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Pornhub prepares to block five more states rather than check IDs

20 June 2024 at 16:33
Pornhub prepares to block five more states rather than check IDs

Enlarge (credit: Aurich Lawson | Getty Images)

Pornhub will soon be blocked in five more states as the adult site continues to fight what it considers privacy-infringing age-verification laws that require Internet users to provide an ID to access pornography.

On July 1, according toΒ a blog post on the adult site announcing the impending block, Pornhub visitors in Indiana, Idaho, Kansas, Kentucky, and Nebraska will be "greeted by a video featuring" adult entertainer Cherie Deville, "who explains why we had to make the difficult decision to block them from accessing Pornhub."

Pornhub explained thatβ€”similar to blocks in Texas, Utah, Arkansas, Virginia, Montana, North Carolina, and Mississippiβ€”the site refuses to comply with soon-to-be-enforceable age-verification laws in this new batch of states that allegedly put users at "substantial risk" of identity theft, phishing, and other harms.

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"We lost and we gained," she said.

By: bq
7 June 2024 at 17:41
When desegregation came to Harlan County, Ky.: An oral history. Karida Brown for the Washington Post. "As we commemorate the 70th anniversary of Brown v. Board of Education this month, let us not forget: It was Black children who did the work of desegregating our schools.... The narratives in this piece come from oral histories I conducted from 2013 to 2016 with African Americans who, like my parents, remember the "colored schools" of Harlan County, particularly those in two small Appalachian coal towns, Lynch and Benham. Their experiences β€” revisited from the vantage point of their 60s, 70s and 80s β€” give texture to a complex transition from a pre- to post-civil rights era."archive.is link