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Today β€” 8 July 2024Main stream

Shopify Denies Data Breach, Points Finger at Third-Party App

Shopify Denies Data Breach

E-commerce supplier ShopifyΒ has confirmed that it did not experience a cyber security incident but stated that a data loss was caused by a third-party app. The Shopify data breach was reportedly carried out by a known threat actor, operating under the alias β€˜888’, on the dark web marketplace BreachForums. Shopify Inc. is a Canada-based multinational business that offers a proprietary e-commerce platform along with integrations to allow individuals, retailers and other businesses to setup their own online stores or retail point-of-sale websites. Denying that a data breach took place from its own accounts, Shopify released a statement to multiple media outlets which read, β€œShopify systems have not experienced a security incident. The data loss reported was caused by a third-party app. The app developer intends to notify affected customers.” The company, however, did not give details of the cybersecurity incident that it was referring to, name of the third-party app or state the number of impacted individuals.

Recent Claim of Shopify Data Breach

While Shopify did not elaborate on the cybersecurity incident, the statement could be referring to the recent dataΒ breach which allegedly took place on July 4, 2024. Threat actor β€˜888’ has allegedly shared stolen data from Shopify on BreachForums which consisted personal details, email subscriptions and order-related information of its users. [caption id="attachment_80706" align="aligncenter" width="1723"]Shopify Denies Data Breach Source: BreachForums[/caption] The threat actor claimed to have carried out a data breach containing 179,873 rows of user information. These records apparently include Shopify ID, First Name, Last Name, Email, Mobile, Orders Count, Total spent, Email subscriptions, Email subscription dates, SMS subscription, and SMS subscription dates. The hacker,888, had previously been linked to multiple high-profile data breaches including Credit Suisse, Accenture India, Β Shell, Β Heineken, and UNICEF. The breach could possibly have stemmed from a recent data breach incident impacting Evolve Bank and Trust. Evolve Bank and Trust is a supporting partner of Shopify Balance, a money management integration built-in to the admin pages of Shopify stores. The bank is also a third-party issuer of Affirm debit cards.

Evolve Bank and Trust Data Breach Linked to Shopify?

Towards the end of June, the Evolve Bank confirmed that it had been impacted by a cybersecurity incident claimed by LockBit. The bank disclosed that the stolen data included sensitive personal information such as names, social security numbers(SSNs), dates of birth, and account details, among other data. [caption id="attachment_80709" align="aligncenter" width="559"]Shopify Denies Data Breach Source: X.com(@lvdeeaz)[/caption] In an official statement to the alleged Evolve data breach, the bank said, β€œEvolve is currently investigating a cybersecurity incident involving a known cybercriminal organization that appears to have illegally obtained and released on the Β dark web the data and personal information of some Evolve retail bank customers and financial technology partners’ customers (end users).” Later, the financial firm Affirm Holdings had confirmedΒ  that it had also been affected by the Evolve Bank and Trust Data Breach. The firm stated in a security notice on its website, β€œAffirm is aware of a cybersecurity incident involving Evolve, a third party vendor that serves as an issuing partner on the Affirm Card. We are actively investigating the issue. We will communicate directly with any impacted consumers as we learn more.” Given the severity of the data breach, Shopify customers must be vigilant and guard against phishing attempts and identity thefts. They should adopt healthy cyber practices including monitoring their account for unusual activities, changing passwords, enabling two-factor authentication and being wary of phishing emails and messages requesting sharing of personal information. Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.
Before yesterdayMain stream

Hacker Shares Data Allegedly Stolen From Shopify Breach

By: Alan J
4 July 2024 at 16:08

Shopify Data Breach

A known threat actor on the BreachForums who uses the moniker '888' has shared data allegedly stolen from Shopify in a data breach incident. The data is claimed to consist personal details, email subscriptions and order-related information of its users. Shopify Inc. is a Canada-based multinational business that offers a proprietary e-commerce platform along with integrations to allow individuals, retailers and other businesses to setup their own online stores or retail point-of-sale websites.

Alleged Shopify Data Breach

The Shopify data breach claims to contain 179,873 rows of user information. These records allegedly include Shopify ID, First Name, Last Name, Email, Mobile, Orders Count, Total spent, Email subscriptions, Email subscription dates, SMS subscription, and SMS subscription dates. [caption id="attachment_80373" align="alignnone" width="1723"]Shopify Data Breach Evolve Bank and Trust 31 Source: BreachForums[/caption] The Cyber Express could not verify the authenticity of these claims but the threat actor has a high-ranking reputation within the BreachForums community that has earned him the title of 'Kingpin.' The breach could possibly have stemmed from a recent data breach incident impacting Evolve Bank and Trust. Evolve Bank and Trust is a supporting partner of Shopify Balance, a money management integration built-in to the admin pages of Shopify stores. The bank is also a third-party issuer of Affirm debit cards. [caption id="attachment_80362" align="aligncenter" width="272"]Shopify Data Breach Evolve Bank and Trust Source: X.com(@lvdeeaz)[/caption]

Recent Evolve Bank and Trust Data Breach

Towards the end of June, the Evolve Bank confirmed that it had been impacted by a cybersecurity incident claimed by LockBit. The bank disclosed that the stolen data included sensitive personal information such as names, social security numbers(SSNs), dates of birth, and account details, among other data. In an official statement in response to the Evolve data breach, the bank said, β€œEvolve is currently investigating a cybersecurity incident involving a known cybercriminal organization that appears to have illegally obtained and released on the dark web the data and personal information of some Evolve retail bank customers and financial technology partners’ customers (end users).” Later, the financial firm Affirm Holdings had confirmed that it had also been affected by the Evolve Bank and Trust Data Breach. The firm stated in a security notice on its website, "Affirm is aware of a cybersecurity incident involving Evolve, a third party vendor that serves as an issuing partner on the Affirm Card. We are actively investigating the issue. We will communicate directly with any impacted consumers as we learn more." Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.