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Yesterday β€” 28 June 2024World News

β€˜Shaking it off’: the science of dad dancing – and why it’s good for you

28 June 2024 at 08:48

Viral video of Prince William prompts experts to laud benefits of men β€˜communicating their hormones’, from lifting mood to boosting trust

In his early 20s, Prince William was often seen stumbling out of night clubs after a night of grooving. Now, however, as though a clock has struck 12, this youthful cavorting appears to have transformed into something altogether more cringeworthy: dad dancing.

In a viral video captured at a Taylor Swift concert, the heir to the throne was filmed with his arms aloft, chest shimmying swiftly – and somewhat stiffly – to the beat.

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Β© Photograph: Royal Kensington via X


Β© Photograph: Royal Kensington via X
