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Today β€” 29 June 2024Main stream

Life as an unpaid carer in the UK: β€˜I feel unseen and unheard – and politicians don’t offer much’

29 June 2024 at 05:00

A daughter who gave up full-time work to help look after her mother reveals her emotional and financial struggle

We’re in the haematology department at the hospital and they call my mum in. We go inside, sit down and the doctor tells us the results of the test: she has myeloma – blood cancer – but will need a bone marrow test to confirm it.

I nearly faint, my heart sinks and I can see my mum’s face filled with sadness. Everything we hear after that is a blur but I know from that point things will be tough and that I am about to become a carer.

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Β© Photograph: Linda Nylind/The Guardian


Β© Photograph: Linda Nylind/The Guardian

Unpaid UK carers β€˜face financial hit that can last decades’

29 June 2024 at 02:00

Loss of income, curbs on benefits and soaring bills are piling pressure on people caring for family members

People who look after family members free of charge are taking a huge hit to their finances which could continue into their retirement as they find themselves unable to balance paid work with their caring commitments.

Recent analysis of official figures by the financial firm Just Retirement found seven in 10 people who were receiving carer’s allowance were not in paid work, and missing out on earnings and private pension contributions.

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Β© Photograph: Burger/Phanie/Rex Features


Β© Photograph: Burger/Phanie/Rex Features

Yesterday β€” 28 June 2024Main stream

Sword Granny: meet the 82-year-old dedicated to teaching India’s oldest martial art

28 June 2024 at 01:00

Amid rising crimes against women, Meenakshi Raghavan is dedicated to passing on the ancient skills of Kalaripayattu

Today the pupils are mostly schoolchildren, aged from seven up to teenagers. The teacher is an 82-year-old woman known to all as Sword Granny. Inside her martial arts school – a large hall with walls adorned with trophies and mementoes – in Vatakara, in the southern Indian state of Kerala, the session begins with prayers and warmup exercises.

Then Meenakshi Raghavan takes the class through the precise movements of Kalaripayattu, India’s oldest martial art, their bare feet padding across a floor of red dust mixed with medicinal herbs.

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Β© Photograph: Nadja Wohlleben


Β© Photograph: Nadja Wohlleben

Before yesterdayMain stream

One in four healthy people over 60 in UK β€˜have undiagnosed heart valve disease’

26 June 2024 at 18:30

Researchers say in most cases condition is mild but it can increase risk of heart attacks and strokes

One in four healthy people aged 60 and over in the UK have undiagnosed heart valve disease, research suggests.

The conditions develops when one or more of the heart valves do not work properly. The main problems are caused by the valves either not opening fully or not closing correctly.

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Β© Photograph: Universal Images Group Limited/Alamy


Β© Photograph: Universal Images Group Limited/Alamy
