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Today โ€” 26 June 2024Main stream

"All poetry starts with geography"

By: chavenet
26 June 2024 at 03:59
Maybe you want to know where William Duffy's Farm is? Or the Indian River? Or perhaps Xanadu? Or where The Garden lies? Or MANAHATTA? No matter what poetic place you're seeking, The Poetry Atlas knows the way.

Organized by Poet, Poems by title, or Poems by first line, or search for a location. [Unfortunately, the full text of the poems is usually not available right there on the site; most can be found at the Poetry Foundation or Poets.org] Here are the poems mention above: Lying in a Hammock at William Duffy's Farm in Pine Island, Minnesota Indian River Kubla Khan A Bird, came down the walk MANNAHATTA
Before yesterdayMain stream

A little bit of swing

13 June 2024 at 11:00
Inspired by JaneBrown's comment in a LinkFilter thread [โ‡” Linked], I went looking for more music by vocalist Edythe Wright. Jackpot, here's The complete Edythe Wright compilation via YouTube (90 minutes)!

Wright worked extensively with the Tommy Dorsey Orchestra from 1935-1939 and was a popular act during heyday of the Swing era.

Craig Wright Is Not Bitcoin Creator Satoshi Nakamoto, Court Rules

21 May 2024 at 16:39
For years, Craig Steven Wright, an Australian cryptocurrency enthusiast, claimed to be Satoshi Nakamoto, the mysterious creator of Bitcoin. Then the courts got involved.

ยฉ Daniel Leal/Agence France-Presse โ€” Getty Images

Craig Steven Wright, center, arriving at High Court in London, where he was sued over his claim that he invented Bitcoin under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto.