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Today — 2 July 2024Main stream

EU Flexes Muscles: Meta’s ‘Pay or Consent’ Model Faces DMA Challenge

Pay or Consent, Meta

The European Commission has found that Meta's "pay or consent" advertising model breaches the Digital Markets Act (DMA). The preliminary findings highlight concerns about user choice and data control within the social media landscape. The comprehensive investigation will take a year's time, after which a formal decision will be made, the Commission said.

Meta DMA, Pay or Consent

DMA Compliance: A New Benchmark for User Privacy

The Digital Markets Act (DMA) was signed into law by the European Parliament and the Council presidency in September 2022. It became legally effective two months later and most of its regulations took effect on May 2, 2023.

The DMA is a European law that aims to prevent large online platforms from abusing their market power and to ensure fair competition in the digital economy. The law primarily targets "gatekeepers," which are large digital platforms that provide core services like search engines, messaging services, app stores and dominant online platforms like Meta.

Meta's Model Under Fire: Limited Options, Privacy Concerns

Online platforms collect a lot of personal data to power online advertising. Their dominant position allows them to set user agreements that enable vast data collection, giving them a big advantage over competitors.

New EU regulations - DMA Article 5(2) - aim to empower users by requiring platforms to get explicit consent before combining their data across different services. Even if users refuse consent, they must still have access to a basic version of the service, even if it's less personalized. This stops platforms from forcing users to give up their data to use the service entirely.

Meta's "pay or consent" model, launched in response to the DMA, presents EU users with a binary choice, the commission argued. Subscribe for an ad-free version or accept personalized ads in the free version. The Commission said this approach fails to comply with the DMA on two key points:

  • Lack of a "Less Personalized" Option: Users are not offered a service with reduced data collection and ad personalization, violating their right to control their data footprint.
  • Consent Coercion: The model allegedly coerces consent by making access to certain functionalities conditional on agreeing to data combination.

The Commission asserted that users who choose not to consent should still have access to an equivalent service with less data collection for advertising purposes.

Next Steps: Dialog and Potential Penalties

Meta now has the opportunity to respond to the preliminary findings and defend its practices. The Commission will conclude its investigation within a year, potentially leading to a formal decision against Meta if the concerns are confirmed.

Meta DMA, Pay or Consent

Potential consequences for non-compliance include hefty fines – up to 20% of global turnover for repeated offenses. More drastic measures like forced business divestments are also on the table.

The Commission remains open to discussions with Meta to find a solution that complies with the DMA. This case sets a crucial precedent for how dominant platforms handle user data and privacy in the age of stricter regulations.

Yesterday — 1 July 2024Main stream

Risk of serious injury as strangling during sex becomes normalised among young Australians

Sexual violence experts concerned about health risks and lack of consent after survey shows almost 60% of respondents under 35 had been choked at least once

Strangling a partner during sex is widely perceived as normal especially among young people, with more than half of adults aged 35 and under reporting they have been strangled, many of them unaware of potentially serious health consequences.

It is a finding that has sexual violence experts so concerned that they launched the “Breathless” campaign and website on Tuesday to highlight that strangulation – often referred to as “choking” – is unsafe, and often occurs with no or inadequate communication or consent.

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Before yesterdayMain stream

"I want an actual creature"

By: chavenet
27 June 2024 at 03:39
When I first told friends about the latest turn my reading had taken, I got a lot of blank stares at first but soon fell into a delightful text exchange with a friend who has a Ph.D. and who also read Morning Glory Milking Farm. She sent me a link to Hermione Granger–Draco Malfoy fanfic that she said had taught her a lot about BDSM. I started to realize that, though many of us may be out here walking around with the latest literary fiction from Riverhead or Pantheon in our tote bags, our phones runneth over with stories of men with tails and two dicks. from Falling for a Minotaur [The Cut; ungated] [Text is probably NSFW]

One of a swelling series in The Cut's Summer of Smut

Cookie consent choices are just being ignored by some websites

5 April 2024 at 14:51

In news that is, sadly, unlikely to shock you, new research indicates that many websites ignore visitors’ choices to refuse cookies and collect their data anyway.

Researchers at the University of Amsterdam (UvA) analyzed 85,000 European websites and came to the conclusion that 90% of them violated at least one privacy regulation.

graph showing percentages of cookie privacy violations
Image courtesy of UvA

Cookies are bits of data that websites save on your computer when you look at a page, view an image, download a file, or interact with them in any other way. Cookies help websites remember you, which is often useful, particularly if you are logging in to a website, but they can also be used for things that some users don’t like, such as tracking. Tracking cookies are used by marketers to target you with ads that may interest you based on your browsing habits.

Working with researchers from Swiss university ETH Zürich, the team from UvA created a machine-learning tool that allowed them to analyze 100,000 websites. The main goal was to compare what information websites said they would gather with what they actually did. The researchers found an enormous number of privacy violations.

To make the data a bit more insightful, they discriminated between “naive” violations and deliberate violations.

Naive violations are things like not offering a choice to reject cookies (affecting 57% of sites), and forgetting to ask for permission to store cookies (which occurred on 32% of websites visited by Europeans). Forgetting to ask for permission, or making it very hard to reject cookies, is very easy to spot, yet several major website owners have already been fined for violations like this.

But then we enter the realm of deliberate privacy violations. Of the websites that offered visitors a choice, 65% used tracking cookies, even if visitors chose to reject them. In many cases, websites created the cookies even before the visitor had the chance to make their choice.

More than 77% of the websites chose to interpret closing a cookie notification dialog as user consent.

On top of this, many websites also used so-called “dark patterns” to manipulate visitors into making the site’s preferred choice. Dark patterns, also known as deceptive design patterns, occur when a user interface has been crafted to nudge or trick users into doing things they didn’t set out to do.

Dark patterns are not subliminal messaging or visual or auditory stimuli that the conscious mind cannot perceive, although advertisers have been accused of using those as well. It’s more like making the accept button bright and easy to find and the reject button dark, smaller, or harder to read.

The researchers came to the conclusion that the way the cookie consent system is working is far from satisfactory. Small websites don’t have the technical and legal knowledge to comply, and some others are simply choosing to ignore or bend the rules.

And warnings to website owners seem to fall on deaf ears. Since March 31, 2021, when the deadline set for websites and mobile applications to comply with the new rules on cookies expired, the French privacy watchdog Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL) has adopted nearly 100 corrective measures (orders and sanctions) related to non-compliance with the legislation on cookies.

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