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Yesterday โ€” 28 June 2024World News

Tesco and Asda sued by customers over E coli sandwich infections

Claimants include family of 11-year-old girl who spent three weeks on dialysis after eating chicken salad sandwich

Tesco and Asda are being sued by customers, including the family of an 11-year-old girl, who were left seriously ill after eating own-brand sandwiches linked to an outbreak of E coli.

The supermarkets face legal action after a child and adult were left in hospital. One person has been confirmed to have died and more than 120 others including a six-year-old have been hospitalised in the UK due to the bacteria.

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ยฉ Photograph: Islandstock/Alamy


ยฉ Photograph: Islandstock/Alamy

Before yesterdayWorld News

Cost of toothpaste can double through the year in UK, study finds

26 June 2024 at 19:01

Research discovers the cost of some healthcare products fluctuates wildly, according to time of year you buy them

Dentists agree that brushing twice a day is the best way to look after your teeth. But depending on what month it is, dental hygiene can be a dramatically more expensive habit to maintain.

New research has shown that the cost of a tube of toothpaste at some times of the year can be double its price at other times. The price of other popular health products such as Gillette razors can also double depending when they are bought.

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ยฉ Photograph: Gravity Images/Getty Images


ยฉ Photograph: Gravity Images/Getty Images
