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Today — 26 June 2024Main stream

BianLian Ransomware Targets Better Business Bureau, US Dermatology Partners

BianLian Ransomware

Notorious ransomware group BianLian has claimed to have added two new organizations as its latest cyberattack victims. The BianLian ransomware attack was allegedly carried out on two US-based firms, namely, Better Business Bureau Inc and U.S. Dermatology Partners. The infamous actor has claimed to have accessed sensitive data including financial, contract, and employee profiles from both its victims.

BianLian Ransomware Attack: Critical Details  

The first organization targeted by hackers was Better Business Bureau (BBB), which is a private, nonprofit organization founded in 1912 in Arlington, Virginia. The firm maintains a massive database of accredited and non-accredited businesses, providing ratings based on several factors. The Better Business Bureau has a revenue of $430.6 Million. [caption id="attachment_79001" align="alignnone" width="1259"]BianLian Ransomware Attack Source: X[/caption] The threat actor claims to have accessed 1.2 TB of organization data, including accounting, budget, and financial data; contract data and NDAs; files from the CFO's computer; operational and business files; and email and PST archives. The group has also disclosed sensitive information such as the names, personal email addresses, and phone numbers of BBB’s CEO, vice president, chief accreditation officer, and chief activation officer. The other organization that has allegedly fallen victim to the ransomware group is US Dermatology Partners. The organization, with a revenue of $213.7 Million, is one of the premier dermatology practitioners in the USA, caring for over two million patients annually. [caption id="attachment_79002" align="alignnone" width="1259"]BianLian Ransomware Attack Source: X[/caption] The hackers claimed to have accessed 300 GB of organization data, including personal data, accounting and budget information, financial data, contract data and NDAs, and employee profiles.

Potential Impact of BianLian Ransomware Attack

If proven, the potential consequences of this ransomware attack could be critical as the accounting and financial details of both these firms could be leaked. The organizations should take appropriate measures to protect the privacy and security of the stakeholders involved. Financial data breaches can lead to identity theft, financial fraud, and a loss of trust among clients, potentially jeopardizing the company’s standing in the industry. Currently, details regarding the extent of the BianLian ransomware attack, data compromise, and the motive behind the cyber assault remain undisclosed. Despite the claims made by BianLian, the official websites of the targeted companies remain fully functional. This discrepancy has raised doubts about the authenticity of the BianLian group’s assertion. To ascertain the veracity of the claims, The Cyber Express has reached out to the officials of the affected organizations. As of the writing of this news report, no response has been received, leaving the ransomware attack claim unverified.

History of BianLian Ransomware Group Attacks

BianLian, a ransomware group, has been targeting critical infrastructure sectors in the U.S. and Australia since June 2022. They exploit RDP credentials, use open-source tools for discovery, and extort data via FTP or Rclone. FBI, CISA, and ACSC advise implementing mitigation strategies to prevent ransomware attacks. Initially employing a double-extortion model, they shifted to exfiltration-based extortion by 2023. According to a report by  BlackBerry, BianLian ransomware showcases exceptional encryption speed and is coded in the Go programming language (Golang). This sophisticated approach has enabled the group to strike multiple organizations, leaving a trail of unverified claims in its wake. Earlier in 2024, the group targeted companies such as North Star Tax and Accounting, KC Pharmaceuticals, Martinaire. In its attack on MOOver, the group claimed to have accessed a staggering 1.1 terabytes of the firm’s data. Subsequently, Northeast Spine and Sports Medicine also found themselves on the list of victims. All these claims, similar to the recent attack, remain unverified. Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.

AzzaSec Reveals Advanced Windows Ransomware Builder, Threatens Cybersecurity

Windows ransomware builder

Hacktivist group AzzaSec has announced the release of a Windows ransomware builder. The builder was posted via the Telegram channel on June 23, 2024. Designed in .NET, this malicious software features sophisticated functionality including SHA 512 and AES encryption, ensuring its undetectable (FUD) status with minimal risk of detection, as verified by its single hit on KleenScan. AzzaSec claims their ransomware can bypass major antivirus solutions such as Windows 10 / 11 Defender, Avast, Kaspersky, and AVG. In addition to its encryption prowess, the builder includes anti-virtual machine, anti-debugging, and anti-sandbox capabilities, as demonstrated in a revealing demo video shared alongside the announcement. This video showcases how decryption keys and victim information are stored securely on a centralized Command and Control (C2) server.

AzzaSec Announces New Windows Ransomware Builder

[caption id="attachment_78968" align="alignnone" width="373"]AzzaSec Announces New Windows Ransomware Builder Source: Dark Web[/caption] Pricing for AzzaSec's ransomware varies, from $300 for a single-use stub to a subscription model costing up to $4500 for six months. The source code for this Windows ransomware builder is also available for purchase at a steep $8000. The development of AzzaSec's ransomware marks a new advancement in cyber threats, highlighting the evolution of ransomware-as-a-service (RaaS). This model not only empowers threat actors with turnkey tools but also commodifies cyber extortion, potentially increasing the frequency and impact of ransomware attacks globally. The group's announcement highlights a growing trend where malicious actors leverage sophisticated technologies and monetization strategies to maximize their impact on unsuspecting victims. As cybersecurity defenses evolve, so do the tactics of those seeking illicit gains through digital means.

Features and Functionality of the Windows Ransomware Builder

In their Telegram post, AzzaSec described their ransomware's capabilities in detail. Developed with VB.NET and weighing 10MB, the ransomware utilizes a unique algorithm for encryption. It operates with a fully undetectable structure, boasting a detection rate of only 1 out of 40 on KleenScan. Tested against various security solutions including Windows Defender, Avast, Kaspersky, and AVG, AzzaSec ensures its malware's effectiveness in compromising systems. The ransomware functions by connecting to a C2 server, where decryption keys and device information are stored. This approach allows the threat actors to monitor and control the ransomware's impact remotely. Furthermore, the ransomware includes anti-virtual machine, anti-debugging, and anti-sandbox features, making it resilient against common security countermeasures. AzzaSec also outlined its pricing strategy: $300 for a single-use stub, escalating to $4500 for a six-month subscription. For those seeking full control, the source code is available for $8000, enabling other threat actors to customize and deploy the ransomware independently. AzzaSec's emergence into the ransomware scene signals a reminder for organizations and individuals alike to upgrade their cybersecurity measures and remain vigilant against online threats. As ransomware-as-a-service models become more accessible, preemptive cybersecurity measures and incident response plans are essential defenses against these ever-present dangers.
Yesterday — 25 June 2024Main stream

Red Report 2024 – The Top 10 Most Prevalent MITRE ATT&CK® Techniques The Rise of Hunter-Killer Malware

Marking its fourth year of publication, the Red Report 2024™ provides a critical dive into the evolving threat landscape, presenting a detailed analysis of adversaries’ most prevalent tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) used throughout the past year. Conducted byPicus Labs, this annual study examines over 600,000 malware samples and assesses more than 7 million instances […]

La entrada Red Report 2024 – The Top 10 Most Prevalent MITRE ATT&CK® Techniques The Rise of Hunter-Killer Malware se publicó primero en CISO2CISO.COM & CYBER SECURITY GROUP.

Ransomware Cartography (2014-2024)

Ransomware is a type of malicious software designed to block access to a computer system or data until a ransom is paid. Over the past decade, ransomware attacks have evolved in sophistication, scale, and impact, affecting individuals, businesses, and government entities globally. Key Developments: Technological and Tactical Evolutions: Impact and Consequences: Future Outlook: Views: 1

La entrada Ransomware Cartography (2014-2024) se publicó primero en CISO2CISO.COM & CYBER SECURITY GROUP.

BlackBasta Ransomware Gang Claims Cyberattack on Key Benefit Administrators, Scrubs & Beyond

BlackBasta Ransomware

The notorious BlackBasta ransomware group is claiming credit for carrying out cyberattacks on major multinationals in the U.S. The ransomware gang claims it has access to sensitive data of financial services firm Key Benefit Administrators and healthcare apparel retailer Scrubs & Beyond. BlackBasta was recently suspected to have exploited a Microsoft zero-day prior to Microsoft’s release of a patch for the vulnerability back in March.

Decoding BlackBasta Ransomware's Alleged Attack

The first organization targeted by BlackBasta is Key Benefit Administrators, Inc., which offers financial services. The company provides employment benefit services that manages pension, retirement, health, and welfare funds. BlackBasta claims to have access to 2.5TB of sensitive data of the firm, including client, executive, and employee info. [caption id="attachment_78852" align="alignnone" width="1247"]BlackBasta Ransomware Source:[/caption] The other organization targeted by the ransomware group is Scrubs & Beyond, which is the largest retailer of healthcare apparel and accessories in the U.S. The ransomware crew claims to have accessed 600GB of the organization’s sensitive data, including HR, employee, and departmental files. [caption id="attachment_78853" align="alignnone" width="1238"]BlackBasta Ransomware Source:[/caption] Until an official statement is released by the two firms, the facts behind the BlackBasta ransomware attack claim will likely remain elusive. If BlackBasta's claims are proven true, the implications could be significant. The compromise of sensitive legal information and client data could have broad consequences, not only for the firms concerned but also for its clients and partners.

How Does BlackBasta Group Operate?

BlackBasta is a highly active ransomware group that has quickly gained a reputation for targeting high-value organizations across various industries. BlackBasta typically uses sophisticated phishing campaigns, and exploits known vulnerabilities in software to obtain access to their targets' systems. After gaining access, the group encrypts critical data and demands hefty ransoms for its release.

Previous Attacks By BlackBasta

A recent joint security advisory from the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), and Multi-State Information Sharing and Analysis Center (MS-ISAC) stated that Black Basta has, through its affiliates, compromised more than 500 organizations all over the world. The victims include organizations that span 12 of 16 critical infrastructure sectors, including the Healthcare and Public Health (HPH) sector. A few of BlackBasta’s victims include Microsoft, Hyundai Europe, Capita, The American Dental Association, Yellow Pages Canada, and Dish, among others.

How to Protect Against Ransomware

The ever-present threat of ransomware requires vigilant cybersecurity practices by consumers and organizations alike. Keeping software and operating systems up-to-date: Many ransomware attacks exploit vulnerabilities in outdated software and operating systems. By keeping software and operating systems up-to-date, you can minimize the possibility of a ransomware attack. Backing up important data: If your files are encrypted by ransomware, you may be able to restore them from a backup. By regularly backing up important data, you can increase the chances that you can recover your files if they are encrypted by ransomware. However, those backups should be immutable and ransomware-resistant - a good backup service provider may be your surest bet. Using antivirus software: Antivirus software can detect and remove various types of malware, including ransomware. By using antivirus or endpoint security software, you can reduce the risk of a ransomware attack. Being cautious of suspicious emails: Many ransomware attacks are spread via phishing emails. You can lower the risk of a ransomware attack by being wary of suspicious emails and refraining from clicking on links or opening attachments from unknown sources. Educating employees about cybersecurity: Employees play a critical role in defending against cyberattacks. It is of utmost importance that they understand the best practices and know how to identify and report suspicious activities. Isolating critical workloads and data: Isolating your most important data and applications with technologies such as microsegmentation, VLANs, firewalls and strict access and permission controls will create an extra layer of security that will make it that much harder for ransomware to infect your most critical systems. Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.

LockBit Claims Ransomware Attack on U.S. Federal Reserve

25 June 2024 at 15:16
LockBit ransomware Federal Reserve

The LockBit ransomware group is claiming that it hacked into systems at the U.S. Federal Reserve and stole 33TB of data that it will begin leaking as early as Tuesday if the institution doesn’t pay the unspecified ransom. The notorious cybercriminals announced the attack on its dark web leak site on June 23, giving the..

The post LockBit Claims Ransomware Attack on U.S. Federal Reserve appeared first on Security Boulevard.

Before yesterdayMain stream

CDK Global Cyberattack Ripple Effect: Several Car Dealers Report Disruptions

CDK Global Cyberattack, CDK Global

Last week's ransomware attack on software as a service (SaaS) provider CDK Global has had a ripple effect on its customers, as multiple car dealerships serving thousands of locations report disruptions in their filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. The CDK ransomware attack has paralyzed thousands of car dealerships across North America, disrupting operations for some of the largest automotive retailers. The attack that began last Tuesday has impacted operations of major players such as Asbury Automotive Group, AutoNation, Group 1 Automotive, Lithia Motors, Penske, Sonic Automotive, and the number is expected to swell even more in coming days.

Systems Shut Down After Attack

CDK Global, a crucial provider of SaaS platforms for dealerships, was forced last week to shut down its systems in response to the cyberattack. With the work done so far, our core DMS and Digital Retailing solutions have been restored," a spokesperson for CDK Global told The Cyber Express at the time. "We are currently investigating a cyber incident. Erring on the side of caution, we proactively shut all systems down and executed extensive testing." This shutdown has hindered dealerships' abilities to manage customer relationships, sales, financing, service, inventory, and back-office operations. CDK Global's systems are vital to over 15,000 car dealerships in North America. It facilitates various operations, including car sales, repairs and registrations. There are only a handful of DMS companies for dealers to choose from. Thus, thousands of dealerships are hugely reliant on CDK’s services to line up financing and insurance, manage inventory of vehicles and parts, and complete sales and repairs.

How CDK Global Cyberattack Impacts Customers

Asbury, AutoNation, Lithia Motors, Sonic Automotive, and Group 1 Automotive have activated their incident response plans and disconnected from CDK systems as a precaution, although no evidence of compromise within their own networks was found. Sonic Automotive mentioned that as of Friday, the extent to which the attackers accessed customer data remains unknown. Lithia Motors highlighted the ongoing negative impact on its operations, indicating uncertainty over whether the incident will materially affect its financial condition. Group 1 Automotive noted that CDK aims to restore the dealer management system within "several days and not weeks," but the financial impact depends on the system's downtime duration. Group 1 owns and operates 202 automotive dealerships, 264 franchises, and 42 collision centers in the United States and the United Kingdom that offer 35 brands of automobiles.

CDK Customers Move to Manual Methods

Penske Automotive reported that the ransomware attack primarily affected its Premier Truck Group, which sells heavy- and medium-duty trucks across 48 locations in the U.S. and Canada. The company has implemented business continuity plans and continues operations using manual and alternate processes designed for such incidents. Penske noted that the truck dealership business that serves business customers has lower unit volumes compared to automotive dealerships. Asbury said business operations are functioning but "slower than normal." It added that the dealerships at Koons Automotive locations in Maryland and Virginia do not use CDK’s Dealer Management System or CDK’s Customer Relationship Management system and therefore continue to operate with minimal interruption, as does Clicklane, their online vehicle purchasing platform. Asbury operates 157 new vehicle dealerships, which includes 206 franchises representing 31 domestic and foreign vehicle brands.

CDK May Pay Ransom

Late on Friday, Bloomberg reported that CDK Global is negotiating with the a ransomware gang, which Bleeping later confirmed to be BlackSuit, a rebrand of the Royal ransomware group known for last year's attack on the city government of Dallas. Although the ransom amount remains undisclosed, CDK Global reportedly plans to pay, Bloomberg said. CDK Global has issued prerecorded messages to warn customers about hackers posing as CDK staff to gain unauthorized access. Despite making recovery progress last week, CDK faced a second cyber incident that led to a complete shutdown of its systems. The company is working with third-party experts to assess the impact and update its customers regularly. This attack exposes the critical vulnerabilities in the supply chain of the automotive industry and its reliance on centralized digital platforms.

Indonesia National Data Center Hack Disrupts Government Services, Affecting Over 200 Agencies

By: Alan J
24 June 2024 at 15:39

Indonesia hack

A ransomware attack on Indonesia's national data center has disrupted official government services. The attack has reportedly affected more than 200 government agencies at national and regional levels, and the threat actors claiming responsibility have demanded a ransom of $8 million for a restoration of these systems. A senior official has reported that the government has refused to pay the ransom, instead focusing on restoring services and trying to identify the attackers.

Authorities Have Detected Samples of LockBit 3.0 Ransomware

Samuel Abrijani Pangerapan, director general of informatics applications at the Communications and Informatics Ministry, confirmed that essential services like immigration checks at airports had been disrupted. Long lines were formed at affected airports after automated passport machines were rendered useless. While some of these services have been restored, including the government's immigration services, ongoing efforts are aimed at restoring other critical operations, such as investment licensing. Samuel stated, “We have tried our best to carry out recovery while the (National Cyber and Crypto Agency) is currently carrying out forensics.” The National Cyber and Crypto Agency has detected samples of LockBit 3.0 ransomware, a variant known for encrypting victims' data and demanding payment for its release. PT Telkom Indonesia, an Indonesian multinational telecommunications company, is working with domestic and international authorities and leading the efforts to efforts to break the encryption and restore access to the compromised data. Herlan Wijanarko, the company's director of network & IT solutions, confirmed that the attackers had offered a decryption key in exchange for an $8 million ransom.

Experts Concerned About Indonesia Government Infrastructure Security

Cybersecurity experts warn that the severity of the attack highlights significant vulnerabilities in the government's digital infrastructure and incident response capabilities. Cybersecurity expert Teguh Aprianto described the latest attack as "severe" and notes that it highlights the need for improved infrastructure, manpower, and vendor management to prevent such attacks in the future. Teguh stated, "It shows that the government infrastructure, manpower handling this and the vendors are all problematic." In recent years, Indonesia has faced a series of high-profile cyber attacks, including a ransomware attack on its central bank and a data breach at its largest Islamic lender. The consequences of these attacks can be severe, with victims often forced to pay large sums to regain access to their data. Last year, the LockBit ransomware gang claimed responsibility for an attack on the Bank Syariah Indonesia. Sensitive information of over 15 million individuals had been stolen in the attack, affecting both customers and employees. Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.

Rafel RAT Used in 120 Campaigns Targeting Android Device Users

24 June 2024 at 13:33
Android Rafel RAT ransomware

Multiple bad actors are using the Rafel RAT malware in about 120 campaigns aimed at compromising Android devices and launching a broad array of attacks that range from stealing data and deleting files to espionage and ransomware. Rafel RAT is an open-source remote administration tool that is spread through phishing campaigns aimed at convincing targets..

The post Rafel RAT Used in 120 Campaigns Targeting Android Device Users appeared first on Security Boulevard.

Report Details Reemergence of Lockbit 3.0 Ransomware Syndicate

20 June 2024 at 19:29
people pointing at laptop keyboard.

An analysis of ransomware attacks claimed to have been perpetrated by cybercriminal syndicates that was published today by NCC Group, a provider of managed security services, finds LockBit 3.0 has reemerged to claim the top spot amongst the most prominent threat actors. Previously dormant following the groups’ takedown by law enforcement officials earlier this year,..

The post Report Details Reemergence of Lockbit 3.0 Ransomware Syndicate appeared first on Security Boulevard.

Single point of software failure could hamstring 15K car dealerships for days

20 June 2024 at 12:03
Ford Mustang Mach E electric vehicles are offered for sale at a dealership on June 5, 2024, in Chicago, Illinois.

Enlarge / Ford Mustang Mach E electric vehicles are offered for sale at a dealership on June 5, 2024, in Chicago, Illinois. (credit: Scott Olson / Getty Images)

CDK Global touts itself as an all-in-one software-as-a-service solution that is "trusted by nearly 15,000 dealer locations." One connection, over an always-on VPN to CDK's data centers, gives a dealership customer relationship management (CRM) software, financing, inventory, and more back-office tools.

That all-in-one nature explains why people trying to buy cars, and especially those trying to sell them, have had a rough couple of days. CDK's services have been down, due to what the firm describes as a "cyber incident." CDK shut down most of its systems Wednesday, June 19, then told dealerships that afternoon that it restored some services. CDK told dealers today, June 20, that it had "experienced an additional cyber incident late in the evening on June 19," and shut down systems again.

"At this time, we do not have an estimated time frame for resolution and therefore our dealers' systems will not be available at a minimum on Thursday, June 20th," CDK told customers.

Read 12 remaining paragraphs | Comments

Apparent Ransomware Attack Halts Operations at Crown Equipment for Second Week

Crown Equipment

Crown Equipment, a global top five forklift manufacturer, was hit by a cyberattack that has disrupted its manufacturing operations for nearly two weeks. The company yesterday attributed the attack to an "international cybercriminal organization," raising speculation of a ransomware gang's involvement. The cyberattack has affected Crown's IT systems, employee workflows and overall business continuity for the second week running.

Crown Equipment Cyberattack Overview

Since approximately June 8th, Crown's employees reported a breach in the company's IT systems. This breach led to a complete shutdown of systems, preventing employees from clocking in their hours, accessing service manuals, and in some cases delivering machinery. In an internal email sent to employees, the heavy machinery manufacturer confirmed the cyberattack and advised employees to ignore multifactor authentication (MFA) requests and to be cautious of phishing emails.
"I currently work there. Everyone is scrambling, can't order parts except for TVH and that's strictly for emergencies. The company hasn't officially announced that it's been hacked but they keep pushing the importance of MFA. We can read between the lines." - Reddit User (Williams2242)
The company in its press release revealed that the breach necessitated the shutdown of their operating systems to investigate and resolve the issue without giving details on the hackers and their ransom demand, if any.

Crown Equipment Attack Details

Crown disclosed that many of their security measures were effective in limiting data access by the criminals. However, the breach likely occurred due to an employee not adhering to data security policies that resulted in unauthorized access to their device, according to a Reddit post.
"I heard someone got a call from a hacker pretending to be IT. They installed a fake VPN on their computer and got access to everything. They created a privileged account on the network that gave them access all the systems. The network went down Sunday and it's been down since with no ETA." - Reddit User ()
This speculation suggests a social engineering attack where the threat actor installed remote access software on the employee's computer. BornCity, a website maintained by a German-speaking digital observer, first reported the possibility of a hack nearly a week ago. Citing a distant source who used to work at the manufacturing plant of Crown, BornCity said the problems were likely due to a 'coding bug.' "This had sent the Crown 360 (a service likely based on the Microsoft Cloud and Office 365) solution downhill – but I take that information not as reliable." Crown Equipment, however, did not confirm the speculation and thus the claims remain unverified.

Impact on Crown Equipment's Employees

Initially, Crown told employees they would need to file for unemployment or use their paid time off (PTO) and vacation days to receive pay for missed days. Last weekend, this directive was updated and the employees were asked to file for unemployment, after which several took to Reddit to vent their discontent.
"The fact that their not paying people for their mistake is straight bu****it. Crown pretends to be a family company but as soon as they need to support their "family" they shaft them. People need this money to live, while the owner can just sit back and chill with his multi-millions in the bank. Crown needs to take the hit and do the right thing." - Reddit User
Another said: [caption id="attachment_78309" align="aligncenter" width="1024"]Crown Equipment Source: Reddit[/caption] However, Crown later decided to provide regular pay as an advance, allowing employees to compensate for the lost hours later. Despite this adjustment, employees expressed frustration over the lack of transparency and communication from the company during the incident. Crown Equipment has reportedly engaged some of the world’s top cybersecurity experts and the FBI to analyze the affected data and manage the aftermath of the attack. The company emphasized that there were no indications that employee personal information or data that could facilitate identity theft was targeted. The company is now in the process of restoring systems and transitioning back to normal business operations. They are also working closely with customers to minimize the disruption's impact on their operations. Although Crown did not specify the type of cyberattack, their description suggests a ransomware attack by an international cybercriminal organization. If confirmed, this implies that corporate data was likely stolen and could be leaked if the ransom demands are not met. As Crown continues to recover from this significant disruption, the incident serves as a reminder for companies worldwide to strengthen their cybersecurity protocols, including isolating critical workloads, invest in employee training to prevent social engineering attacks, and establish effective communication strategies for managing cyber incidents.

UK Pathology Lab Ransomware Attackers Demanded $50 Million – Source:


Source: – Author: 1 Fraud Management & Cybercrime , Ransomware Russian-Speaking Gang Follows Typical Playbook; Critical Services Still Disrupted Mathew J. Schwartz (euroinfosec) • June 19, 2024     The attack has disrupted patient care at multiple London hospitals, including ones that are part of Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust (Image: Shutterstock) […]

La entrada UK Pathology Lab Ransomware Attackers Demanded $50 Million – Source: se publicó primero en CISO2CISO.COM & CYBER SECURITY GROUP.







NHS Ransomware Attack: What Makes Healthcare a Prime Target for Ransomware? – Source:


Source: – Author: 1 Fraud Management & Cybercrime , Healthcare , Industry Specific Rubrik’s Steve Stone on Reducing Data-Related Vulnerabilities in Healthcare June 18, 2024     Steve Stone, head of Zero Labs, Rubrik The recent ransomware attack on a key UK National Health Service IT vendor has forced two London hospitals to reschedule […]

La entrada NHS Ransomware Attack: What Makes Healthcare a Prime Target for Ransomware? – Source: se publicó primero en CISO2CISO.COM & CYBER SECURITY GROUP.

MEDUSA Ransomware Group Demands $220,000 from US Institutions, Threatens Data Exposure

MEDUSA Ransomware

Threat Actors (TAs) associated with the notorious MEDUSA ransomware have escalated their activities and have allegedly targeted two institutions in the USA. In a scenario mirroring all of its previous attacks, the group has not divulged critical information, such as the type of compromised data. It has, however, demanded a bounty of US $120,000 from Fitzgerald, DePietro & Wojnas CPAs, P.C and $100,000 from Tri-City College Prep High School to stop leaking internal data of the concerned organizations.

Understanding the MEDUSA Ransomware Attack

One of the two institutions targeted by MEDUSA is Tri-Cities Preparatory High School, a public charter middle and high school located in Prescott, Arizona, USA. The threat actor claimed to have access to 1.2 GB of the school's data and has threatened to publish it within 7-8 days. MEDUSA Ransomware Group The other organization that the group has claimed to have targeted is Fitzgerald, DePietro & Wojnas CPAs, P.C. It is an accounting firm based in Utica, New York, USA. The group claims to have access to 92.5 GB of the firm's data and has threatened to publish it within 8–9 days. Despite the tall claims made by the ransomware group, the official websites of the targeted companies seem to be fully functional, with no signs of any foul activity. The organizations, however, have not yet reacted to the alleged cyberattack, leaving the claims made by the ransomware group unverified.  The article would be updated once the respective organizations respond to the claims. The absence of confirmation raises the question of the authenticity of the ransomware claim. It remains to be seen if the tactic employed by MEDUSA group is to garner attention or if there are any ulterior motives attached to their actions. Only an official statement by the affected organizations can reveal the true nature of the situation. However, if the claims made by the MEDUSA ransomware group do turn out to be true, then the consequences could be sweeping. The potential leak of sensitive data could pose a significant threat to the affected organizations and their staff, students and employees.

Who is the MEDUSA Ransomware Group?

MEDUSA first came into limelight in June 2021 and has since launched attacks on organizations in many countries targeting multiple industries, including healthcare, education, manufacturing, and retail. Most of the victims, though, have established their base in the United States of America. MEDUSA carries out its attacks as a Ransomware-as-a-Service (RaaS) platform. It provides would-be target organizations with malicious software and infrastructure required to carry out disrupting ransomware attacks. The ransomware group also runs a public Telegram channel that TAs utilize to post data that might be stolen, which could be an attempt to extort organizations and demand ransom.

History of MEDUSA Ransomware Attacks

Last week, the Medusa group took ownership of the cyberattack on Australia’s Victoria Racing Club (VRC). To provide authenticity, Medusa shared thirty documents from the club and demanded a ransom of US$700,000 from anyone who wanted to either delete the data or else download it. The leaked data included financial details of gaming machines, prizes won by VRC members, customer invoices, marketing details, names, email addresses, and mobile phone numbers. The VRC confirmed the breach, with its chief executive Steve Rosich releasing a statement: "We are currently communicating with our employees, members, partners, and sponsors to inform them that the VRC recently experienced a cyber incident.” In 2024, MEDUSA had targeted four organizations across different countries, including France, Italy, and Spain. The group’s modus operandi remains constant, with announcements being made on their dark web forum accompanied by deadlines and ransom demands. As organizations grapple with the fallout of cyberattacks by groups like MEDUSA, it becomes critical to remain cautious and implement strategic security measures. Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.

Akira Ransomware Claims the TETRA Technologies, 40GB of Sensitive Data at Risk

TETRA Technologies cyberattack

TETRA Technologies, Inc., a diversified oil and gas services company operating through divisions including Fluids, Production Testing, Compression, and Offshore, has reportedly fallen victim to the Akira ransomware group. This TETRA Technologies cyberattack has put crucial data at risk, including personal documents like passports, birth certificates, and driver’s licenses, as well as confidential agreements and NDAs. The threat actor responsible for the attack has indicated their intention to release approximately 40GB of sensitive data. Despite these claims, TETRA Technologies has not yet issued an official statement confirming or denying the breach.

Decoding the TETRA Technologies Cyberattack Claim by Akira Ransomware

[caption id="attachment_77529" align="alignnone" width="716"]TETRA Technologies Cyberattack Source: Dark Web[/caption] The Cyber Express has reached out to the organization to learn more about this TETRA Technologies cyberattack. However, at the time of writing this, no official statement or response has been received, leaving the claims for the TETRA Technologies cyberattack unconfirmed. While the company’s public-facing website appears to be operational, it is speculated that the attack may have targeted internal systems or backend infrastructure rather than causing a visible disruption like a DDoS attack or website defacement. The threat actor behind this attack, Akira ransomware, has emerged as a significant threat in cybersecurity, highlighted by the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) warning and its widespread impact across various industries worldwide. Known for a dual extortion tactic involving data exfiltration and encryption, Akira ransomware demands ransom payments to prevent data publication on their dark website and to receive decryption keys. The group's name references a 1988 anime film, and they use specific strings like "*.akira" and "akira_readme.txt" for detection. 

TETRA Technologies Releases New Processes for Managing Cybersecurity Risks and Governance

In their recent regulatory filings, specifically the 10-K filed on 2024-02-27, TETRA Technologies detailed their cybersecurity risk management and governance processes. These include ongoing risk assessments, incident response planning, and the implementation of cybersecurity training programs for employees. The company acknowledges the persistent evolution of cyber threats and emphasizes the importance of maintaining robust defenses against potential attacks. The Vice President of Information Technology leads TETRA Technologies’ cybersecurity initiatives, supported by a comprehensive framework to assess, identify, and manage cybersecurity risks across their operations. Regular updates and enhancements to their security protocols are integral to adapting to emerging threats and complying with regulatory standards. The Board of Directors and Audit Committee of TETRA Technologies provide oversight on cybersecurity matters, receiving periodic updates on the company’s cybersecurity risk profile and incident response capabilities. Management highlighted its commitment to safeguarding sensitive information and maintaining operational continuity despite the challenges posed by cyber threats. Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.

7000 LockBit Ransomware Decryption Keys Distributed By FBI

17 June 2024 at 03:00

In a significant move aimed at aiding victims of cyberattacks, the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has announced the distribution of more than 7,000 FBI decryption keys associated with the notorious LockBit ransomware decryption. This initiative comes as part of ongoing efforts to mitigate the devastating impact of ransomware attacks on businesses worldwide.   […]

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The post 7000 LockBit Ransomware Decryption Keys Distributed By FBI appeared first on Security Boulevard.

How are Passwords Cracked ? by Hacker Combat.

By: admin
16 June 2024 at 17:52

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La entrada How are Passwords Cracked ? by Hacker Combat. se publicó primero en CISO2CISO.COM & CYBER SECURITY GROUP.

Ransomware attackers quickly weaponize PHP vulnerability with 9.8 severity rating

14 June 2024 at 15:40
Photograph depicts a security scanner extracting virus from a string of binary code. Hand with the word "exploit"

Enlarge (credit: Getty Images)

Ransomware criminals have quickly weaponized an easy-to-exploit vulnerability in the PHP programming language that executes malicious code on web servers, security researchers said.

As of Thursday, Internet scans performed by security firm Censys had detected 1,000 servers infected by a ransomware strain known as TellYouThePass, down from 1,800 detected on Monday. The servers, primarily located in China, no longer display their usual content; instead, many list the site’s file directory, which shows all files have been given a .locked extension, indicating they have been encrypted. An accompanying ransom note demands roughly $6,500 in exchange for the decryption key.

When opportunity knocks

The vulnerability, tracked as CVE-2024-4577 and carrying a severity rating of 9.8 out of 10, stems from errors in the way PHP converts Unicode characters into ASCII. A feature built into Windows known as Best Fit allows attackers to use a technique known as argument injection to convert user-supplied input into characters that pass malicious commands to the main PHP application. Exploits allow attackers to bypass CVE-2012-1823, a critical code execution vulnerability patched in PHP in 2012.

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UNC3944 aka ‘Scattered Spider’ Shifts Focus to Data Theft from SaaS Applications

UNC3944, Scattered Spider

The financially motivated UNC3944 threat group has shifted focus to data theft extortion from software-as-a-service applications but without the use of ransomware variants, which it is historically known for. UNC3944, also known as 0ktapus, Octo Tempest, Scatter Swine and Scattered Spider, is a financially motivated threat group that has demonstrated significant adaptability in its tactics since its inception in May 2022. According to Google-owned cybersecurity company Mandiant, the threat group has now evolved its strategies to include data theft from SaaS applications. It leverages cloud synchronization tools for data exfiltration, persistence mechanisms against virtualization platforms and lateral movement via SaaS permissions abuse, Mandiant said.

Data Theft Extortion Without Ransomware

UNC3944 initially focused on credential harvesting and SIM swapping attacks but over the years has transitioned to ransomware. Mandiant has now found evidence that shows the threat group has taken a further leap and now shifted primarily to data theft extortion without any ransomware deployment. UNC3944’s latest attack lifecycle often begins with social engineering techniques aimed at corporate help desks. Mandiant said the threat group gained initial access exploiting privileged accounts in multiple instances. The UNC3944 group used personally identifiable information (PII) such as Social Security numbers, birth dates and employment details likely scraped from social media profiles of the victims to bypass identity verification processes of help desks. They often claimed the need for a multi-factor authentication (MFA) reset due to receiving a new phone, enabling them to reset passwords and bypass MFA protections on privileged accounts.
“Evidence also suggests UNC3944 has occasionally resorted to fear mongering tactics to gain access to victim credentials. These tactics include threats of doxxing personal information, physical harm to victims and their families, and the distribution of compromising material.” - Mandiant

Phase I of UNC3944’s Attack Lifecycle

The first phase of the threat group’s attack lifecycle includes:
  • Social Engineering: UNC3944 conducted sophisticated social engineering attacks, leveraging extensive research on victims to gain help desk access.
  • Credential Harvesting: Used SMS phishing campaigns to harvest credentials.
  • Internal Reconnaissance: After gaining access, conducted reconnaissance on Microsoft applications like SharePoint to gather internal documentation on VPNs, VDI and remote work utilities.
  • Privilege Escalation: Abused Okta permissions to self-assign roles and gain broader access to SaaS applications.
[caption id="attachment_77144" align="aligncenter" width="1024"]UNC3944, SaaS UNC3944 attack lifecycle (Source: Mandiant)[/caption]

Phase II of the Attack Lifecycle

In the second phase of UNC3944’s attack lifecycle, the threat group employed aggressive persistence methods through the creation of new virtual machines in environments like vSphere and Azure. They use administrative privileges to create these machines and configure them to disable security policies, such as Microsoft Defender, to avoid detection. A lack of endpoint monitoring allowed the group to download tools like Mimikatz, ADRecon, and various covert tunneling utilities like NGROK, RSOCX and Localtonet to maintain access to the compromised device without needing VPN or MFA. UNC3944 has previously deployed Alphv ransomware on virtual machine file systems but Mandiant said since the turn of 2024, it has not observed ransomware deployment by this threat group.

Focus Shifts to SaaS Applications

The novel shift in UNC3944’s targeting is its exploitation of SaaS applications to gain further access and conduct reconnaissance.
“Mandiant observed access to such applications as vCenter, CyberArk, SalesForce, Azure, CrowdStrike, AWS, and GCP.”
Once the threat group gained access to any of the SaaS applications, they then used endpoint detection and response tooling to test access to the environment and further used tools like Airbyte and Fivetran to exfiltrate data to attacker-owned cloud storage.

Advanced Techniques of Phase II

Some of the advanced techniques demonstrated by UNC3944 in phase two of the attack lifecycle includes: ADFS Targeting: Exporting Active Directory Federated Services certificates to perform Golden SAML attacks for persistent cloud access. Data Exfiltration: Using cloud synchronization utilities to move data from SaaS platforms to external cloud storage. Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR): Creation of API keys in CrowdStrike’s console for executing commands and further testing access. Anti-Forensic Measures: UNC3944 employed anti-forensic techniques to obscure their activities. They use publicly available utilities to reconfigure virtual machines, disable logging, and remove endpoint protections. The attackers also used ISO files like PCUnlocker to reset local administrator passwords and bypass domain controls.

Abuse of M365 Delve Feature

Mandiant observed advanced M365 features like Microsoft Office Delve being used for data reconnaissance by UNC3944 for uncovering accessible data sources. Delve offers quick access to files based on group membership or direct sharing and shows personalized content recommendations from M365 sources and mapping organizational relationships. While this feature is useful for collaboration, UNC3944 exploited Delve for rapid reconnaissance, identifying active projects and sensitive information by recent modification. These resources typically lack sufficient security monitoring and logging. Traditional security controls, like firewalls and network flow sensors, are ineffective for detecting large data transfers from SaaS platforms. Identifying data theft with traditional logs is challenging, and real-time detection remains difficult with historical log analysis. The storage of sensitive data in SaaS applications poses significant risks that is often overlooked due to the perceived security of SaaS models. UNC3944 exploited these weaknesses and took advantage of inadequate logging and monitoring to perform data theft undetected.

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Mandiant researchers recommended a number of controls to protect against the threat group's tactics:
  • Implement host-based certificates and MFA for VPN access to ensure secure connections.
  • Have stricter conditional access policies and limit visibility and access within cloud tenants.
  • Have enhanced monitoring through centralized logs from SaaS applications and virtual machine infrastructures to detect suspicious activities.
  • Ensure comprehensive logging for SaaS applications to detect signs of malicious intent.

Canada’s Largest District School Board Investigates Ransomware Incident

By: Alan J
13 June 2024 at 16:18

Toronto District School Board Ransomware Canada

The Toronto District School Board is investigating a recent ransomware attack that affected its testing environment. The Toronto board is Canada's largest school board, serving approximately 238,000 students across 600 schools in the city of Toronto. The board stated that it had taken immediate action and launched an investigation upon becoming aware of possible intrusion.

Toronto District School Board's Investigation Underway

The school board stated that the incident had affected its testing environment, which had been used to evaluate new technology and programs before being deployed on systems. The board's cybersecurity team had taken immediate action upon discovering the incident, securing systems and preserving data. The Toronto District School Board had notified details of the incident to the Toronto police and the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario. [caption id="attachment_77136" align="alignnone" width="2800"]Toronto District School Board Ransomware Attack cyberattack 2 Source:[/caption] In its letter of notification sent to parents and guardians, the Toronto District School Board stated that it had launched an investigation with the aid of third-party experts to fully assess the nature and scope of the incident. This includes potential compromise of its networks or breach of sensitive personal information. [caption id="attachment_77137" align="alignnone" width="1770"]Toronto District School Board Ransomware Attack cyberattack Source:[/caption] The letter added, "If it is determined that any personal information has been impacted, we will provide notice to all affected individuals. We understand that news of a cyber incident is concerning, but please know that we are doing everything possible to learn more about what occurred and address this situation.

Impact Unknown; More Details Expected Soon

Despite the attack, the district school board's systems remained fully operational and functional. While only the school's testing environment had been affected, Humber College cybersecurity expert Francis Syms remained concerned over the incident, as personal information is sometimes used on test environments. He added that test environments are usually not secured by multifactor authentication, potentially making data easier to access. However, he admitted that he was not aware of the testing system being used, as he was not part of the investigation team. The Toronto District School Board did not clarify whether the testing environment or its data contained any personal information. Ryan Bird, a spokesperson from the school district board, disclosed to CityNews Toronto that the full extent of the breach was unknown, or if any personal data had been compromised in the attack, but further details would be revealed by the end of the day. The Cyber Express team has reached out to the Toronto District School Board for further details and investigation results, but no responses have been received as of yet. Toronto's cybersecurity defenders have observed an uptick in cyberattacks in recent years, from both financially-motivated hackers and 'hacktivists' disrupting public systems. Some attacks occur during sensitive times such as elections, global conflicts, or visits by foreign leaders. However, ransomware attacks remain the most common form of attacks. City officials have been working with several agencies to rebuild trust in the safety of public systems and services. Charles Finlay, Toronto resident and executive director at Rogers Cybersecure Catalyst, had earlier stated to the Toronto Star, “I think the city has to be more forthcoming about what it is doing to ensure that those services are secure from cyber-attacks.” The City had witnessed several attacks on its public institutions such a Cl0p ransomware intrusion into the  City of Toronto's computer systems as well as an attack last year on the Toronto Public Library's computer systems. Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.

Ransomware: Disruption of Hospitals and Nearby Facilities – Source:


Source: – Author: 1 Fraud Management & Cybercrime , Healthcare , Industry Specific Researchers Rahi Abouk and David Powell on Study Findings, Need for Better Planning Marianne Kolbasuk McGee (HealthInfoSec) • June 12, 2024     13 Minutes    Researchers Rahi Abouk, William Paterson University, and David Powell, RAND A study investigating the impact […]

La entrada Ransomware: Disruption of Hospitals and Nearby Facilities – Source: se publicó primero en CISO2CISO.COM & CYBER SECURITY GROUP.

Monti Ransomware Sold! New Owners Claims Interesting Things in the Future

Monti Ransomware Group

The notorious Monti ransomware has been sold to new owners. According to the actor's latest update, "This project was bought. It was bought because it suited our goals perfectly and did not have a bad reputation." The change in ownership and a shift in focus towards Western countries highlights a new approach towards ransomware. According to recent statements, the project has been acquired, with new owners expressing their intentions to revamp its infrastructure for future endeavors. In a cryptic post on their platform, the group hinted at upcoming developments, rallying for a collaborative effort to "build the future of the USA and Europe together."

Monti Ransomware Group and Change in Ownership

[caption id="attachment_76870" align="alignnone" width="938"]Monti ransomware Source: Dark Web[/caption] This announcement follows a string of cyberattacks perpetrated by the Monti ransomware gang. Notably, a recent incident in the South of France targeted three prominent institutions simultaneously: the Pau-Pyrénées airport, the Pau business school, and the city's digital campus. These attacks, occurring overnight from May 12 to May 13, 2024, disrupted operations and raised concerns regarding cybersecurity vulnerabilities in critical sectors. While the affected institutions scrambled to mitigate the fallout, journalists uncovered insights from the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI) shedding light on the situation. Despite assurances of minimal disruption to activities, the compromised digital infrastructure left a trail of compromised data, including sensitive documents and personal information of employees and students. The modus operandi of the Monti ransomware group draws parallels to its predecessors, notably the Conti ransomware, which ceased operations in May 2022. The emergence of Monti, with its similar tactics and techniques, suggests a strategic emulation aimed at exploiting the void left by Conti's absence.

A Deeper Dive into Monti Ransomware Group

A deeper dive into the Monti ransomware incident reveals a sophisticated operation orchestrated through the exploitation of vulnerabilities like the notorious Log4Shell. The attackers infiltrated networks, encrypted user desktops, and disrupted critical server clusters, leaving organizations grappling with the aftermath. Despite its relative obscurity, the Monti ransomware group has garnered attention within the cybersecurity community. Analysts speculate that the group's emulation of Conti's strategies may stem from the leaked trove of Conti's internal data, providing a blueprint for nefarious activities. As cybersecurity threats evolve, it becomes imperative for organizations to fortify their defenses and stay vigilant against threat actors like the Monti ransomware. Collaborative efforts between cybersecurity experts and stakeholders are essential to mitigate risks and safeguard critical infrastructures from malicious actors. Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.

Black Basta Ransomware Affiliates Possibly Exploited Windows Bug as a Zero-Day

Black Basta Ransomware

The Black Basta ransomware gang may have exploited a Windows privilege escalation vulnerability as a zero-day before it was patched, new evidence suggests. Symantec researchers have revealed details that the Black Basta ransomware group linked to the Cardinal cybercriminal syndicate (also known as Storm-1811 or UNC4393) may have exploited a flaw in the Windows error reporting service as a zero-day prior to its March Patch Tuesday fix. Tracked as CVE-2024-26169, the vulnerability in question exists in the Windows Error Reporting Service. “An attacker who successfully exploited this vulnerability could gain SYSTEM privileges,” Microsoft said at the time of patching. The Redmond-based tech giant at the time reported no evidence of the bug being exploited in the wild. However, analysis of an exploit tool used in recent attacks indicated that it may have been compiled months before the official patch was released, indicating potential zero-day exploitation.

Black Basta’s Privilege Escalation Bug Exploitation

The Symantec team first uncovered the possible zero-day exploitation while investigating a recent ransomware attack attempt in which an exploit tool for CVE-2024-26169 was used. “Although the attackers did not succeed in deploying a ransomware payload in this attack, the tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) used were highly similar to those described in a recent Microsoft report detailing Black Basta activity,” Symantec said. These TTPs included the use of batch scripts disguised as software updates, the researchers added.

Black Basta Exploit Tool Analysis

The exploit tool leverages a flaw where the Windows file “werkernel.sys” uses a null security descriptor for creating registry keys. The tool exploits this by creating a “HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\WerFault.exe” registry key, setting its “Debugger” value to its own executable pathname. This allows the attacker to start a shell with administrative privileges, Symantec explained. Two variants of the tool analyzed:
  • Variant 1 (SHA256: 4aae231fb5357c0647483181aeae47956ac66e42b6b134f5b90da76d8ec0ac63): Compiled on February 27, before the vulnerability was patched.
  • Variant 2 (SHA256: b73a7e25d224778172e394426c98b86215087d815296c71a3f76f738c720c1b0): Compiled on December 18, 2023, nearly three months before an official fix was released.
While time stamp values in executables can be modified, in this case the attackers likely had little motivation to alter them, suggesting genuine pre-patch compilation.

Indicators of Compromise

Symantec shared the following IoCs: 4aae231fb5357c0647483181aeae47956ac66e42b6b134f5b90da76d8ec0ac63 – Exploit tool b73a7e25d224778172e394426c98b86215087d815296c71a3f76f738c720c1b0 – Exploit tool a31e075bd5a2652917f91714fea4d272816c028d7734b36c84899cd583181b3d – Batch script 3b3bd81232f517ba6d65c7838c205b301b0f27572fcfef9e5b86dd30a1d55a0d – Batch script 2408be22f6184cdccec7a34e2e79711ff4957e42f1ed7b7ad63f914d37dba625 – Batch script b0903921e666ca3ffd45100a38c11d7e5c53ab38646715eafc6d1851ad41b92e – ScreenConnect

About Black Basta Ransomware

The latest attempts of exploiting a Windows privilege escalation bug comes a month after Microsoft revealed details of Black Basta ransomware operators abusing its Quick Assist application that enables a user to share their Windows or macOS device with another person over a remote connection. The U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) and the FBI in a May advisory said Black Basta's affiliates have targeted over 500 private industry and critical infrastructure entities, including healthcare organizations, in North America, Europe, and Australia since its launch in April 2022. An analysis from blockchain analytics firm Elliptic indicates that Black Basta has accumulated at least $107 million in ransom payments since early 2022, targeting more than 90 victims. The largest ransom payment received was $9 million, and at least 18 of the ransoms exceeded $1 million each. The average ransom payment was $1.2 million.

Ukraine National Police Arrest Conti and LockBit Ransomware Cryptor Developer

Ukraine LockBit arrest

Ukraine National Police have arrested a man they say helped disguise ransomware used by Russia-based threat groups. The 28-year-old cryptor developer was unnamed in Ukraine and Netherlands announcements of the arrest, but the Dutch statement said he was arrested on April 18, 2024 in a lead-up to May’s massive “Operation Endgame” botnet takedown.

Cryptor Developer Worked with Conti, LockBit

Ukraine cyber ​​police and National Police investigators say they established that the man was involved in the LockBit and Conti ransomware groups. The Kyiv man infected a company in the Netherlands with Conti ransomware in 2021, demanded a ransom and threatened to release confidential company information if payment wasn’t made, according to the Dutch announcement, which cited work by the Netherlands’ High Tech Crime Team of the National Operations and Interventions Unit and the National Public Prosecution Service. They requested Ukraine’s assistance in the case as part of their investigation. As part of the arrest, Ukrainian police conducted house searches in the city of Kyiv and the Kharkiv region on April 18 and seized computer equipment, mobile phones and documents for further investigation (pictured below). [caption id="attachment_76895" align="alignnone" width="300"]Ukraine ransomware arrest seized items Items seized in Ukraine ransomware arrest[/caption] The Ukraine cyber police said the man “specialized in the development of cryptors,” or “special software for masking computer viruses under the guise of safe files” (quotes translated from the Ukraine statement). “Thanks to his programming skills, the person involved was able to hide malicious software from the most popular antiviruses,” the Ukraine statement added.

LockBit Remains Active Despite Repeated Enforcement Activities

The Conti ransomware group reportedly dissolved in 2022 after a Ukrainian researcher leaked the group's source code in retaliation for the group's support of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, but LockBit has remained persistent. Despite the Ukraine arrest and law enforcement successes like Operation Endgame, Operation Cronos, and the unmasking of formerly anonymous LockBit leader Dmitry Khoroshev, LockBit has shown an ability to continually regroup and reestablish threat activities, recently launching high-profile ransomware attacks such as one that the city of Wichita is finally recovering from. Ukraine officials said the investigation is ongoing. The suspect is being charged under part 5 of Article 361, Unauthorized interference in the work of information (automated), electronic communication, information and communication systems, electronic communication networks, of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. The article provides for publishment of up to 15 years of imprisonment, and additional charges are possible. Netherlands officials thanked the Ukrainian investigators for their assistance and said they “are very pleased with the arrest in Ukraine and are grateful for the space that the Ukrainian police have found for this in times of war.”

Ransomware Group Jumps on PHP Vulnerability

12 June 2024 at 11:43
PHP ransomware vulnerability

A long-running ransomware campaign that has been targeting Windows and Linux systems since 2019 is the latest example of how closely threat groups track public disclosures of vulnerabilities and proofs-of-concept (PoCs) and how quickly they move in to exploit them. The PHP Group last week disclosed a high-severity flaw – tracked as CVE-2024-4577 and with..

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Ransomware Gang TellYouThePass Exploits PHP Vulnerability – Source:


Source: – Author: 1 Fraud Management & Cybercrime , Governance & Risk Management , Patch Management Flaw Allows Unauthenticated Attackers to Execute Arbitrary Code Prajeet Nair (@prajeetspeaks) • June 11, 2024     The TellYouThePass ransomware pass was quick to exploit a critical flaw in PHP. (Image: Shutterstock) A ransomware operation with a history […]

La entrada Ransomware Gang TellYouThePass Exploits PHP Vulnerability – Source: se publicó primero en CISO2CISO.COM & CYBER SECURITY GROUP.

Cleveland Closes City Hall After Unspecified Cyberattack

Cleveland Closes City Hall After Unspecified Cyberattack

The City of Cleveland, Ohio, has been hit by a cyberattack that has closed City Hall and other offices, but the city says essential services remain operational. The city hasn’t revealed the nature of the incident, but the Cleveland cyberattack is one of the highest-profile ones to date affecting a major U.S. municipality. In a recent update on X, the city said it is “still investigating the nature and scope of the incident. The City is collaborating with several key partners who provide expert knowledge and deep experience in this work.”

Cleveland Essential Services Functioning

City Hall and offices at Erieview Plaza are closed to the public and non-essential employees, but the city sought to reassure residents that key services and data remain safe. Emergency services, such as 911, Police, Fire, and EMS are operational, along with other essential services such as water, pollution control, power services, ports and airports. The update said that “certain City data is confirmed to be unaffected, including: - Taxpayer information held by the CCA. - Customer information held by Public Utilities.” That still leaves other data sources that could be affected, however, such as city employees’ personal data. In its initial announcement on X, the city said, “We have shut down affected systems to secure and restore services. Emergency services and utilities are not affected. Updates will be provided as available.” The city hasn’t said whether the incident is ransomware or another cyber attack type, but that will presumably be revealed in later updates. Cleveland itself is home to 362,000 residents, while the surrounding metropolitan area has a population of more than 2 million.

Cleveland Cyberattack Follows Wichita Ransomware; Healthcare Network Hit

Cleveland isn’t the biggest U.S. city to be hobbled by a cyber attack, as at least a few bigger cities have been hit by cyber incidents. The 394,000-resident city of Wichita, Kansas was hit by a ransomware attack last month in an attack linked to the LockBit ransomware group, but Baltimore was perhaps the biggest U.S. city hit by a cyberattack in a crippling 2019 incident that closely followed an Atlanta cyberattack. All of that pales in comparison to the U.S. government, which got hit by more than 32,000 cybersecurity incidents in fiscal 2023, up 10% from fiscal 2022, according to a new White House report on federal cybersecurity readiness. Threat actors seemingly have no end of targets, as a healthcare network in Texas, Arkansas and Florida is also reporting recent cyber troubles that the BlackSuit ransomware group is claiming responsibility for. The Special Health Resources network posted a notice on its website (copied below) that states, “We are currently experiencing a network incident that has caused a temporary disruption to our phones and computer systems. During this time, we are STILL OPEN and ready to serve our patients and community!” [caption id="attachment_76662" align="alignnone" width="750"]Special Health Resources website notice Special Health Resources website notice[/caption] If Special Health’s troubles are linked to a cyberattack, they seem to have fared better than the damage sustained by NHS London recently, as cyber attackers seemingly have abandoned long-standing pledges to avoid attacking healthcare systems.

Ransomware gangs are adopting “more brutal” tactics amid crackdowns

11 June 2024 at 09:22
Illustration of a lock on a motherboard

Enlarge (credit: Just_Super via Getty)

Today, people around the world will head to school, doctor’s appointments, and pharmacies, only to be told, “Sorry, our computer systems are down.” The frequent culprit is a cybercrime gang operating on the other side of the world, demanding payment for system access or the safe return of stolen data.

The ransomware epidemic shows no signs of slowing down in 2024—despite increasing police crackdowns—and experts worry that it could soon enter a more violent phase.

“We’re definitely not winning the fight against ransomware right now,” Allan Liska, a threat intelligence analyst at Recorded Future, tells WIRED.

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NoName Ransomware Claims Yet Another Attack on Germany after Ukraine President’s Visit

NoName Ransomware

The NoName ransomware group has claimed responsibility for yet another cyberattack targeting government websites in Germany. The proclamation of the attack comes just 11 days after the group is said to have targeted German entities such as Energie Baden-Württemberg AG, Leistritz AG, and Aareal Bank AG. In this latest attack, the group allegedly targeted the Federal Office for Logistics and Mobility and the Federal Ministry of the Interior and Community. NoName allegedly carried out a DDos (Distributed Denial-of-Service) attack, preventing other users from accessing the websites. In the message posted on a dark web forum on Tuesday, NoName claimed that the attack on German websites was to condemn the visit of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy to the country to participate in a conference on Ukraine’s post-war recovery. NoName ransomware “Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy arrived in Germany late in the evening on Monday, June 10, to take part in an international conference on Ukraine's reconstruction. In his message in Telegram, Zelenskyy said that during his visit he had meetings with German Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier, Chancellor Olaf Scholz and Bundestag chairwoman Berbel Bas,” NoName said. NoName Ransomware “We decided to visit the conference too, and crush some websites,” it added. Despite the hack, NoName has not provided elaborate evidence or context of the cyberattack nor has it provided any details of how the German websites would be affected. While many experts had previously warned people not to underestimate thread actors who take out DDoS attacks, their effectiveness remains a big question, as most of the targets suffer only a few hours of downtime before returning to normal operations. As of the writing of this report, there has been no response from officials of the alleged target websites, leaving the claims unverified.

Previous Instances of NoName Ransomware Attacks

Since first emerging on dark web in March 2022, the pro-Russian hacker group NoName has been increasingly active, shortly after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The group has taken responsibility for a series of cyberattacks targeting government agencies, media outlets, and private companies across Ukraine, the United States, and Europe. Before making the claim of targeting German websites, NoName had a history of targeting prominent organizations in other countries. In April 2024, the group allegedly launched a cyberattack on Moldova, affecting key government websites such as the Presidency, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the State Registry. These websites were rendered inaccessible, displaying the message, “This Site Can’t be Reached.” The attack hinted at a politically motivated agenda, though NoName did not explicitly disclose their motives. In March 2024, NoName targeted multiple websites in Denmark, including significant entities like Movia, Din Offentlige Transport, the Ministry of Transport, Copenhagen Airports, and Danish Shipping. Similarly, in January 2024, the group attacked high-profile websites in the Netherlands, including OV-chipkaart, the Municipality of Vlaardingen, the Dutch Tax Office (Belastingdienst), and GVB. More recently, NoName’s cyber onslaught on Finland raised further alarms. Finnish government organizations, including Traficom, the National Cyber Security Centre Finland (NCSC-FI), The Railways, and the Agency for Regulation and Development of Transport and Communications Infrastructure, faced temporary inaccessibility due to DDoS attacks. The ongoing cyberattacks by NoName across several countries serve as a reminder of the perils of the digital landscape. The operations of NoName ransomware, combined with their alleged political motives, highlight the urgent need for enhanced cybersecurity measures and international cooperation. The cybersecurity community must remain vigilant and proactive in protecting digital infrastructure from such malicious actors. Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.

Microsoft, Google Come to the Aid of Rural Hospitals

11 June 2024 at 11:56
CSPM, ASPM, CISA cybersecurity healthcare

Microsoft and Google will provide free or low-cost cybersecurity tools and services to rural hospitals in the United States at a time when health care facilities are coming under increasing attack by ransomware gangs and other threat groups. For independent rural and critical access hospitals, Microsoft will provide grants and as much as 75% discounts..

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Ticketmaster is Tip of Iceberg: 165+ Snowflake Customers Hacked

11 June 2024 at 11:15
Snowflake CISO Brad Jones

Not our fault, says CISO: “UNC5537” breached at least 165 Snowflake instances, including Ticketmaster, LendingTree and, allegedly, Advance Auto Parts.

The post Ticketmaster is Tip of Iceberg: 165+ Snowflake Customers Hacked appeared first on Security Boulevard.

Central Securities Corporation Faces Cyberattack Claims By Underground Team Ransomware Group

Central Securities Corporation cyberattack

The Underground Team ransomware group has allegedly claimed a cyberattack on Central Securities Corporation, asserting access to a staggering 42.8 GB of sensitive data compromised, spanning decades of company history and containing a trove of confidential information. The scope of the Central Securities Corporation cyberattack is staggering, reportedly encompassing a range of data from historical reports to personal correspondence and even passports of employees and their relatives. Such a comprehensive breach not only threatens the integrity of Central Securities Corporation but also poses a significant risk to the privacy and security of its employees and stakeholders.

Underground Team Ransomware Claims Central Securities Corporation Cyberattack

[caption id="attachment_76481" align="alignnone" width="1319"]Central Securities Corporation cyberattack Source: Dark Web[/caption] The aftermath of the Central Securities Corporation cyberattack is evident as the company's website remains inaccessible, leaving concerned parties in the dark about the extent of the damage and the company's response. Efforts to reach out to Central Securities Corporation have been impeded by the website's downtime, exacerbating the sense of urgency surrounding the situation. The cybercriminals behind the Central Securities Corporation cyberattack have brazenly demanded nearly $3 million in ransom, further compounding the company's woes. This incident highlights the ransomware strain like the Underground Team leverages novel approaches to extort money and exploit sensitive data.

Researchers Highlight Underground Team Ransomware Group

Security experts from Cyble have previously warned of the growing prevalence of targeted attacks, where hackers tailor their strategies to infiltrate specific targets with devastating consequences. The emergence of new ransomware variants highlights the constant battle organizations face in safeguarding their digital assets against evolving threats. One such variant, the Underground Team ransomware, has caught the attention of researchers for its unique ransom note and sophisticated techniques. Offering more than just decryption services, the ransom note promises insights into network vulnerabilities and data recovery assistance, signaling a new level of sophistication in ransomware operations. Technical analysis of the ransomware reveals intricate mechanisms employed to identify and encrypt system files, demonstrating the attackers' proficiency in exploiting vulnerabilities. By selectively targeting files and directories while bypassing certain extensions and folders, the ransomware achieves its malicious objectives with alarming efficiency. As for the cyberattack on Central Securities Corporation, this is an ongoing story and The Cyber Express will be closely monitoring the situation. We’ll update this post once we have more information on the alleged Central Securities Corporation cyberattack or any official confirmation from the organization.  Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.

Microsoft and Google Announce Plans to Help Rural U.S. Hospitals Defend Against Cyberattacks

By: Alan J
10 June 2024 at 16:55

Microsoft Google Aid Rural Hospitals

Microsoft and Google have announced plans to offer free or highly discounted cybersecurity services to rural hospitals across the United States. These initiatives come as the U.S. healthcare sector faces a surge in ransomware attacks that more than doubled last year, posing a serious threat to patient care and hospital operations. The program - developed in collaboration with the White House, the American Hospital Association, and the National Rural Health Association - aims to make rural hospitals less defenseless by providing them with free security updates, security assessments, and training for hospital staff.

Microsoft and Google Cybersecurity Plans for Rural Hospitals

Microsoft has launched a full-fledged cybersecurity program to meet the needs of rural hospitals, which are often more vulnerable to cyberattacks due to more limited IT security resources, staff and training than their urban peers. The program will deliver free and low-cost technology services, including:
  • Nonprofit pricing and discounts of up to 75% on Microsoft's security products for independent Critical Access Hospitals and Rural Emergency Hospitals.
  • Larger rural hospitals already equipped with eligible Microsoft solutions will receive free advanced security suites for free.
  • Free Windows 10 security updates for participating rural hospitals for at least one year.
  • Cybersecurity assessments and training are being made free to hospital employees to help them better manage system security.
Justin Spelhaug, corporate vice president of Microsoft Philanthropies, said in a statement, “Healthcare should be available no matter where you call home, and the rise in cyberattacks threatens the viability of rural hospitals and impact communities across the U.S. “Microsoft is committed to delivering vital technology security and support at a time when these rural hospitals need them most.” Anne Neuberger, Deputy National Security Advisor for Cyber and Emerging Technologies, said in a statement:
“Cyber-attacks against the U.S. healthcare systems rose 130% in 2023, forcing hospitals to cancel procedures and impacting Americans’ access to critical care. Rural hospitals are particularly hard hit as they are often the sole source of care for the communities they serve and lack trained cyber staff and modern cyber defenses. President Biden is committed to every American having access to the care they need, and effective cybersecurity is a part of that. So, we’re excited to work with Microsoft to launch cybersecurity programs that will provide training, advice and technology to help America’s rural hospitals be safe online.”
Alongside Microsoft's efforts, Google also announced that it will provide free cybersecurity advice to rural hospitals and non-profit organizations while also launching a pilot program to match its cybersecurity services with the specific needs of rural healthcare facilities.

Plans Are Part of Broader National Effort

Rural hospitals remain one of the most common targets for cyberattacks, according to data from the National Rural Health Association. Rural hospitals in the U.S. serve over 60 million people living in rural areas, who sometimes have to travel considerable distance for care even without the inconvenience of a cyberattack. Neuberger stated, “We’re in new territory as we see ... this wave of attacks against hospitals.” Rick Pollack, president of the American Hospital Association, said, “Rural hospitals are often the primary source of healthcare in their communities, so keeping them open and safe from cyberattacks is critical. We appreciate Microsoft stepping forward to offer its expertise and resources to help secure part of America’s healthcare safety net.” The plans are a part of a broader effort by the United States government to direct private partners and tech giants such as Microsoft and Google to use their expertise to plug significant gaps in the defense of the healthcare sector. Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.