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MEDUSA Ransomware Targets AJE Group: $1.5M Price Tag for 646GB of Data

AJE Group

AJE Group, a prominent company in the manufacture, distribution, and sale of alcoholic and nonalcoholic beverages, has allegedly fallen victim to a MEDUSA ransomware attack. Founded in 1988 and headquartered in Lima, Peru, AJE Group employs 2,896 people. The unconfirmed ransomware attack on AJE Group has allegedly resulted in a significant data breach, putting allegedly 646.4 GB of data at risk.

Ransomware Attack on AJE Group: Ransom Demand and Countdown

The ransomware group has set an ominous countdown of eight days, 21 hours, 20 minutes, and 30 seconds for the company to comply with their demands. The attackers have placed a hefty price tag of US$1,500,000 to prevent unauthorized distribution of the compromised data. Additionally, for every day that passes without payment, the ransom amount increases by US$100,000. However, these claims remain unconfirmed as AJE Group has yet to release an official statement regarding the incident. [caption id="attachment_77719" align="aligncenter" width="1024"]ransomware attack on AJE Group Source: X[/caption] A preliminary investigation into AJE Group’s official website revealed no apparent disruptions; the site was fully operational, casting doubt on the authenticity of the ransomware group’s claims. Nevertheless, without an official statement from AJE Group, it is premature to conclude whether the ransomware attack on AJE Group has genuinely occurred. If the ransomware attack on AJE Group is confirmed, the implications for the Group could be extensive and severe. Data breaches can lead to significant financial losses, reputational damage, and operational disruptions. The compromised data may include sensitive information that, if leaked, could affect the company's competitive standing and expose its employees and customers to further risks.

MEDUSA Ransomware: A Rising Threat

Earlier, The Cyber Express (TCE) reported that Threat Actors (TAs) associated with the notorious MEDUSA ransomware have escalated their activities, allegedly targeting two institutions in the USA. The first target is Tri-Cities Preparatory High School, a public charter middle and high school located in Prescott, Arizona. The threat actors claim to have access to 1.2 GB of the school’s data and have threatened to publish it within seven to eight days. The second target is Fitzgerald, DePietro & Wojnas CPAs, P.C., an accounting firm based in Utica, New York. The attackers claim to have access to 92.5 GB of the firm’s data and have threatened to release it within eight to nine days.

History and Modus Operandi of MEDUSA

MEDUSA first emerged in June 2021 and has since launched attacks on organizations across various countries and industries, including healthcare, education, manufacturing, and retail. Despite its global reach, most victims have been based in the United States. MEDUSA operates as a Ransomware-as-a-Service (RaaS) platform, offering malicious software and infrastructure to would-be attackers. This model enables less technically skilled criminals to launch sophisticated ransomware attacks. MEDUSA's TAs often utilize a public Telegram channel to post stolen data, leveraging public exposure as an extortion tactic to pressure organizations into paying the ransom.

The Broader Impact of Ransomware Attacks

The reported MEDUSA ransomware attack on AJE Group highlights the growing threat posed by ransomware groups. Ransomware attacks have become increasingly prevalent, targeting critical sectors and causing widespread disruption. The healthcare industry, for instance, has seen hospitals forced to shut down operations, delaying critical medical procedures and compromising patient care. Educational institutions have faced similar disruptions, with students' data at risk and academic schedules thrown into disarray. The manufacturing and retail sectors, too, have not been spared. Companies in these industries have experienced production halts, supply chain disruptions, and significant financial losses due to ransomware attacks. These incidents highlight the importance of enhanced cybersecurity measures and prompt incident response protocols to mitigate the impact of such attacks. Additionally, organizations must prioritize cybersecurity awareness and preparedness to defend against ransomware attacks. Regular employee training, stringent access controls, and up-to-date security software are essential components of a robust cybersecurity strategy. Further, organizations should have a well-defined incident response plan to quickly address and contain any breaches.


While the authenticity of the ransomware attack on AJE Group remains unconfirmed, the potential consequences are significant. TCE will continue to monitor this ongoing situation and provide updates as more information becomes available. Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.

Medusa Ransomware Group Claims Cyberattack on Organizations in USA, Canada

MEDUSA Ransomware Group

The MEDUSA ransomware group has reared its ugly head again and this time it has claimed to have targeted three new victims: GEMCO Constructors, Dynamo Electric and Farnell Packaging. The ransomware group’s dark web portal highlighted these additions, adding to their growing list of victims. Like many of its earlier attacks, the group has not disclosed crucial details, such as the type of compromised data. It has, however, demanded a bounty of US $900,000 from GEMCO and $100,000 each from Dynamo and Farnell Packaging to stop leaking its internal data.

MEDUSA Ransomware Attack: The Latest Victims

GEMCO Constructors is headquartered in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA. The ransomware actors have claimed to have access to 1.0 TB of the organization's data and has threatened to publish it within 6-7 days. The second company that the group has claimed to have targeted is Dynamo, which is based in Saskatchewan, Canada. Data of the company, which specializes in electrical and electronic manufacturing, has allegedly been compromised. MEDUSA has claimed to have exfiltrated 149.6 GB of the organization's data and plans to publish it within 6-7 days. Farnell Packaging, a Canadian company in the packaging and container industry, has also allegedly been attacked. The attackers claimed to have accessed 193.9 GB of the organization's data and warned the data would be published within 8–9 days. MEDUSA Ransomware Group Despite the gigantic claims made by the ransomware group, the official websites of the targeted companies seem to be fully operational, with no signs of foul play. The organizations, however, have not yet responded to the alleged cyberattack, leaving the claims made by the ransomware group unverified. Β The article would be updated once the respective organizations respond to the claims. The absence of confirmation raises the question of the authenticity of the ransomware claim. It remains to be seen whether it is a tactic employed by MEDUSA to garner attention or if there are ulterior motives attached to their actions. Only an official statement by the affected companies can shed light on the true nature of the situation. However, if the claims made by the MEDUSA ransomware group do turn out to be true, then the consequences could be far-reaching. The potential leak of sensitive data could pose a significant threat to the affected organizations and their employees.

Background of MEDUSA Ransomware Group

MEDUSA first burst onto the scene in June 2021 and has since targeted organizations in various countries across multiple industries, including healthcare, education, manufacturing, and retail. Most of the companies, though, have been established in the United States of America. MEDUSA functions as a Ransomware-as-a-Service (RaaS) platform. It provides would-be attackers with malicious software and infrastructure required to carry out disruptive ransomware attacks. The ransomware group also has a public Telegram channel that threat actors use to post data that might be stolen, which could be an attempt to extort organizations and demand payment.

Previous Ransomware Attacks

Less than three weeks ago, MEDUSA ransomware group claimed a cyberattack on Comwave, a Canadian communications giant renowned for providing internet, network security solutions, and customer support services. Β In January 2024, a prominent non-profit organization, Water For People, was targeted by the group. The organization faced the pressure of a deadline to comply with the demands of the ransomware group. MEDUSA also targeted four organizations across different countries, including France, Italy, and Spain. The group’s modus operandi remains uniform,Β with announcements being made on their dark web forum accompanied by deadlines and ransom demands. As organizations deal with the fallout of cyberattacks by groups like MEDUSA, it becomes crucial to remain vigilant and implement stringent security measures. Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it.Β The Cyber ExpressΒ assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.