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After Banning Sales of Kaspersky Products, U.S. Sanctions its Top Executives

Kaspersky, Kaspersky top executives, Kaspersky top executives sanctioned

A day after the Biden administration announced a U.S. ban on the sale of Kaspersky Lab products, the U.S. Treasury Department on Friday sanctioned a dozen top executives and senior leaders at the Russian cybersecurity company. Kaspersky took issue with the Biden administration's moves and said, "The decision does not affect the company’s ability to sell and promote cyber threat intelligence offerings and/or trainings in the U.S." The company said the action will instead benefit cybercriminals by restricting international cooperation between cybersecurity experts. The decision to ban Kaspersky is "based on the present geopolitical climate and theoretical concerns," the company said in a scathing response to the Commerce Department's ban. The sanctions represent the latest in a series of punitive measures against the Russian antivirus company, underscoring growing concerns about cybersecurity and national security risks associated with the firm's operations.

Details of the Kaspersky Sanctions

The Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) specifically targeted key individuals within Kaspersky Lab, including the chief operating officer, chief legal officer, chief of human resources, and chief business development and technology officers, among others. [caption id="attachment_78565" align="aligncenter" width="588"]Kaspersky, Kaspersky top executives, Kaspersky top executives sanctioned Source: U.S. Department of the Treasury[/caption] The Treasury added all the above individuals to its Specially Designated Nationals list. SDN is a list maintained by OFAC that publicly identifies persons determined by the U.S. government to be involved in activities that threaten or undermine U.S. foreign policy or national security objectives. Notably, the sanctions did not extend to Kaspersky Lab itself, its parent or subsidiary companies nor to its CEO Eugene Kaspersky. The sanctions came just a day after the U.S. Commerce Department issued a final determination to ban Kaspersky Lab from operating in the United States. This ban is rooted in longstanding concerns over national security and the potential risks to critical infrastructure. The Commerce Department also added three Kaspersky divisions to its entity list due to their cooperation with the Russian government in cyber intelligence activities. The U.S. government has been wary of Kaspersky Lab's ties to the Russian government, fearing that its software could be used to facilitate cyber espionage. Bloomberg in 2017 first reported it had seen emails between chief executive Eugene Kaspersky and senior Kaspersky staff outlining a secret cybersecurity project apparently requested by the Russian intelligence service FSB. Kaspersky refuted these claims, calling the allegations "false"Β  and "inaccurate." However, these concerns have led to a broader push to restrict the company's operations within the U.S. and to mitigate any potential threats to national security.

Kaspersky Lab’s Response

Kaspersky Lab has consistently denied any allegations of being influenced or controlled by any government. The company has pledged to explore all legal options in response to the Commerce Department’s ban and the recent sanctions imposed by the Treasury. In a statement, Kaspersky Lab reiterated its commitment to transparency and maintaining the trust of its users worldwide, emphasizing it has never assisted any government in cyber espionage activities. "Kaspersky does not engage in activities which threaten U.S. national security and, in fact, has made significant contributions with its reporting and protection from a variety of threat actors that targeted U.S. interests and allies," it said.
"Kaspersky provides industry-leading products and services to customers around the world to protect them from all types of cyber threats, and has repeatedly demonstrated its independence from any government."Β - Kaspersky Lab
The antivirus company claimed it has also implemented significant transparency measures that demonstrate its commitment to integrity and trustworthiness. But "the Department of Commerce’s decision unfairly ignores the evidence," Kaspersky said. The company said it also proposed a system in which the security of Kaspersky products could have been independently verified by a trusted third party.
"Kaspersky believes that the Department of Commerce made its decision based on the present geopolitical climate and theoretical concerns, rather than on a comprehensive evaluation of the integrity of Kaspersky’s products and services."
However, Brian Nelson, Treasury’s Undersecretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence, stated, β€œToday’s action against the leadership of Kaspersky Lab underscores our commitment to ensure the integrity of our cyber domain and to protect our citizens against malicious cyber threats. The U.S. will take action where necessary to hold accountable those who would seek to facilitate or otherwise enable these activities.”

Implications and Future Actions

The sanctions against Kaspersky Lab’s leadership signal a broader strategy by the U.S. government to address cybersecurity threats posed by foreign entities. This approach is part of a larger effort to strengthen national security and protect critical infrastructure from potential cyberattacks.

Legal and Business Repercussions

Kaspersky Lab’s legal battles and its efforts to counteract these sanctions will be closely watched. The company's ability to operate in the international market could be significantly affected by these measures, impacting its business operations and customer trust.

Global Cybersecurity Landscape

This development also highlights the ongoing tensions in the global cybersecurity landscape, where national security concerns often intersect with business interests. The actions taken by the U.S. government may set a precedent for how other nations address similar concerns with foreign technology firms. The U.S. Treasury Department's decision to sanction senior leaders at Kaspersky Lab marks a pivotal moment in the ongoing scrutiny of the Russian cybersecurity firm. While Kaspersky Lab denies any wrongdoing and prepares to contest the sanctions legally, the actions taken by the U.S. government underscore a determined effort to mitigate potential cyber threats and protect national security. As the situation unfolds, it will have significant implications for both Kaspersky and the broader cybersecurity environment.

Understanding Cyberconflict in the Geopolitical Context

By: Editorial
17 June 2024 at 14:00


By Hoda Alkhzaimi The technological prowess of small nations is increasingly recognized as a significant driver of global economic power. This is because technology is a great equalizer; it can enable small nations to leapfrog development stages and compete on a global scale. For instance, the UNCTAD Technology and Innovation Report 2021 highlights that frontier technologies like AI, robotics, and biotechnology have the potential to significantly boost sustainable development, while also posing the risk of widening the digital divide. Small nations, by embracing these technologies, can foster innovation, improve productivity, and create high-value industries that contribute to global trade and economic growth. Moreover, the digital transformation allows for the democratization of information and resources, enabling smaller economies to participate in markets traditionally dominated by larger countries. The OECD also emphasizes the role of SMEs in adapting to a more open and digitalized environment, which is essential for inclusive globalization. Therefore, the technological development of small nations is not just about national progress; it's about contributing to and shaping the global economic landscape. By investing in technology and innovation, small nations can assert their presence on the world stage, influencing global trends and economic policies. Cyber conflicts have emerged as a significant factor in international relations, influencing the dynamics of power in the digital age. The Atlantic Council's Cyber Statecraft Initiative highlights the shift from traditional deterrence strategies to more proactive measures like Defend Forward and Persistent Engagement, reflecting the evolving nature of cyber threats. Research published in Armed Forces & Society suggests that cyber conflicts, termed 'cool wars', are reshaping interactions between states, with denial-of-service attacks and behaviour-changing tactics significantly affecting state relations. Moreover, the ICRC has raised concerns about the protection of civilians from cyber threats during armed conflicts, emphasizing the need for legal and policy frameworks to address the digital risks in warfare. The CyberPeace Institute's analysis of cyberattacks in the context of the Ukraine conflict provides valuable data on the harm to civilians and the evolution of cyber threats. Additionally, the European Repository of Cyber Incidents offers an extensive database of cyber incidents, which can serve as a resource for understanding the scope and impact of cyber warfare. These insights underscore the importance of cyber capabilities in asserting influence and the need for robust cyber defence mechanisms to safeguard national security and civilian welfare in the face of digital threats. The interplay between cyber operations and political power is complex, and as technology continues to advance, the implications for international stability and power hierarchies will likely become even more pronounced

The Role of Misinformation and Disinformation in Cyberconflict

Misinformation and disinformation play a critical role in the landscape of cyberconflict, shaping public perception and influencing the dynamics of geopolitical tensions. A report by Full Fact highlights the detrimental impact of false information on democratic societies, emphasizing the need for informed citizenship to combat the spread of such information. Similarly, data from UNESCO underscores the pervasive risk of encountering disinformation across various media platforms, with statistics indicating a significant trust deficit in media and an increase in the manipulation of news consumption. The cybersecurity sector also recognizes disinformation as a substantial threat, with a study by the Institute for Public Relations revealing that 63% of Americans view disinformation as a major societal issue, and nearly half of cybersecurity professionals consider it a significant threat to security. These concerns are echoed globally, as a survey found that over 85% of people worry about the impact of online disinformation on their country's politics. The intertwining of misinformation, disinformation, and cyberconflict presents a complex challenge that requires a multifaceted approach, including media literacy, regulatory frameworks, and international cooperation to mitigate its effects and safeguard information integrity.

The Role of Big Tech in Cyberconflict Interplay

The role of big tech companies in cyber conflict is a complex and evolving issue. These companies often find themselves at the forefront of cyber conflict, whether as targets, mediators, or sometimes even participants. For instance, during civil conflicts, digital technologies have been used to recruit followers, finance activities, and control narratives, posing additional challenges for peacemakers. The explosive growth of digital technologies has also opened new potential domains for conflict, with state and non-state actors capable of carrying out attacks across international borders, affecting critical infrastructure and diminishing trust among states. In response to the invasion of Ukraine, big tech companies played crucial roles in addressing information warfare and cyber-attacks, showcasing their significant influence during times of conflict. Moreover, the technological competition between major powers like the United States and China further highlights the geopolitical dimension of big tech's involvement in cyber conflict. These instances underscore the need for a robust framework to manage the participation of big tech in cyber conflict, ensuring that their capabilities are harnessed for peace and security rather than exacerbating tensions.

Hedging the Risks of Using AI and Emerging Tech To Scaleup Misinformation and Global Cyberconflicts

In response to the growing threat of election misinformation, various initiatives have been undertaken globally. The World Economic Forum has identified misinformation as a top societal threat and emphasized the need for a concerted effort to combat it, especially in an election year with a significant global population going to the polls. The European Union has implemented a voluntary code of practice for online platforms to take proactive measures against disinformation, including the establishment of a Rapid Alert System and the promotion of fact-checking and media literacy programs. In the United States, the Brennan Center for Justice advocates for active monitoring of false election information and collaboration with internet companies to curb digital disinformation. Additionally, the North Carolina State Board of Elections (NCSBE) provides guidelines for the public to critically assess the credibility of election news sources and encourages the use of reputable outlets. These initiatives represent a multifaceted approach to safeguarding the integrity of elections by enhancing public awareness, improving digital literacy, and fostering collaboration between governments, tech companies, and civil society. In the ongoing battle against election misinformation, several key alliances and actions have been formed. Notably, the AI Elections Accord was proposed for public signature at the Munich Security Conference on February 16, 2024. This accord represents a commitment by technology companies to combat deceptive AI content in elections. In a similar vein, Meta established a dedicated team on February 26, 2024, to address disinformation and the misuse of AI leading up to the European Parliament elections. Furthermore, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in the United States took a decisive step by making AI-generated voices in robocalls illegal on February 8, 2024, to prevent their use in misleading voters. These measures reflect a growing recognition of the need for collaborative efforts to safeguard the integrity of elections in the digital age. The alliances and regulations are pivotal in ensuring that the democratic process remains transparent and trustworthy amidst the challenges posed by advanced technologies. Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.