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Yesterday β€” 30 June 2024World News

Toxic PFAS absorbed through skin at levels higher than previously thought

30 June 2024 at 09:00

Absorption through skin could be β€˜significant source of exposure’ to toxic forever chemicals, study shows

New research β€œfor the first time proves” toxic PFAS forever chemicals are absorbed through human skin, and at levels much higher than previously thought.

Though modeling and research has suggested the dangerous chemicals are absorbed through skin, University of Birmingham researchers say they used lab-grown tissue that mimics human skin to determine how much of a dose of PFAS compounds can be absorbed.

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Β© Photograph: fstop123/Getty Images/iStockphoto


Β© Photograph: fstop123/Getty Images/iStockphoto

Before yesterdayWorld News

Landfills across England could be leaking harmful toxic ooze, warn experts

More than 21,000 old sites may be releasing β€˜forever chemicals’ into land often left as open space

Thousands of polluted landfills across England could be leaking toxic chemicals into the environment and harming people who live nearby, experts have warned.

A few decades ago, the method for getting rid of industrial and domestic waste was to stick it in a hole in the ground, cover it up and hope for the best. It was known as β€œdilute and disperse” and it assumed toxic substances would seep into the surrounding soils, air and water and become harmless.

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Β© Photograph: Britstock Images Ltd/Alamy


Β© Photograph: Britstock Images Ltd/Alamy
