring commitments.

Recent analysis of official figures by the financial firm Just Retirement found seven in 10 people who were receiving carer’s allowance were not in paid work, and missing out on earnings and private pension contributions.

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Β© Photograph: Burger/Phanie/Rex Features


Β© Photograph: Burger/Phanie/Rex Features

Before yesterdayWorld News

Recovering from cancer, I craved normality. Now I’m better, I’m not so sure normal is the best thing | Hilary Osborne

27 June 2024 at 04:03

It’s complicated. Sometimes I still want people to take my illness into account. And then there is the regret of all I’ve lost by returning to everyday life

On Thursday, I saw off my family to school and work, deliberated over what to wear, then cycled the five-ish miles to the Guardian office in the sunshine. I checked emails and chatted to colleagues about plans for the day. It was all very much like 27 June 2022, with one major difference: at lunchtime I didn’t pop out to the hospital and come back with a breast cancer diagnosis.

Realising it’s already two years on from that day is a shock, but what’s weirder is to think of the same day a year ago. I had finished my chemo and radiotherapy and had had my surgery but I was still on targeted drugs and felt absolutely exhausted – just the thought of getting on my bike made me need a sit-down. My hair was thin and several different lengths, I looked strangely grey and I was working just two days a week.

Hilary Osborne is the Guardian’s money and consumer editor

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Β© Photograph: Amer Ghazzal/REX/Shutterstock


Β© Photograph: Amer Ghazzal/REX/Shutterstock
