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Today β€” 1 July 2024The Guardian

How a brother’s illness spurred a plan to get mental health on the agenda across Africa

One of the continent’s leading medics, Jean Kaseya, has made it his mission to help the 116m people in African countries with mental health conditions

Jean Kaseya would hear regularly from his younger brother, an army officer in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, until the day in 2018 when all contact stopped. β€œSuddenly, we didn’t have any information,” remembers Dr Kaseya, director general of the Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC).

It was two years before an acquaintance approached the family to say his brother, DieudonnΓ©, was alive, but in jail in the north of the country. Kaseya was able to have him brought back to the capital, Kinshasa. β€œI went to see him. Honestly, this person deserved to be at a hospital, not to be jailed.

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Β© Photograph: Media Lens King/The Guardian


Β© Photograph: Media Lens King/The Guardian
