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Life as an unpaid carer in the UK: β€˜I feel unseen and unheard – and politicians don’t offer much’

29 June 2024 at 05:00

A daughter who gave up full-time work to help look after her mother reveals her emotional and financial struggle

We’re in the haematology department at the hospital and they call my mum in. We go inside, sit down and the doctor tells us the results of the test: she has myeloma – blood cancer – but will need a bone marrow test to confirm it.

I nearly faint, my heart sinks and I can see my mum’s face filled with sadness. Everything we hear after that is a blur but I know from that point things will be tough and that I am about to become a carer.

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Β© Photograph: Linda Nylind/The Guardian


Β© Photograph: Linda Nylind/The Guardian
