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Malvertising Campaign Leads to Execution of Oyster Backdoor

By: Rapid7
17 June 2024 at 16:28
Malvertising Campaign Leads to Execution of Oyster Backdoor

The following analysts contributed to this blog: Thomas Elkins, Daniel Thiede, Josh Lockwood, Tyler McGraw, and Sasha Kovalev.

Executive Summary

Rapid7 has observed a recent malvertising campaign that lures users into downloading malicious installers for popular software such as Google Chrome and Microsoft Teams. The installers were being used to drop a backdoor identified as Oyster, aka Broomstick. Following execution of the backdoor, we have observed enumeration commands indicative of hands-on-keyboard activity as well as the deployment of additional payloads.

In this blog post, we will examine the delivery methods of the Oyster backdoor, provide an in-depth analysis of its components, and offer a Python script to help extract its obfuscated configuration.


Initial Access

In three separate incidents, Rapid7 observed users downloading supposed Microsoft Teams installers from typo-squatted websites. Users were directed to these websites after using search engines such as Google and Bing for Microsoft Teams software downloads. Rapid7 observed that the websites were masquerading as Microsoft Teams websites, enticing users into believing they were downloading legitimate software when, in reality, they were downloading the threat actor’s malicious software.

Malvertising Campaign Leads to Execution of Oyster Backdoor
Figure 1 - Fake Microsoft Teams Website

In one case, a user was observed navigating to the URL hxxps://micrsoft-teams-download[.]com/, which led to the download of the binary MSTeamsSetup_c_l_.exe. Initial analysis of the binary MSTeamsSetup_c_l_.exe showed that the binary was assigned by an Authenticode certificate issued to “Shanxi Yanghua HOME Furnishings Ltd”.

Malvertising Campaign Leads to Execution of Oyster Backdoor
Figure 2 - MSTeamsSetup_c_l_.exe File Information

Searching VirusTotal for other files signed by “Shanxi Yanghua HOME Furnishings Ltd” showed the following:

Malvertising Campaign Leads to Execution of Oyster Backdoor
Figure 3 - VirusTotal Signature Search Results

The results indicated other versions of the installer, each impersonating as a legitimate software installer. We observed that the first installer was submitted to VirusTotal around mid-May 2024.

In a related incident that occurred on May 29, 2024, we observed another binary posing as a Microsoft Teams setup file, TMSSetup.exe, which was assigned a valid certificate issued to “Shanghai Ruikang Decoration Co., Ltd”. As of May 30, 2024, that certificate has been revoked.

VirusTotal analysis of the binary MSTeamsSetup_c_l_.exe indicates it is associated with a malware family known as Oyster, dubbed Broomstick by IBM.

What is Oyster/Broomstick?

Oyster aka Broomstick aka CleanUpLoader is a family of malware first spotted in September of 2023 by researchers at IBM. While not much is known about the malware, it was delivered via a loader called Oyster Installer, which masqueraded as a browser installer. The installer was responsible for dropping the backdoor component, Oyster Main. Oyster Main was responsible for gathering information about the compromised host, handling communication with the hard-coded command-and-control (C2) addresses, and providing the capability for remote code execution.

In February, researchers on Twitter observed the same backdoor component and started to name the Oyster Main backdoor, CleanUpLoader.

In recent incidents, Rapid7 has observed Oyster Main being delivered without the Oyster Installer.

Technical Analysis

Initial analysis of the binary MSTeamsSetup_c_l_.exe revealed that two binaries were stored within the resource section. During execution, a function was observed using FindResourceA to locate the binaries, followed by LoadResource to access them. These binaries were then subsequently dropped into the Temp folder. We observed that the intended names of the two binaries dropped by MSTeamsSetup_c_l_.exe were CleanUp30.dll and MSTeamsSetup_c_l_.exe (the legitimate Microsoft Teams installer).

After dropping the binary CleanUp30.dll into the Temp directory, the program executes the DLL, passing the string rundll32.exe %s,Test to the function CreateProcessA, where %s stores the value CleanUp30.dll.

Malvertising Campaign Leads to Execution of Oyster Backdoor
Figure 4 - Execution of CleanUp30.dll

After the execution of CleanUp30.dll, the program proceeds to initiate the legitimate Microsoft Teams installer, MSTeamsSetup_c_l_.exe, also located within the Temp directory. This tactic is employed to avoid raising suspicion from the user.

CleanUp30.dll Analysis

During the execution of CleanUp30.dll, Rapid7 observed that the binary starts by attempting to create the hard coded mutual exclusion (mutex) ITrkfSaV-4c7KwdfnC-Ds165XU4C-lH6R9pk1. Mutex creation is often used by programs in order to determine if the program is already running another instance. If the program is already running, the program will terminate the new instance.

After creating the mutex, the binary determines its execution path by calling the function GetModuleFilenameA. The value is stored as a string and used as a parameter for the creation of a scheduled task, ClearMngs. The scheduled task is created using the function ShellExecuteExW, passing the following as the command line:

schtasks.exe /create /tn ClearMngs /tr "rundll32 '<location of binary>\CleanUp30.dll',Test" /sc hourly /mo 3 /f

The purpose of the scheduled task ClearMngs is to execute the binary <location of binary>\CleanUp30.dll with the exported function of Test using rundll32.exe every three hours.

After the creation of the scheduled task, the binary then proceeds to decode its C2 servers using a unique decoding function. The decoding function begins by taking in a string of encoded characters, and its length is in bytes. The decoding function then proceeds to read in each byte, starting from the end of the encoded string.

Malvertising Campaign Leads to Execution of Oyster Backdoor
Figure 5 - The DLL’s Decoding Loop

Each byte of the encoded string is used as an index location to retrieve the decoded byte from a hard-coded byte map. A byte map is a byte array containing 256 bytes in a randomized order, one for each possible byte value from 1 to 256. Malware authors sometimes use this technique to obfuscate strings and other data. The iteration counter (i) used within the condition for the decoding loop is compared to half of the encoded string’s length as the decoding loop swaps two bytes at a time. The bytes of the encoded string are decoded and swapped beginning at the start and end bytes of the string and the decoding loop then progresses towards the center of the string from each end.

The loop swaps the bytes to reverse the decoded string, as the original plaintext strings stored in the malware were reversed prior to encoding. When the center of the string is reached, the decoding process is complete. Due to this algorithm, all the encoded strings that are passed must be of even length to avoid further processing. Immediately after the decoded string is loaded onto the stack, the malware then re-encodes the string using a similar loop. The final result for the first decoded string is a carriage return line feed (CRLF) delimited list of C2 domains.

We constructed a Python script that can decode all the encoded strings contained within the CleanUp.dll binaries, including previous versions. The Python script can be found in our GitHub repository.

Malvertising Campaign Leads to Execution of Oyster Backdoor
Figure 6 - Sample Output from Python Script

Using our Python script, it revealed some of the C2 functionality, along with several JSON fields that are used to build a fingerprint of the infected system:

Hex Encoded String Decoded String
2ec6a676766fc6f4960e86 api/connect
76f6ce56f476f6962e86c696360e0e86045ca60e9e2ab42e76a62e76f6c2 Content-Type: application/json
76f696cece65cef4960e86 api/session
a61ea67426b6c63a346ceaf2eace9eca3a \SysWOW64\cmd.exe
a61ea6744ccc36362676ae4e3a2c6ceaf2eace9eca3a \SysWOW64\rundll32.exe
d2f2 OK
3a0eb6a62a3a \Temp\
445c442696fa267686b6b6f6c6443444 ","command_id":"
be44 "}
445c44649644de {"id":"
445c442e36aecea64e443444 ","result":"
445c442696fa76f696cecea6ce443444 ","session_id":"
445c44ceae2e862ece443444 ","status":"
2e1e2e740eae7686a636c63a \cleanup.txt
445c44a6b68676fa4e652eae0eb6f6c6443444 ","computer_name":"
0ccc445c4476f696ce72a66efa363626443444 ","dll_version":"30
445c44769686b6f626443444 ","domain":"
be44 "}
445c44649644de {"id":"
445c443686c6f636fa0e96443444 ","ip_local":"
445c44cef6443444 ","os":"
445c44263696ae46facef6443444 ","os_build":"
445c44a6e6a636656e964e0e443444 ","privilege":"

After the binary decodes the C2 addresses, the program proceeds to fingerprint the infected machine, using the following functions:

Function Description
DsRoleGetPrimaryDomainInformation Used to gather information about the domain the compromised machine resides in. In particular, the function returns the domain name.
GetUserNameW Provides the name of the user in which the program is running under.
NetUserGetInfo Provides details of the user under which the program is running. In this case, the program is querying if the user is admin or user.
GetComputerNameW Provides the name of the compromised machine in which the binary is running on.
RtlGetVersion Returns version information about the currently running operating system including name and version number.

Malvertising Campaign Leads to Execution of Oyster Backdoor
Figure 7 - A Selection of Contents of the CleanUp30.dll Code that Outline the Collection of System Information

While enumerating information about the host, the information is stored in the JSON fields uncovered from the encoded strings identified above.

Malvertising Campaign Leads to Execution of Oyster Backdoor
Figure 8 - Example of the Data Collected and Sent via HTTP POST to the Malicious Domains

The fingerprint information is encoded using the same loop previously discussed, where the data string is reversed and encoded using a byte map before being sent.

After the information is encoded, it is sent to the domains whereverhomebe[.]com/, supfoundrysettlers[.]us/, and retdirectyourman[.]eu/ via HTTP POST method. Rapid7 determined that CleanUp30.dll uses the open-source C++ library Boost.Beast to communicate with the observed C2 domains via HTTP and web sockets.

Malvertising Campaign Leads to Execution of Oyster Backdoor
Figure 9 - Captured Network Traffic Attempting to Send POST Requests to whereverhomebe[.]com/ and supfoundrysettlers[.]us/ Following the Execution of CleanUp30.dll

Follow-on Activity

In one of the incidents Rapid7 observed, a PowerShell script was spawned following the execution of another version of CleanUp30.dll, CleanUp.dll. CleanUp.dll, similar to CleanUp30.dll, was originally dropped by the other fake Microsoft Teams installer, TMSSetup.exe, which dropped the binary into the AppData/Local/Temp directory as well.

Malvertising Campaign Leads to Execution of Oyster Backdoor
Figure 10 - PowerShell Command Creating .lnk File DiskCleanUp.lnk

The purpose of the PowerShell script was to create a shortcut LNK file named DiskCleanUp.lnk within C:\Users\<User>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\. By doing so, this ensured that the LNK file DiskCleanUp.lnk would be run each time the user logged in. The shortcut LNK file was responsible for executing the binary CleanUp.dll using rundll32.exe, passing the export Test.
Following the execution of the PowerShell script, Rapid7 observed execution of additional payloads:

  • k1.ps1
  • main.dll
  • getresult.exe

Unfortunately, during the incident, we were unable to acquire the additional payloads. During the incidents, Rapid7 also observed execution of the following enumeration commands:

Enumeration Description
systeminfo Provides information about the system's software and hardware configuration
arp -a Shows a list of all IP addresses that the local computer has recently interacted with, along with their corresponding MAC addresses
net group 'domain computers' /domain Lists the "Domain Computers" group within an Active Directory domain
"C:\Windows\system32\nslookup.exe" Determines the external IP address
whoami /all Provides detailed information about the current user including user's privileges, group memberships, and security identifiers (SIDs)
nltest /dclist:<domain_name> Lists all the domain controllers (DCs) for a specific domain
net user admin Provides detailed information about the user 'admin' including profile information, group memberships, local group memberships, etc
reg query HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall /s Queries the registry to find information about installed software
findstr "DisplayName" Used to filter information, showing only items contained under "DisplayName"

Rapid7 Customers

InsightIDR and Managed Detection and Response customers have existing detection coverage through Rapid7's expansive library of detection rules. Rapid7 recommends installing the Insight Agent on all applicable hosts to ensure visibility into suspicious processes and proper detection coverage. Below is a non-exhaustive list of detections that are deployed and will alert on behavior related to this malware campaign:

  • Persistence - SchTasks Creating A Task Pointed At Users Temp Or Roaming Directory
  • Suspicious Process: RunDLL32 launching CMD or PowerShell
  • Persistence - Schtasks.exe Creating Task That Executes RunDLL32
  • Network Discovery - Nltest Enumerate Domain Controllers
  • Attacker Technique - Determining External IP Via Command Line
  • Suspicious Process - .lnk in PowerShell Command Line

MITRE ATT&CK Techniques

Tactic Technique Description
Resource Development Acquire Infrastructure: Domains (T1583.001) Threat Actor set up typo-squatted domain micrsoft-teams-download[.]com in order to aid in the delivery of the executable MSTeamsSetup_c_l_.exe
Execution Command and Scripting Interpreter: Powershell (T1059.001) Used to create .lnk file DiskCleanUp.lnk and execute the PowerShell payload k1.ps1
Execution User Execution: Malicious File (T1204.002) User executes the binary MSTeamsSetup_c_l_.exe
Persistence Scheduled Task (T1053.005) CleanUp30.DLL and CleanUp.DLL create scheduled task ClearMngs
Defense Evasion Masquerading: Match Legitimate Name or Location (T1036.005) MSTeamsSetup_c_l_.exe masquerades as legitimate Microsoft Teams installer
Defense Evasion Virtualization/Sandbox Evasion: Time Based Evasion (T1497.003) Execution delays are performed by several stages throughout the attack flow
Collection Data from Local System (T1005) Threat Actors enumerated information about compromised hosts using the backdoor CleanUp DLL's
Command and Control Data Encoding - Non Standard Encoding (T1132.002) CleanUp DLL's send encoded data to C2's using unique encoding function


IOC Hash Description
TMSSetup.exe 9601f3921c2cd270b6da0ba265c06bae94fd7d4dc512e8cb82718eaa24accc43 The malicious executable downloaded from prodfindfeatures[.]com/
MSTeamsSetup_c_l_.exe 574C70E84ECDAD901385A1EBF38F2EE74C446034E97C33949B52F3A2FDDCD822 The malicious executable downloaded from prodfindfeatures[.]com/
CleanUp30.dll CFC2FE7236DA1609B0DB1B2981CA318BFD5FBBB65C945B5F26DF26D9F948CBB4 The .dll file that is run by run32dll.exe following the execution of MSTeamsSetup_c_l_.exe
CleanUp.dll 82B246D8E6FFBA1ABAFFBD386470C45CEF8383AD19394C7C0622C9E62128CB94 The .dll file that is run by run32dll.exe following the execution of TMSSetup.exe
DiskCleanUp.lnk An .lnk file that was created following the execution of CleanUp30.dll
prodfindfeatures[.]com/ - The domain hosting the malicious files TMSSetup (1).exe and MSTeamsSetup_c_l_.exe
micrsoft-teams-download[.]com/ - The typo-squatted domain that users visited
impresoralaser[.]pro/ - Part of the domain redirect chain for downloads of TMSSetup (1).exe and MSTeamsSetup_c_l_.exe
whereverhomebe[.]com/ - Domain that CleanUp30.dll and CleanUp.dll attempts to communicate with
supfoundrysettlers[.]us/ - Domain that CleanUp30.dll and CleanUp.dll attempts to communicate with
retdirectyourman[.]eu/ - Domain that CleanUp30.dll and CleanUp.dll attempts to communicate with
149.248.79[.]62 - Resolving IP for whereverhomebe[.]com/
64.95.10[.]243 - Resolving IP for supfoundrysettlers[.]us/
206.166.251[.]114 - Resolving IP for retdirectyourman[.]eu/


Article URL
Broomstick Malware Profile
Twitter Mention of CleanUpLoader


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CVE-2024-4978: Backdoored Justice AV Solutions Viewer Software Used in Apparent Supply Chain Attack

By: Rapid7
23 May 2024 at 09:00
CVE-2024-4978: Backdoored Justice AV Solutions Viewer Software Used in Apparent Supply Chain Attack

*The following Rapid7 team members contributed to this blog: Ipek Solak, Thomas Elkins, Evan McCann, Matthew Smith, Jake McMahon, Tyler McGraw, Ryan Emmons, Stephen Fewer, and John Fenninger*


Justice AV Solutions (JAVS) is a U.S.-based company specializing in digital audio-visual recording solutions for courtroom environments. According to the vendor’s website, JAVS technologies are used in courtrooms, chambers and jury rooms, jail and prison facilities, and council, hearing, and lecture rooms. Their company website cites over 10,000 installations of their technologies worldwide.

Rapid7 has determined that users with JAVS Viewer v8.3.7 installed are at high risk and should take immediate action. This version contains a backdoored installer that allows attackers to gain full control of affected systems. Completely re-imaging affected endpoints and resetting associated credentials is critical to ensure attackers have not persisted through backdoors or stolen credentials. Users should install the latest version of JAVS Viewer (8.3.8 or higher) after re-imaging affected systems. These findings were identified through an investigation performed by Rapid7 analysts.

On Friday, May 10, 2024, Rapid7 initiated an investigation into an incident involving the execution of a binary named fffmpeg.exe from within the file path C:\Program Files (x86)\JAVS\Viewer 8\. The investigation traced the infection back to the download of a binary named JAVS Viewer Setup that was downloaded from the official JAVS site on March 5th. Analysis of the installer JAVS Viewer Setup showed that it was signed with an unexpected Authenticode signature and contained the binary fffmpeg.exe. During the investigation, Rapid7 observed encoded PowerShell scripts being executed by the binary fffmpeg.exe.

Based on open-source intelligence, Rapid7 determined that the binary fffmpeg.exe is associated with the GateDoor/Rustdoor family of malware discovered by researchers at security firm S2W.

Note: CVE-2024-4978 has been added to the U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security's (CISA) Known Exploited Vulnerabilities (KEV) list as of May 29, 2024.

Product Description

JAVS Suite 8 is a portfolio of audio/video recording, viewing, and management software for government organizations and businesses. The affected “JAVS Viewer” software is designed to open media and log files created by other pieces of JAVS Suite software. It is available to download via the vendor's website, and it’s shipped as a Windows-based installer package that prompts for high privileges upon execution.


This issue was discovered and documented by Ipek Solak, Detection and Response Analyst at Rapid7. Rapid7 is grateful to the U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) for their prompt assistance coordinating disclosure of this issue, and to Justice AV Solutions for their quick response.

A full vendor statement from Justice AV Solutions is available at the end of this blog and includes information about the actions JAVS has taken.

You can find Rapid7’s coordinated disclosure policy here.

Rapid7-Observed Attacker Behavior

The malicious Windows installer JAVS.Viewer8.Setup_8.3.7.250-1.exe contains an unexpected binary file fffmpeg.exe (1.4 MB, SHA1: e41ec15f2bac76914b4a86cade3a0f4619167f52). Note the three f characters in the binary name; the expected ffmpeg.exe binary only has two f characters.

Searching VirusTotal for this binary’s SHA1 reveals that several vendors classify this binary as a malicious dropper:

CVE-2024-4978: Backdoored Justice AV Solutions Viewer Software Used in Apparent Supply Chain Attack
Figure 1 - The Dropper’s VirusTotal Details

VirusTotal reports this binary was first seen on the VT platform May 3, 2024.

Both the fffmpeg.exe binary and the installer binary are signed by an Authenticode certificate issued to “Vanguard Tech Limited”. This is unexpected, as it was noted that other JAVS binaries which appear legitimate are signed by a certificate issued to “Justice AV Solutions Inc”. Searching VirusTotal for other files signed by “Vanguard Tech Limited” shows the following.

CVE-2024-4978: Backdoored Justice AV Solutions Viewer Software Used in Apparent Supply Chain Attack
Figure 2- VirusTotal Vanguard Certificate Results

The above suggests that there may be one other version of the malicious installer (SHA1: b8e97333fc1b5cd29a71299a8f82a541cabf4d59) and one other malicious fffmpeg.exe (SHA1: b9d13055766d792abaf1d11f18c6ee7618155a0e). These binaries were first seen on the VirusTotal platform April 1, 2024.

The Windows Installer file (b8e97333fc1b5cd29a71299a8f82a541cabf4d59) contains multiple bundled files, including a file called Dll2.dll (SHA1: cd60955033d1da273a3fda61f69d76f6271e7e4c). The file contains a string called “HelloWorld” and from the execution path perspective, this looks like a test. From an OPSEC point of view, the file was not ‘cleaned’ but contains the compilation information, in this case the full PDB path: C:\Users\User\source\repos\Dll2\x64\Debug\Dll2.pdb

Exploitation Timeline

  • Feb 10, 2024: A certificate is issued for the subject Vanguard Tech Limited, which the certificate indicates is based in London.
  • Feb 21, 2024: The first of the two malicious JAVS Viewer packages is signed with the Vanguard certificate.
  • April 2, 2024: The Twitter user @2RunJack2 tweets about malware being served by the official JAVS downloads page. It’s not stated whether the vendor was notified.
  • Mar 12, 2024: The second of the two malicious JAVS Viewer packages is signed with the Vanguard certificate.
  • May 10, 2024: Rapid7 investigates a new alert in a Managed Detection and Response customer environment. The source of the infection is traced back to an installer that was downloaded from the official JAVS site. The malware file that was downloaded by the victim, the first Viewer package, is not observed to be accessible on the vendor’s download page. It’s unknown who removed the malicious package from the downloads page (i.e., the vendor or the threat actor).
  • May 12, 2024: Rapid7 discovers three additional malicious payloads being hosted on the threat actor’s C2 infrastructure over port 8000: chrome_installer.exe, firefox_updater.exe, and OneDriveStandaloneUpdater.exe.
  • May 13, 2024: Rapid7 identifies an unlinked installer file containing malware, the second Viewer package, still being served by the official vendor site. This confirms that the vendor site was the source of the initial infection.
  • May 17, 2024: Rapid7 discovers that the threat actor removed the binary OneDriveStandaloneUpdater.exe from C2 infrastructure and replaced it with a new binary, ChromeDiscovery.exe. This indicates that the threat actor is actively updating their C2 infrastructure.


During Rapid7’s initial examination of the binary fffmpeg.exe, it became evident that the program facilitates unauthorized remote access. Upon execution, fffmpeg.exe persistently communicates with a command-and-control (C2) server using Windows sockets and WinHTTP requests. Once successfully connected, fffmpeg.exe transmits data about the compromised host, including hostname, operating system details, processor architecture, program working directory and the user name to the C2.

CVE-2024-4978: Backdoored Justice AV Solutions Viewer Software Used in Apparent Supply Chain Attack
Figure 3 - Sample Network Traffic Containing Information About the Host

Subsequently, a persistent connection is established, with the binary poised to receive commands from the C2.

While investigating an incident regarding the binary fffmpeg.exe, Rapid7 observed the execution of two obfuscated PowerShell scripts.

CVE-2024-4978: Backdoored Justice AV Solutions Viewer Software Used in Apparent Supply Chain Attack
Figure 4 - Encoded PowerShell Script Spawned by fffmpeg.exe

Rapid7 deobfuscated the PowerShell scripts executed by fffmpeg.exe and determined the script will attempt to bypass the Anti-Malware Scan Interface (AMSI) and disable Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) for the launched PowerShell session, before executing a command to download an additional payload.

CVE-2024-4978: Backdoored Justice AV Solutions Viewer Software Used in Apparent Supply Chain Attack
Figure 5 - De-obfuscated PowerShell Script Spawned by fffmpeg.exe

During analysis of chrome_installer.exe, Rapid7 observed that the binary contained code to drop Python scripts and a binary named main.exe within the Temp folder, passing the string {TEMP}\\onefile_{PID}_{TIME} as an argument to a function whose responsibility was to build out the file path.

CVE-2024-4978: Backdoored Justice AV Solutions Viewer Software Used in Apparent Supply Chain Attack
Figure 6 - Temp Folder Creation Using String {TEMP}\onefile_{PID}_{TIME}

Once the new software was dropped, chrome_installer.exe was responsible for executing the binary main.exe using the function CreateProcessW. After analysis of main.exe, Rapid7 observed that it contained compiled Python code within the resource section whose purpose was to scrape browsers’ credentials. We also observed that main.exe was compiled using Nuitka, a Python program designed to compile Python scripts into standalone executables. During the investigation, Rapid7 observed that main.exe did not execute properly, indicating an issue in the original source code.

CVE-2024-4978: Backdoored Justice AV Solutions Viewer Software Used in Apparent Supply Chain Attack
Figure 7 - Code References to Nuitka


IOC Description SHA256
JAVS.Viewer8.Setup_8.3.7.250-1.exe JAVS Viewer 8.3.7 installer downloaded from the domain javs[.]com

Shown as having a valid signature:
Subject: Vanguard Tech Limited
fffmpeg.exe Reaches out to hxxps://45.120.177[.]178/gateway/register and hxxps://

Shown as having a valid signature:
Subject: Vanguard Tech Limited
Chrome_installer.exe Potential second stage infostealer; however, did not execute properly due to 64-bit and 32-bit compatibility issues. F8A734D5E7A7B99B29182DDDF804D5DAA9D876BF39CE7A04721794367A73DA51
Main.exe Executed as a part of chrome_installer.exe, contains Python compiled code within the resource section. Seems to scrape users’ browser credentials 4150452D8041A6EC73C447CBE3B1422203FFFDFBF5C845DBAC1BED74B33A5E09
45.120.177[.]178 Attacker C2 using ISP Stark Industries Solutions Ltd
hxxps://www[.]javs[.]com/download/45819/ Official JAVS website URL that Rapid7 observed hosting malware
hxxps://45.120.177[.]178/gateway/register Path used by fffmpeg.exe to contact C2
hxxps://45.120.177[.]178/gateway/report Path used by fffmpeg.exe to contact C2
Vanguard Tech Limited Certificate Issued by

PKCS#7 signature from a certificate for 'Vanguard Tech Limited' issued by ' Code Signing Intermediate CA RSA R1'
Dll2.dll A “Hello World” test library bundled with the malicious installer 2183c102c107d11ae8aa1e9c0f2af3dc8fa462d0683a033d62a982364a0100d0
firefox_updater.exe Found hosted on C2 over port 8000. Contains StealC InfoStealer 4F0CA76987EDFE00022C8B9C48AD239229EA88532E2B7A7CD6811AE353CD1EDA
ChromeDiscovery.exe Found hosted on C2 over port 8000. Binary is packed with a Go binary, similar to the fffmpeg.exe backdoor. Communicates to the same C2 identified from fffmpeg.exe.

Shown as having a valid signature:
Subject: Vanguard Tech Limited
OneDriveStandaloneUpdater.exe Found hosted on C2 over port 8000. Binary is packed with a Go binary, similar to the fffmpeg.exe backdoor. Communicates to the same C2 identified from fffmpeg.exe.

Note: This binary was later removed from the C2 and replaced with ChromeDiscovery.exe

Identified by Open Source Intelligence (OSINT)

IOC Description SHA256
JAVS.Viewer8.Setup_8.3.7.250-1.exe Found by searching C2 IP via OSINT.

Shown as having a valid signature:
Subject: Vanguard Tech Limited
fffmpeg.exe Reaches out to hxxps://45.120.177[.]178/gateway/register and hxxps://

Shown as having a valid signature:
Subject: Vanguard Tech Limited


Users who have version 8.3.7 of the JAVS Viewer executable installed are at high risk and should take immediate action. This version contains a backdoored installer that allows attackers to gain full control of affected systems.

To remediate this issue, affected users should:

  • Reimage any endpoints where JAVS Viewer 8.3.7 was installed. Simply uninstalling the software is insufficient, as attackers may have implanted additional backdoors or malware. Re-imaging provides a clean slate.
  • Reset credentials for any accounts that were logged into affected endpoints. This includes local accounts on the endpoint itself as well as any remote accounts accessed during the period when JAVS Viewer 8.3.7 was installed. Attackers may have stolen credentials from compromised systems.
  • Reset credentials used in web browsers on affected endpoints. Browser sessions may have been hijacked to steal cookies, stored passwords, or other sensitive information.
  • Install the latest version of JAVS Viewer (8.3.8 or higher) after re-imaging affected systems. The new version does not contain the backdoor present in 8.3.7.

Completely re-imaging affected endpoints and resetting associated credentials is critical to ensure attackers have not persisted through backdoors or stolen credentials. All organizations running JAVS Viewer 8.3.7 should take these steps immediately to address the compromise.

Rapid7 Customers

InsightIDR, Managed Detection and Response, and Managed Threat Complete customers have existing detection coverage through Rapid7's expansive library of detection rules. Rapid7 recommends installing the Insight agent on all applicable hosts to ensure visibility into suspicious processes and proper detection coverage. Below is a non-exhaustive list of detections that are deployed and will alert on behavior related to this activity:

  • Suspicious Process - Execution From Root of ProgramData
  • Attacker Technique - PowerShell Registry Cradle
  • PowerShell - Obfuscated Script
  • Attacker Technique - PowerShell Download Cradles
  • Attacker Technique - PowerShell Backtick Obfuscation
  • Backdoor - Potential JAVS Backdoor

InsightVM and Nexpose customers will be able to assess their exposure to CVE-2024-4978 with a vulnerability check expected to be available in today’s (Thursday, May 23) content release.

Vendor Statement

Justice AV Solutions provided the following statement to Rapid7 on Wednesday, May 22, 2024. According to JAVS:

“Justice AV Solutions (JAVS) is committed to providing our clients with secure and reliable software solutions. We recently identified a potential security issue with a previous version of our JAVS Viewer software (Version 8.3.7).

Through ongoing monitoring and collaboration with cyber authorities, we identified attempts to replace our Viewer 8.3.7 software with a compromised file. We pulled all versions of Viewer 8.3.7 from the JAVS website, reset all passwords, and conducted a full internal audit of all JAVS systems. We confirmed all currently available files on the website are genuine and malware-free. We further verified that no JAVS Source code, certificates, systems, or other software releases were compromised in this incident.

The file in question did not originate from JAVS or any 3rd party associated with JAVS. We highly encourage all users to verify that JAVS has digitally signed any JAVS software they install. Any files found signed by other parties should be considered suspect. We are revisiting our release process to strengthen file certification. We strongly suggest that customers keep updated with all software releases and security patches and use robust security measures, such as firewalls and malware protection.

JAVS service technicians typically install the Viewer software in question. We have all members of our service team validating installations of Viewer software on any potentially affected systems, specifically checking for the presence of the malicious file in question - fffmpeg.exe with three “f’s.” Note, the JAVS file ffmpeg.exe with two “f’s” is a legitimate file.

What You Should Do:
Manually check for file fffmeg.exe: If the malicious file is found or detected, we recommend a full re-image of the PC and a reset of any credentials used by the user on that computer. If Viewer is the version currently installed, but no malicious files are found, we advise uninstalling the Viewer software and performing a full Anti-Virus/malware scan. Please reset any passwords used on the affected system before upgrading to a newer version of Viewer 8.

Upgrade Your JAVS Viewer: We strongly recommend that all users of JAVS Viewer software upgrade to the latest version (Version 8.3.9 or higher). Upgrading is simple and can be completed by following the instructions included in the software update notification or by visiting our website at

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in maintaining a secure environment for all our users. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact our support team at 1-877-JAVSHLP (877-528-7457).

The Justice AV Solutions Security Team”


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Rapid7 Recognized in the 2024 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for SIEM

13 May 2024 at 11:06

Command Your Attack Surface with a next-gen SIEM built for the Cloud First Era

Rapid7 Recognized in the 2024 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for SIEM

Rapid7 is excited to share that we are named a Challenger for InsightIDR in the 2024 Gartner Magic Quadrant for SIEM. In a crowded and constantly changing space, this is our sixth time to be recognized in the report. While the Magic Quadrant offers a great snapshot of the current marketplace, we are always looking ahead to what teams will need to be successful in the next era of cybersecurity.

We believe that the future of SIEM will be defined by the ability to:

  1. Connect and synthesize expansive security telemetry as efficiently as possible
  2. Pinpoint the most critical and actionable insights with the scale and speed of AI
  3. Deliver the contextualized data, expert guidance, and automation to confidently take action against threats – wherever they start

We are proud to bring these elevated security outcomes to the thousands of customers across the globe who trust Rapid7 at the center of their SOC.

Actionable Visibility You Can Trust - From Endpoint to Cloud

As organizations’ attack surfaces continue to expand and security systems become more fragmented, teams are challenged to get reliable visibility and context to effectively monitor their environment, end-to-end. As your organization embraces digital transformation, adopts SaaS solutions, and/or fosters agile business development, you need security solutions that can grow with your business without the burden of infrastructure management or lagging scale.

InsightIDR is a cloud-native SIEM – purpose-built to support an organization's scale with the speed of the cloud-first era. With flexible data ingestion – including our own lightweight, native endpoint agent, sensor, and collector as well as the ability to collect and parse diverse data from your wider ecosystem – customers are able to quickly synthesize their most critical telemetry, without the heavy management burdens of traditional SIEM technologies.

Many traditional SIEM approaches leave it all on the customer to figure out how to action their data once in their platform. This leaves resource-constrained teams on their heels and sorting through mounds of data without being able to pinpoint the insights that matter. InsightIDR’s flexible search modes boost both power-users’ and beginners’ ability to quickly turn data into actionable insights and leverage pre-built queries and dashboards as a jumping-off point for action. And with 13-months of readily searchable data logs by default, your data is always ready for you, whenever you need it.

Rapid7 Recognized in the 2024 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for SIEM

AI-Driven Behavioral Detections to Pinpoint Today’s Advanced Threats

The current threat climate requires a high degree of vigilance and detections content curation to be able to keep pace with adversaries' ever-growing arsenal of tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs). This is one of the most challenging domains for security teams to master and carve out time for – and unfortunately most SIEMs have led with a logging-centric approach, putting the work of threat-intelligence gathering and detections engineering on the customer to parse.

From the beginning, InsightIDR pioneered the detections-centric SIEM, focused on pinpointing and eliminating real threats as quickly as possible. Our library contains over 8,000 detections, giving customers complete coverage across all stages of the MITRE ATT&CK. Our detections engineering experts are constantly curating threat intelligence – including unique raw intelligence from our renowned Rapid7 Open Source Community (including Metasploit, the #1 pentesting tool in the world, Velociraptor digital forensics and incident response framework, and AttackKB vulnerability database) – to ensure customers have coverage against emergent threats (and because our platform is SaaS-delivered, customers immediately receive new detections content ).

Rapid7 holds 56 patents across proprietary analytics frameworks and AI, which contribute to our layered detections strategy. AI-powered attacker and user behavioral analytics detect stealthy attacker behavior and unknown threats that can often go undetected, and complement known indicators of compromise (IOCs) for total coverage. This is the same detections library that our Rapid7 MDR team leverages, so our SIEM customers have high efficacy, low-noise detections they can trust out of the gate.

Rapid7 Recognized in the 2024 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for SIEM

Response Built for Cloud and Distributed Environments

In the critical moments of an attack, the last thing a security analyst wants to be doing is hopping tabs between different solutions to get the full picture. But security solution sprawl has forced too many SOCs to be tied up being systems integrators vs. being able to focus on actual security work.

InsightIDR’s investigation views eliminate tab-hopping and disparate alert trails. When an alert is fired, customers see a consolidated timeline view of an attack, lateral movement, impacted users and assets, and related CVEs in a single view. Detailed evidence and intelligence, ATT&CK mapping, and vetted recommendations provide all relevant detail at the customer’s fingertips – so even your most junior analyst can respond like an expert, every time. Customers can also pivot from these investigation views into the Velociraptor DFIR framework to more broadly query distributed endpoint fleets to understand the full scope of an attack and avoid repeat occurrences.

One of the biggest challenges of today’s landscape is navigating response to complex cloud environments. Our simplified cloud threat alert view ensures SOC teams can confidently triage cloud provider alerts – like those from GuardDuty - with a purpose-built alert framework that parses out critical alert summaries, impacted resources, queries, and recommends responses to prioritize and act as quickly as possible on threats across cloud workloads. Regardless of where threats begin, with InsightIDR your team is covered and always knows what to do next.

Let Rapid7 Help You Take Command of Your Attack Surface

The complexities of today’s modern attack surface can be daunting, and are too often compounded by disparate solutions or legacy approaches that can make things worse. Rapid7’s integrated platform approach synthesizes your security data ecosystem to deliver unified exposure management and detection and response that maximizes efficiency and security outcomes. Thank you to our customers and partners who trust Rapid7 as their security consolidation partner of choice, and have contributed to recognitions like this Gartner Magic Quadrant for SIEM.

Learn more:

  • Read the report
  • Please register for our cybersecurity event on May 21st to learn how Rapid7 can help you build cyber resilience and take command of your attack surface.

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Ongoing Social Engineering Campaign Linked to Black Basta Ransomware Operators

By: Rapid7
10 May 2024 at 13:31
Ongoing Social Engineering Campaign Linked to Black Basta Ransomware Operators

Co-authored by Rapid7 analysts Tyler McGraw, Thomas Elkins, and Evan McCann

Executive Summary

Rapid7 has identified an ongoing social engineering campaign that has been targeting multiple managed detection and response (MDR) customers. The incident involves a threat actor overwhelming a user's email with junk and calling the user, offering assistance. The threat actor prompts impacted users to download remote monitoring and management software like AnyDesk or utilize Microsoft's built-in Quick Assist feature in order to establish a remote connection. Once a remote connection has been established, the threat actor moves to download payloads from their infrastructure in order to harvest the impacted users credentials and maintain persistence on the impacted users asset.

In one incident, Rapid7 observed the threat actor deploying Cobalt Strike beacons to other assets within the compromised network. While ransomware deployment was not observed in any of the cases Rapid7 responded to, the indicators of compromise we observed were previously linked with the Black Basta ransomware operators based on OSINT and other incident response engagements handled by Rapid7.


Since late April 2024, Rapid7 identified multiple cases of a novel social engineering campaign. The attacks begin with a group of users in the target environment receiving a large volume of spam emails. In all observed cases, the spam was significant enough to overwhelm the email protection solutions in place and arrived in the user’s inbox. Rapid7 determined many of the emails themselves were not malicious, but rather consisted of newsletter sign-up confirmation emails from numerous legitimate organizations across the world.

Ongoing Social Engineering Campaign Linked to Black Basta Ransomware Operators
Figure 1. Example spam email.

With the emails sent, and the impacted users struggling to handle the volume of the spam, the threat actor then began to cycle through calling impacted users posing as a member of their organization’s IT team reaching out to offer support for their email issues. For each user they called, the threat actor attempted to socially engineer the user into providing remote access to their computer through the use of legitimate remote monitoring and management solutions. In all observed cases, Rapid7 determined initial access was facilitated by either the download and execution of the commonly abused RMM solution AnyDesk, or the built-in Windows remote support utility Quick Assist.

In the event the threat actor’s social engineering attempts were unsuccessful in getting a user to provide remote access, Rapid7 observed they immediately moved on to another user who had been targeted with their mass spam emails.

Once the threat actor successfully gains access to a user’s computer, they begin executing a series of batch scripts, presented to the user as updates, likely in an attempt to appear more legitimate and evade suspicion. The first batch script executed by the threat actor typically verifies connectivity to their command and control (C2) server and then downloads a zip archive containing a legitimate copy of OpenSSH for Windows (ultimately renamed to ***RuntimeBroker.exe***), along with its dependencies, several RSA keys, and other Secure Shell (SSH) configuration files. SSH is a protocol used to securely send commands to remote computers over the internet. While there are hard-coded C2 servers in many of the batch scripts, some are written so the C2 server and listening port can be specified on the command line as an override.

Ongoing Social Engineering Campaign Linked to Black Basta Ransomware Operators
Figure 2. Initial batch script snippet
Ongoing Social Engineering Campaign Linked to Black Basta Ransomware Operators
Figure 3. Compressed SSH files within

The script then establishes persistence via run key entries  in the Windows registry. The run keys created by the batch script point to additional batch scripts that are created at run time. Each batch script pointed to by the run keys executes SSH via PowerShell in an infinite loop to attempt to establish a reverse shell connection to the specified C2 server using the downloaded RSA private key. Rapid7 observed several different variations of the batch scripts used by the threat actor, some of which also conditionally establish persistence using other remote monitoring and management solutions, including NetSupport and ScreenConnect.

Ongoing Social Engineering Campaign Linked to Black Basta Ransomware Operators
Figure 4. The batch script creates run keys for persistence.

In all observed cases, Rapid7 has identified the usage of a batch script to harvest the victim’s credentials from the command line using PowerShell. The credentials are gathered under the false context of the “update” requiring the user to log in. In most of the observed batch script variations, the credentials are immediately exfiltrated to the threat actor’s server via a Secure Copy command (SCP). In at least one other observed script variant, credentials are saved to an archive and must be manually retrieved.

Ongoing Social Engineering Campaign Linked to Black Basta Ransomware Operators
Figure 5. Stolen credentials are typically exfiltrated immediately.
Ongoing Social Engineering Campaign Linked to Black Basta Ransomware Operators
Figure 6. Script variant with no secure copy for exfiltration.

In one observed case, once the initial compromise was completed, the threat actor then attempted to move laterally throughout the environment via SMB using Impacket, and ultimately failed to deploy Cobalt Strike despite several attempts. While Rapid7 did not observe successful data exfiltration or ransomware deployment in any of our investigations, the indicators of compromise found via forensic analysis conducted by Rapid7 are consistent with the Black Basta ransomware group based on internal and open source intelligence.

Forensic Analysis

In one incident, Rapid7 observed the threat actor attempting to deploy additional remote monitoring and management tools including ScreenConnect and the NetSupport remote access trojan (RAT). Rapid7 acquired the Client32.ini file, which holds the configuration data for the NetSupport RAT, including domains for the connection. Rapid7 observed the NetSupport RAT attempt communication with the following domains:

  • rewilivak13[.]com
  • greekpool[.]com
Ongoing Social Engineering Campaign Linked to Black Basta Ransomware Operators
Ongoing Social Engineering Campaign Linked to Black Basta Ransomware Operators
Figure 7 - NetSupport RAT Files and Client32.ini Content

After successfully gaining access to the compromised asset, Rapid7 observed the threat actor attempting to deploy Cobalt Strike beacons, disguised as a legitimate Dynamic Link Library (DLL) named 7z.DLL, to other assets within the same network as the compromised asset using the Impacket toolset.

In our analysis of 7z.DLL, Rapid7 observed the DLL was altered to include a function whose purpose was to XOR-decrypt the Cobalt Strike beacon using a hard-coded key and then execute the beacon.

The threat actor would attempt to deploy the Cobalt Strike beacon by executing the legitimate binary 7zG.exe and passing a command line argument of `b`, i.e. `C:\Users\Public\7zG.exe b`. By doing so, the legitimate binary 7zG.exe side-loads 7z.DLL, which in turn executes the embedded Cobalt Strike beacon. This technique is known as DLL side-loading, a method Rapid7 previously discussed in a blog post on the IDAT Loader.

Upon successful execution, Rapid7 observed the beacon inject a newly created process, choice.exe.

Ongoing Social Engineering Campaign Linked to Black Basta Ransomware Operators
Figure 8 - Sample Cobalt Strike Configuration


Rapid7 recommends baselining your environment for all installed remote monitoring and management solutions and utilizing application allowlisting solutions, such as AppLocker or ​​Microsoft Defender Application Control, to block all unapproved RMM solutions from executing within the environment. For example, the Quick Assist tool, quickassist.exe, can be blocked from execution via AppLocker.  As an additional precaution, Rapid7 recommends blocking domains associated with all unapproved RMM solutions. A public GitHub repo containing a catalog of RMM solutions, their binary names, and associated domains can be found here.

Rapid7 recommends ensuring users are aware of established IT channels and communication methods to identify and prevent common social engineering attacks. We also recommend ensuring users are empowered to report suspicious phone calls and texts purporting to be from internal IT staff.

MITRE ATT&CK Techniques

Tactic Technique Procedure
Denial of Service T1498: Network Denial of Service The threat actor overwhelms email protection solutions with spam.
Initial Access T1566.004: Phishing: Spearphishing Voice The threat actor calls impacted users and pretends to be a member of their organization’s IT team to gain remote access.
Execution T1059.003: Command and Scripting Interpreter: Windows Command Shell The threat actor executes batch script after establishing remote access to a user’s asset.
Execution T1059.001: Command and Scripting Interpreter: PowerShell Batch scripts used by the threat actor execute certain commands via PowerShell.
Persistence T1547.001: Boot or Logon Autostart Execution: Registry Run Keys / Startup Folder The threat actor creates a run key to execute a batch script via PowerShell, which then attempts to establish a reverse tunnel via SSH.
Defense Evasion T1222.001: File and Directory Permissions Modification: Windows File and Directory Permissions Modification The threat actor uses cacls.exe via batch script to modify file permissions.
Defense Evasion T1140: Deobfuscate/Decode Files or Information The threat actor encrypted several zip archive payloads with the password “qaz123”.
Credential Access T1056.001: Input Capture: Keylogging The threat actor runs a batch script that records the user’s password via command line input.
Discovery T1033: System Owner/User Discovery The threat actor uses whoami.exe to evaluate if the impacted user is an administrator or not.
Lateral Movement T1570: Lateral Tool Transfer Impacket was used to move payloads between compromised systems.
Command and Control T1572: Protocol Tunneling An SSH reverse tunnel is used to provide the threat actor with persistent remote access.

Rapid7 Customers

InsightIDR and Managed Detection and Response customers have existing detection coverage through Rapid7's expansive library of detection rules. Rapid7 recommends installing the Insight Agent on all applicable hosts to ensure visibility into suspicious processes and proper detection coverage. Below is a non-exhaustive list of detections that are deployed and will alert on behavior related to this malware campaign:

Attacker Technique - Renamed SSH For Windows
Persistence - Run Key Added by Reg.exe
Suspicious Process - Non Approved Application
Suspicious Process - 7zip Executed From Users Directory (*InsightIDR product only customers should evaluate and determine if they would like to activate this detection within the InsightIDR detection library; this detection is currently active for MDR/MTC customers)
Attacker Technique - Enumerating Domain Or Enterprise Admins With Net Command
Network Discovery - Domain Controllers via Net.exe

Indicators of Compromise

Network Based Indicators (NBIs)

Domain/IPv4 Address Notes
upd7[.]com Batch script and remote access tool host.
upd7a[.]com Batch script and remote access tool host.
195.123.233[.]55 C2 server contained within batch scripts.
38.180.142[.]249 C2 server contained within batch scripts.
5.161.245[.]155 C2 server contained within batch scripts.
20.115.96[.]90 C2 server contained within batch scripts.
91.90.195[.]52 C2 server contained within batch scripts.
195.123.233[.]42 C2 server contained within batch scripts.
15.235.218[.]150 AnyDesk server used by the threat actor.
greekpool[.]com Primary NetSupport RAT gateway.
rewilivak13[.]com Secondary NetSupport RAT gateway.
77.246.101[.]135 C2 address used to connect via AnyDesk.
limitedtoday[.]com Cobalt Strike C2 domain.
thetrailbig[.]net Cobalt Strike C2 domain.

Host-based indicators (HBIs)

File SHA256 Notes C18E7709866F8B1A271A54407973152BE1036AD3B57423101D7C3DA98664D108 Payload containing SSH config files used by the threat actor.
id_rsa 59F1C5FE47C1733B84360A72E419A07315FBAE895DD23C1E32F1392E67313859 Private RSA key that is downloaded to impacted assets.
id_rsa_client 2EC12F4EE375087C921BE72F3BD87E6E12A2394E8E747998676754C9E3E9798E Private RSA key that is downloaded to impacted assets.
authorized_keys 35456F84BC88854F16E316290104D71A1F350E84B479EEBD6FBB2F77D36BCA8A Authorized key downloaded to impacted assets by the threat actor.
RuntimeBroker.exe 6F31CF7A11189C683D8455180B4EE6A60781D2E3F3AADF3ECC86F578D480CFA9 Renamed copy of the legitimate OpenSSH for Windows utility. A47718693DC12F061692212A354AFBA8CA61590D8C25511C50CFECF73534C750 Payload that contains a batch script and the legitimate ScreenConnect setup executable. 76F959205D0A0C40F3200E174DB6BB030A1FDE39B0A190B6188D9C10A0CA07C8 Contains a credential harvesting batch script.


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Velociraptor 0.7.2 Release: Digging Deeper than Ever with EWF Support, Dynamic DNS and More

By: Rapid7
30 April 2024 at 10:29
Velociraptor 0.7.2 Release: Digging Deeper than Ever with EWF Support, Dynamic DNS and More

By Dr. Mike Cohen and Carlos Canto

Rapid7 is very excited to announce that version 0.7.2 of Velociraptor is now fully available for download.

In this post we’ll discuss some of the interesting new features.

EWF Support

Velociraptor has introduced the ability to analyze dead disk images in the past. Although we don’t need to analyze disk images very often, it comes up occasionally.

Previously, Velociraptor only supported analysis of DD images (AKA “Raw images”). Most people use standard acquisition software to acquire images, which uses the common EWF format to compress them.

In this 0.7.2 release, Velociraptor supports EWF (AKA E01) format using the ewf accessor. This allows Velociraptor to analyze E01 image sets.

To analyze dead disk images use the following steps:

  1. Create a remapping configuration that maps the disk accessors into the E01 image. This automatically diverts VQL functions that look at the filesystem into the image instead of using the host’s filesystem. In this release you can just point the --add_windows_disk option to the first disk of the EWF disk set (the other parts are expected to be in the same directory and will be automatically loaded).
    The following creates a remapping file by recognizing the windows partition in the disk image.

$ velociraptor-v0.72-rc1-linux-amd64 deaddisk
--add_windows_disk=/tmp/e01/image.E01 /tmp/remapping.yaml -v

2. Next we launch a client with the remapping file. This causes any VQL queries that access the filesystem to come from the image instead of the host. Other than that, the client looks like a regular client and will connect to the Velociraptor server just like any other client. To ensure that this client is unique you can override the writeback location (where the client id is stored) to a new file.

$ velociraptor-v0.72-rc1-linux-amd64 --remap /tmp/remapping.yaml
--config ~/client.config.yaml client -v

Velociraptor 0.7.2 Release: Digging Deeper than Ever with EWF Support, Dynamic DNS and More

Allow remapping clients to use SSH accessor

Sometimes we can’t deploy the Velociraptor client on a remote system. (For example, it might be an edge device like an embedded Linux system or it may not be directly supported by Velociraptor.)

In version 0.7.1, Velociraptor introduced the ssh accessor which allows VQL queries to use a remote ssh connection to access remote files.

This release added the ability to apply remapping in a similar way to the dead disk image method above to run a Virtual Client which connects to the remote system via SSH and emulates filesystem access over the sftp protocol.

To use this feature you can write a remapping file that maps the ssh accessor instead of the file and auto accessors:


  • type: permissions

  • type: impersonation
    os: linux
    hostname: RemoteSSH

  • type: mount
    scope: |
    LET SSH_CONFIG <= dict(hostname='localhost:22',

    accessor: ssh

    accessor: auto
    path_type: linux

  • type: mount
    scope: |
    LET SSH_CONFIG <= dict(hostname='localhost:22',

    accessor: ssh

    accessor: file
    path_type: linux

Now you can start a client with this remapping file to virtualize access to the remote system via SSH.

$ velociraptor-v0.72-rc1-linux-amd64 --remap /tmp/remap_ssh.yaml
--config client.config.yaml client -v

Velociraptor 0.7.2 Release: Digging Deeper than Ever with EWF Support, Dynamic DNS and More

GUI Changes

The GUI has been significantly improved in this release.

Undo/Redo for notebook cells

Velociraptor offers an easy way to experiment and explore data with VQL queries in the notebook interface. Naturally, exploring the data requires going back and forth between different VQL queries.

In this release, Velociraptor keeps several versions of each VQL cell (by default 5) so as users explore different queries they can easily undo and redo queries. This makes exploring data much quicker as you can go back to a previous version instantly.

Velociraptor 0.7.2 Release: Digging Deeper than Ever with EWF Support, Dynamic DNS and More

Hunt view GUI is now paged

Previously, hunts were presented in a table with limited size. In this release, the hunt table is paged and searchable/sortable. This brings the hunts table into line with the other tables in the interface and allows an unlimited number of hunts to be viewable in the system.

Velociraptor 0.7.2 Release: Digging Deeper than Ever with EWF Support, Dynamic DNS and More

Secret Management

Many Velociraptor plugins require secrets to operate. For example, the ssh accessor requires a private key or password to log into the remote system. Similarly the s3 or smb accessors require credentials to upload to the remote file servers. Many connections made over the http_client() plugin require authorization – for example an API key to send Slack messages or query remote services like Virus Total.

Previously, plugins that required credentials needed those credentials to be passed as arguments to the plugin. For example, the upload_s3() plugin requires AWS S3 credentials to be passed in as parameters.

This poses a problem for the Velociraptor artifact writer: how do you safely provide the credentials to the VQL query in a way that does not expose them to every user of the Velociraptor GUI? If the credentials are passed as parameters to the artifact then they are visible in the query logs and request, etc.

This release introduces Secrets as a first class concept within VQL. A Secret is a specific data object (key/value pairs) given a name which is used to configure credentials for certain plugins:

  1. A Secret has a name which we use to refer to it in plugins.
  2. Secrets have a type to ensure their data makes sense to the intended plugin. For example a secret needs certain fields for consumption by the s3 accessor or the http_client() plugin.
  3. Secrets are shared with certain users (or are public). This controls who can use the secret within the GUI.
  4. The GUI is careful to not allow VQL to read the secrets directly. The secrets are used by the VQL plugins internally and are not exposed to VQL users (like notebooks or artifacts).

Let’s work through an example of how Secrets can be managed within Velociraptor. In this example we store credentials for the ssh accessor to allow users to glob() a remote filesystem within the notebook.

First we will select manage server secrets from the welcome page.

Velociraptor 0.7.2 Release: Digging Deeper than Ever with EWF Support, Dynamic DNS and More

Next we will choose the SSH PrivateKey secret type and add a new secret.

Velociraptor 0.7.2 Release: Digging Deeper than Ever with EWF Support, Dynamic DNS and More

This will use the secret template that corresponds to the SSH private keys. The acceptable fields are shown in the GUI and a validation VQL condition is also shown for the GUI to ensure that the secret is properly populated. We will name the secret DevMachine to remind us that this secret allows access to our development system. Note that the hostname requires both the IP address (or dns name) and the port.

Velociraptor 0.7.2 Release: Digging Deeper than Ever with EWF Support, Dynamic DNS and More

Next we will share the secrets with some GUI users

Velociraptor 0.7.2 Release: Digging Deeper than Ever with EWF Support, Dynamic DNS and More
Velociraptor 0.7.2 Release: Digging Deeper than Ever with EWF Support, Dynamic DNS and More

We can view the list of users that are able to use the secret within the GUI

Velociraptor 0.7.2 Release: Digging Deeper than Ever with EWF Support, Dynamic DNS and More

Now we can use the new secret by simply referring to it by name:

Velociraptor 0.7.2 Release: Digging Deeper than Ever with EWF Support, Dynamic DNS and More

Not only is this more secure but it is also more convenient since we don’t need to remember the details of each secret to be able to use it. For example, the http_client() plugin will fill the URL field, headers, cookies etc directly from the secret without us needing to bother with the details.

WARNING: Although secrets are designed to control access to the raw credential by preventing users from directly accessing the secrets' contents, those secrets are still written to disk. This means that GUI users with direct filesystem access can simply read the secrets from the disk.

We recommend not granting untrusted users elevated server permissions like EXECVE or Filesystem Read as it can bypass the security measures placed on secrets.

Server improvements

Implemented Websocket based communication mechanism

One of the most important differences between Velociraptor and some older remote DFIR frameworks such as GRR is the fact that Velociraptor maintains a constant, low latency connection to the server. This allows Velociraptor clients to respond immediately without needing to wait for polling on the server.

In order to enhance compatibility between multiple network configurations like MITM proxies, transparent proxies etc., Velociraptor has stuck to simple HTTP based communications protocols. To keep a constant connection, Velociraptor uses the long poll method, keeping HTTP POST operations open for a long time.

However as the Internet evolves and newer protocols become commonly used by major sites, the older HTTP based communication method has proven more difficult to use. For example, we found that certain layer 7 load balancers interfere with the long poll method by introducing buffering to the connection. This severely degrades communications between client and server (Velociraptor falls back to a polling method in this case).

On the other hand, modern protocols are more widely used, so we found that modern load balancers and proxies already support standard low latency communications protocols such as Web Sockets.

In the 0.7.2 release, Velociraptor introduces support for websockets as a communications protocol. The websocket protocol is designed for low latency and low overhead continuous communications methods between clients and server (and is already used by most major social media platforms, for example). Therefore, this new method should be better supported by network infrastructure as well as being more efficient.

To use the new websocket protocol, simply set the client’s server URL to have wss:// scheme:


You can use both https and wss URLs at the same time, Velociraptor will switch from one to the other scheme if one becomes unavailable.

Dynamic DNS providers

Velociraptor has the capability to adjust DNS records by itself (AKA Dynamic DNS). This saves users the hassle of managing a dedicated dynamic DNS service such as ddclient).

Traditionally we used Google Domains as our default Dynamic DNS provider, but Google has decided to shut down this service abruptly forcing us to switch to alternative providers.

The 0.7.2 release has now switched to CloudFlare as our default preferred Dynamic DNS provider. We also added as a second option.

Setting up CloudFlare as your preferred dynamic DNS provider requires the following steps:

  1. Sign into CloudFlare and buy a domain name.
  2. Go to to generate an API token. Select Edit Zone DNS in the API Token templates.
Velociraptor 0.7.2 Release: Digging Deeper than Ever with EWF Support, Dynamic DNS and More
Velociraptor 0.7.2 Release: Digging Deeper than Ever with EWF Support, Dynamic DNS and More

You will need to require the “Edit” permission on Zone DNS and include the specific zone name you want to manage. The zone name is the domain you purchased, e.g. “”. You will be able to set the hostname under that domain, e.g. “”.

Velociraptor 0.7.2 Release: Digging Deeper than Ever with EWF Support, Dynamic DNS and More

Using this information you can now create the dyndns configuration:

type: cloudflare
api_token: XXXYYYZZZ

Make sure the Frontend.Hostname field is set to the correct hostname to update - for example


This is the hostname that will be updated.

Enhanced proxy support

Velociraptor is often deployed into complex enterprise networks. Such networks are often locked down with complicated controls (such as MITM inspection proxies or automated proxy configurations) which Velociraptor needs to support.

Velociraptor already supports MITM proxies but previously had inflexible proxy configuration. The proxy could be set or unset but there was no finer grained control over which proxy to choose for different URLs. This makes it difficult to deploy on changing network topologies (such as roaming use).

The 0.7.2 release introduces more complex proxy condition capabilities. It is now possible to specify which proxy to use for which URL based on a set of regular expressions:

"^": ""
"^": ""

The above configuration means to:

  1. By default connect to for all URLs (including https)
  2. Except for which will be connected to directly.
  3. Any URLs in the domain will be forwarded through

This proxy configuration can apply to the Client section or the Frontend section to control the server’s configuration.

Additionally, Velociraptor now supports a Proxy Auto Configuration (PAC) file. If a PAC file is specified, then the other configuration directives are ignored and all configuration comes from the PAC file. The PAC file can also be read from disk using the file:// URL scheme, or even provided within the configuration file using a data: URL.


Note that the PAC file must obviously be accessible without a proxy.

Other notable features

Other interesting improvements include:

Process memory access on MacOS

On MacOS we can now use proc_yara() to scan process memory. This should work providing your TCT profile grants the get-task-allow, proc_info-allow and task_for_pid-allow entitlements. For example the following plist is needed at a minimum: get-task-allow proc_info-allow task_for_pid-allow

Multipart uploaders to http_client()

Sometimes servers require uploaded files to be encoded using the mutipart/form method. Previously it was possible to upload files using the http_client() plugin by constructing the relevant request in pure VQL string building operations.

However this approach is limited by available memory and is not suitable for larger files. It is also non-intuitive for users.

This release adds the files parameter to the http_client() plugin. This simplifies uploading multiple files and automatically streams those files without memory buffering - allowing very large files to be uploaded this way.

For example:

FROM http_client(
files=dict(file='file.txt', key='file', path='/etc/passwd', accessor="file")

Here the files can be an array of dicts with the following fields:

  • file: The name of the file that will be stored on the server
  • key: The name of the form element that will receive the file
  • path: This is an OSPath object that we open and stream into the form.
  • accessor: Any accessor required for the path.

Yara plugin can now accept compiled rules

The yara() plugin was upgraded to use Yara Version 4.5.0 as well as support compiled yara rules. You can compile yara rules with the yarac compiler to produce a binary rule file. Simply pass the compiled binary data to the yara() plugin’s rules parameter.

WARNING: We do not recommend using compiled yara rules because of their practical limitations:

  1. The compiled rules are not portable and must be used on exactly the same version of the yara library as the compiler that created them (Currently 4.5.0)
  2. Compiled yara rules are much larger than the text rules.

Compiled yara rules pose no benefit over text based rules, except perhaps being more complex to decompile. This is primarily the reason to use compiled rules - to try to hide the rules (e.g. from commercial reasons).


There are many more new features and bug fixes in the 0.7.2 release. If you’re interested in any of these new features, why not take Velociraptor for a spin by downloading it from our release page? It’s available for free on GitHub under an open-source license.

As always, please file bugs on the GitHub issue tracker or submit questions to our mailing list by emailing You can also chat with us directly on our Discord server.

Learn more about Velociraptor by visiting any of our web and social media channels below:

RCE to Sliver: IR Tales from the Field

By: Rapid7
15 February 2024 at 14:38
RCE to Sliver: IR Tales from the Field

*Rapid7 Incident Response consultants Noah Hemker, Tyler Starks, and malware analyst Tom Elkins contributed analysis and insight to this blog.*

Rapid7 Incident Response was engaged to investigate an incident involving unauthorized access to two publicly-facing Confluence servers that were the source of multiple malware executions. Rapid7 identified evidence of exploitation for CVE-2023-22527 within available Confluence logs. During the investigation, Rapid7 identified cryptomining software and a Sliver Command and Control (C2) payload on in-scope servers. Sliver is a modular C2 framework that provides adversarial emulation capabilities for red teams; however, it’s also frequently abused by threat actors. The Sliver payload was used to action subsequent threat actor objectives within the environment. Without proper security tooling to monitor system network traffic and firewall communications, this activity would have progressed undetected leading to further compromise.

Rapid7 customers

Rapid7 consistently monitors emergent threats to identify areas for new detection opportunities. The recent appearance of Sliver C2 malware prompted Rapid7 teams to conduct a thorough analysis of the techniques being utilized and the potential risks. Rapid7 InsightIDR has an alert rule Suspicious Web Request - Possible Atlassian Confluence CVE-2023-22527 Exploitation available for all IDR customers to detect the usage of the text-inline.vm consistent with the exploitation of CVE-2023-22527. A vulnerability check is also available to InsightVM and Nexpose customers. A Velociraptor artifact to hunt for evidence of Confluence CVE-2023-22527 exploitation is available on the Velociraptor Artifact Exchange here. Read Rapid7’s blog on CVE-2023-22527.

Observed Attacker Behavior

Rapid7 IR began the investigation by triaging available forensic artifacts on the two affected publicly-facing Confluence servers. These servers were both running vulnerable Confluence software versions that were abused to obtain Remote Code Execution (RCE) capabilities. Rapid7 reviewed server access logs to identify the presence of suspicious POST requests consistent with known vulnerabilities, including CVE-2023-22527. This vulnerability is a critical OGNL injection vulnerability that abuses the text-inline.vm component of Confluence by sending a modified POST request to the server.

Evidence showed multiple instances of exploitation of this CVE, however, evidence of an embedded command would not be available within the standard header information logged within access logs. Packet Capture (PCAP) was not available to be reviewed to identify embedded commands, but the identified POST requests are consistent with the exploitation of the CVE.
The following are a few examples of the exploitation of the Confluence CVE found within access logs:

Access.log Entry
POST /template/aui/text-inline.vm HTTP/1.0 200 5961ms 7753 - Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/89.0.4389.114 Safari/537.36
POST /template/aui/text-inline.vm HTTP/1.0 200 70ms 7750 - Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_3) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/12.0.3 Safari/605.1.15
POST /template/aui/text-inline.vm HTTP/1.0 200 247ms 7749 - Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:121.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/121.0

Evidence showed the execution of a curl command post-exploitation of the CVE resulting in the dropping of cryptomining malware to the system. The IP addresses associated with the malicious POST requests to the Confluence servers matched the IP addresses of the identified curl command. This indicates that the dropped cryptomining malware was directly tied to Confluence CVE exploitation.
As a result of the executed curl command, file was written to the /tmp/ directory on the system. This file is a bash script used to enumerate the operating system, download cryptomining installation files, and then execute the cryptomining binary. The bash script then executed the wget command to download javs.tar.gz from the IP address 38.6.173[.]11 over port 80. This file was identified to be the XMRigCC cryptomining malware which caused a spike in system resource utilization consistent with cryptomining activity. Service javasgs_miner.service was created on the system and set to run as root to ensure persistence.

The following is a snippet of code contained within defining communication parameters for the downloading and execution of the XMRigCC binary.

RCE to Sliver: IR Tales from the Field

Rapid7 found additional log evidence within Catalina.log that references the download of the above file inside of an HTTP response header. This response registered as ‘invalid’ as it contained characters that could not be accurately interpreted. Evidence confirmed the successful download and execution of the XMRigCC miner, so the above Catalina log may prove useful for analysts to identify additional proof of attempted or successful exploitation.

Catalina Log Entry
WARNING [http-nio-8090-exec-239 url: /rest/table-filter/1.0/service/license; user: Redacted ] org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Processor.prepareResponse The HTTP response header [X-Cmd-Response] with value [ xmrigCC-3.4.0-linux-generic-static-amd64.tar.gz... ] has been removed from the response because it is invalid

Rapid7 then shifted focus to begin a review of system network connections on both servers. Evidence showed an active connection with known-abused IP address 193.29.13[.]179 communicating over port 8888 from both servers. netstat command output showed that the network connection’s source program was called X-org and was located within the system’s /tmp directory. According to firewall logs, the first identified communication from this server to the malicious IP address aligned with the timestamps of the identified X-org file creation. Rapid7 identified another malicious file residing on the secondary server named X0 Both files shared the same SHA256 hash, indicating that they are the same binary. The hash for these files has been provided below in the IOCs section.

A review of firewall logs provided a comprehensive view of the communications between affected systems and the malicious IP address. Firewall logs filtered on traffic between the compromised servers and the malicious IP address showed inbound and outbound data transfers consistent with known C2 behavior. Rapid7 decoded and debugged the Sliver payload to extract any available Indicators of Compromise (IOCs). Within the Sliver payload, Rapid7 confirmed the following IP address 193.29.13[.]179 would communicate over port 8888 using the mTLS authentication protocol.

RCE to Sliver: IR Tales from the Field

After Sliver first communicated with the established C2, it checked the username associated with the current session on the local system, read etc/passwd and etc/machine-id and then communicated back with the C2 again. The contents of passwd and machine-id provide system information such as the hostname and any account on the system. Cached credentials from the system were discovered to be associated with outbound C2 traffic further supporting this credential access. This activity is consistent with the standard capabilities available within the GitHub release of Sliver hosted here.

The Sliver C2 connection was later used to execute wget commands used to download Kerbrute, Traitor, and Fscan to the servers. Kerbute was executed from dev/shm and is commonly used to brute-force and enumerate valid Active Directory accounts through Kerberos pre-authentications. The Traitor binary was executed from the var/tmp directory which contains the functionality to leverage Pwnkit and Dirty Pipe as seen within evidence on the system. Fscan was executed from the var/tmp directory with the file name f and performed scanning to enumerate systems present within the environment. Rapid7 performed containment actions to deny any further threat actor activity. No additional post-exploitation objectives were identified within the environment.

Mitigation guidance

To mitigate the attacker behavior outlined in this blog, the following mitigation techniques should be considered:

  • Ensure that unnecessary ports and services are disabled on publicly-facing servers.

  • All publicly-facing servers should regularly be patched and remain up-to-date with the most recent software releases.

  • Environment firewall logs should be aggregated into a centralized security solution to allow for the detection of abnormal network communications.

  • Firewall rules should be implemented to deny inbound and outbound traffic from unapproved geolocations.

  • Publicly-facing servers hosting web applications should implement a restricted shell, where possible, to limit the capabilities and scope of commands available when compared to a standard bash shell.

MITRE ATT&CK Techniques

Tactics Techniques Details
Command and Control Application Layer Protocol (T1071) Sliver C2 connection
Discovery Domain Account Discovery (T1087) Kerbrute enumeration of Active Directory
Reconnaissance Active Scanning (T1595) Fscan enumeration
Privilege Escalation Setuid and Setgid (T1548.001) Traitor privilege escalation
Execution Unix Shell (T1059.004) The Sliver payload and follow-on command executions
Credential Access Brute Force (T1110) Kerbrute Active Directory brute force component
Credential Access OS Credential Dumping (T1003.008) Extracting the contents of /etc/passwd file
Impact Resource Hijacking (T1496) Execution of cryptomining software
Initial Access Exploit Public-Facing Application (T1190) Evidence of text-inline abuse within Confluence logs

Indicators of Compromise

Attribute Value Description
Filename and Path /dev/shm/traitor-amd64 Privilege escalation binary
SHA256 fdfbfc07248c3359d9f1f536a406d4268f01ed63a856bd6cef9dccb3cf4f2376 Hash for Traitor binary
Filename and Path /var/tmp/kerbrute_linux_amd64 Kerbrute enumeration of Active Directory
SHA256 710a9d2653c8bd3689e451778dab9daec0de4c4c75f900788ccf23ef254b122a Hash for Kerbrute binary
Filename and Path /var/tmp/f Fscan enumeration
SHA256 b26458a0b60f4af597433fb7eff7b949ca96e59330f4e4bb85005e8bbcfa4f59 Hash for Fscan binary
Filename and Path /tmp/X0 Sliver binary
SHA256 29bd4fa1fcf4e28816c59f9f6a248bedd7b9867a88350618115efb0ca867d736 Hash for Sliver binary
Filename and Path /tmp/X-org Sliver binary
SHA256 29bd4fa1fcf4e28816c59f9f6a248bedd7b9867a88350618115efb0ca867d736 Hash for Sliver binary
IP Address Sliver C2 IP address
Filename and Path /tmp/ Bash script for XMrigCC cryptominer
SHA256 8d7c5ab5b2cf475a0d94c2c7d82e1bbd8b506c9c80d5c991763ba6f61f1558b0 Hash for bash script
Filename and Path /tmp/javs.tar.gz Compressed crypto installation files
SHA256 ef7c24494224a7f0c528edf7b27c942d18933d0fc775222dd5fffd8b6256736b Hash for crypto installation files
Log-Based IOC "POST /template/aui/text-inline.vm HTTP/1.0 200" followed by GET request containing curl Exploit behavior within Confluence access.log
IP Address IP address associated with exploit behavior of text-inline followed by curl
IP Address IP address associated with exploit behavior of text-inline followed by curl