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Today β€” 3 July 2024World News

Hope in short supply: what our election reporters found out as they travelled the UK

3 July 2024 at 02:00

Building blocks of everyday life, from the NHS to roads to libraries, have been eroded by Tory underinvestment

Thursday’s general election looks likely to be a historic pivot: one of those long-remembered moments when the established order at Westminster is swept away by what Jim Callaghan, the victim of one such shift in 1979, called a β€œsea change in politics”.

Yet as Guardian reporters fanned out across the UK during the campaign to spend time talking to voters and non-voters in 15 varied constituencies for the Path to power series, they found precious little hope that things will be different come 5 July.

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Β© Composite: Guardian Design/Getty


Β© Composite: Guardian Design/Getty
