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Yesterday — 25 June 2024Main stream

Cruise, G.M.’s Self-Driving Subsidiary, Names Marc Whitten as C.E.O.

By: Eli Tan
25 June 2024 at 18:14
After a year of safety problems, layoffs and mass executive departures, G.M. is trying to find stability for its futuristic driverless car business.

© Cydni Elledge for The New York Times

Cruise pulled its driverless cars off roads last year.

Cruise, the Self-Driving Car Subsidiary of G.M., Names a New C.E.O.

By: Eli Tan
25 June 2024 at 16:51
After a year of safety problems, layoffs and mass executive departures, G.M. is trying to find stability for its futuristic driverless car business.

© Cydni Elledge for The New York Times

Cruise pulled its driverless cars off roads last year.

Julian Assange’s release frees up one UK prison cell, but why has it taken so long – and what about the others? | Duncan Campbell

25 June 2024 at 10:55

This case is nothing to be proud of. As politicians stood by, he suffered within a chaotic system they have done little to fix

Finally. After more than five years locked inside HMP Belmarsh, Britain’s most secure prison, and seven years confined to the Ecuadorian embassy in London, Julian Assange can breathe some fresh, free air. It is certainly a day to celebrate, but also one to demand answers. Why – why, for heaven’s sake – has it taken so long? And what about all the others who languish in crazily overcrowded British jails?

It seems appropriate that Assange’s release, on the basis of a deal that gives the US government the fig leaf of a guilty plea, occurred in the very week before a general election, in the country where he was detained for all those years. Voters seem likely to dispose of a government whose feeble home secretaries, from Priti Patel onwards, bowed the knee to the US on its extradition request when they could have easily followed the brave path that Theresa May took when she was home secretary in 2012, declining to allow the removal to the US of the hacker Gary McKinnon. But what lessons have any of our politicians – or our judges – learned?

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© Photograph: Wikileaks/X/Reuters


© Photograph: Wikileaks/X/Reuters

Before yesterdayMain stream

Pornhub prepares to block five more states rather than check IDs

20 June 2024 at 16:33
Pornhub prepares to block five more states rather than check IDs

Enlarge (credit: Aurich Lawson | Getty Images)

Pornhub will soon be blocked in five more states as the adult site continues to fight what it considers privacy-infringing age-verification laws that require Internet users to provide an ID to access pornography.

On July 1, according to a blog post on the adult site announcing the impending block, Pornhub visitors in Indiana, Idaho, Kansas, Kentucky, and Nebraska will be "greeted by a video featuring" adult entertainer Cherie Deville, "who explains why we had to make the difficult decision to block them from accessing Pornhub."

Pornhub explained that—similar to blocks in Texas, Utah, Arkansas, Virginia, Montana, North Carolina, and Mississippi—the site refuses to comply with soon-to-be-enforceable age-verification laws in this new batch of states that allegedly put users at "substantial risk" of identity theft, phishing, and other harms.

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A K-12 guide to mental health days for students

20 June 2024 at 07:05

It’s not easy being a young person these days. School, friendships, social media — they’re all piling on pressure, and they all seem to intertwine. After a while, sometimes it helps just to take a break. This, in a nutshell, is what mental health days for students are all about. Not familiar with the concept? […]

The post A K-12 guide to mental health days for students appeared first on ManagedMethods.

The post A K-12 guide to mental health days for students appeared first on Security Boulevard.

On Titan Submersible Anniversary, World Rethinks Deep Sea Exploration

18 June 2024 at 10:15
A year after the first deaths of divers who ventured into the ocean’s sunless depths, an industry wrestles with new challenges for piloted submersibles and robotic explorers.

© Walt Disney Pictures/AJ Pics, via Alamy

A 2003 expedition by a piloted submersible to the wreckage of the Titanic on the sea floor, as documented in the James Cameron film “Ghosts of the Abyss.” A pair of robots are scheduled to revisit the site next month.

On Titan Submersible Anniversary, World Rethinks Deep Sea Exploration

18 June 2024 at 10:15
A year after the first deaths of divers who ventured into the ocean’s sunless depths, an industry wrestles with new challenges for piloted submersibles and robotic explorers.

© Walt Disney Pictures/AJ Pics, via Alamy

A 2003 expedition by a piloted submersible to the wreckage of the Titanic on the sea floor, as documented in the James Cameron film “Ghosts of the Abyss.” A pair of robots are scheduled to revisit the site next month.

Surgeon general’s proposed social media warning label for kids could hurt kids

17 June 2024 at 13:18
Surgeon general’s proposed social media warning label for kids could hurt kids

Enlarge (credit: MirageC | Moment)

US Surgeon General Vivek Murthy wants to put a warning label on social media platforms, alerting young users of potential mental health harms.

"It is time to require a surgeon general’s warning label on social media platforms stating that social media is associated with significant mental health harms for adolescents," Murthy wrote in a New York Times op-ed published Monday.

Murthy argued that a warning label is urgently needed because the "mental health crisis among young people is an emergency," and adolescents overusing social media can increase risks of anxiety and depression and negatively impact body image.

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Cop busted for unauthorized use of Clearview AI facial recognition resigns

13 June 2024 at 12:16
Cop busted for unauthorized use of Clearview AI facial recognition resigns

Enlarge (credit: Francesco Carta fotografo | Moment)

An Indiana cop has resigned after it was revealed that he frequently used Clearview AI facial recognition technology to track down social media users not linked to any crimes.

According to a press release from the Evansville Police Department, this was a clear "misuse" of Clearview AI's controversial face scan tech, which some US cities have banned over concerns that it gives law enforcement unlimited power to track people in their daily lives.

To help identify suspects, police can scan what Clearview AI describes on its website as "the world's largest facial recognition network." The database pools more than 40 billion images collected from news media, mugshot websites, public social media, and other open sources.

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Apple Launches ‘Private Cloud Compute’ Along with Apple Intelligence AI

By: Alan J
11 June 2024 at 19:14

Private Cloud Compute Apple Intelligence AI

In a bold attempt to redefine cloud security and privacy standards, Apple has unveiled Private Cloud Compute (PCC), a groundbreaking cloud intelligence system designed to back its new Apple Intelligence with safety and transparency while integrating Apple devices into the cloud. The move comes after recognition of the widespread concerns surrounding the combination of artificial intelligence and cloud technology.

Private Cloud Compute Aims to Secure Cloud AI Processing

Apple has stated that its new Private Cloud Compute (PCC) is designed to enforce privacy and security standards over AI processing of private information. For the first time ever, Private Cloud Compute brings the same level of security and privacy that our users expect from their Apple devices to the cloud," said an Apple spokesperson. [caption id="attachment_76690" align="alignnone" width="1492"]Private Cloud Compute Apple Intelligence Source:[/caption] At the heart of PCC is Apple's stated commitment to on-device processing. When Apple is responsible for user data in the cloud, we protect it with state-of-the-art security in our services," the spokesperson explained. "But for the most sensitive data, we believe end-to-end encryption is our most powerful defense." Despite this commitment, Apple has stated that for more sophisticated AI requests, Apple Intelligence needs to leverage larger, more complex models in the cloud. This presented a challenge to the company, as traditional cloud AI security models were found lacking in meeting privacy expectations. Apple stated that PCC is designed with several key features to ensure the security and privacy of user data, claiming the following implementations:
  • Stateless computation: PCC processes user data only for the purpose of fulfilling the user's request, and then erases the data.
  • Enforceable guarantees: PCC is designed to provide technical enforcement for the privacy of user data during processing.
  • No privileged access: PCC does not allow Apple or any third party to access user data without the user's consent.
  • Non-targetability: PCC is designed to prevent targeted attacks on specific users.
  • Verifiable transparency: PCC provides transparency and accountability, allowing users to verify that their data is being processed securely and privately.

Apple Invites Experts to Test Standards; Online Reactions Mixed

At this week's Apple Annual Developer Conference, Apple's CEO Tim Cook described Apple Intelligence as a "personal intelligence system" that could understand and contextualize personal data to deliver results that are "incredibly useful and relevant," making "devices even more useful and delightful." Apple Intelligence mines and processes data across apps, software and services across Apple devices. This mined data includes emails, images, messages, texts, messages, documents, audio files, videos, contacts, calendars, Siri conversations, online preferences and past search history. The new PCC system attempts to ease consumer privacy and safety concerns. In its description of 'Verifiable transparency,' Apple stated:
"Security researchers need to be able to verify, with a high degree of confidence, that our privacy and security guarantees for Private Cloud Compute match our public promises. We already have an earlier requirement for our guarantees to be enforceable. Hypothetically, then, if security researchers had sufficient access to the system, they would be able to verify the guarantees."
However, despite Apple's assurances, the announcement of Apple Intelligence drew mixed reactions online, with some already likening it to Microsoft's Recall. In reaction to Apple's announcement, Elon Musk took to X to announce that Apple devices may be banned from his companies, citing the integration of OpenAI as an 'unacceptable security violation.' Others have also raised questions about the information that might be sent to OpenAI. [caption id="attachment_76692" align="alignnone" width="596"]Private Cloud Compute Apple Intelligence 1 Source:[/caption] [caption id="attachment_76693" align="alignnone" width="418"]Private Cloud Compute Apple Intelligence 2 Source:[/caption] [caption id="attachment_76695" align="alignnone" width="462"]Private Cloud Compute Apple Intelligence 3 Source:[/caption] According to Apple's statements, requests made on its devices are not stored by OpenAI, and users’ IP addresses are obscured. Apple stated that it would also add “support for other AI models in the future.” Andy Wu, an associate professor at Harvard Business School, who researches the usage of AI by tech companies, highlighted the challenges of running powerful generative AI models while limiting their tendency to fabricate information. “Deploying the technology today requires incurring those risks, and doing so would be at odds with Apple’s traditional inclination toward offering polished products that it has full control over.”   Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.

AI trained on photos from kids’ entire childhood without their consent

10 June 2024 at 18:37
AI trained on photos from kids’ entire childhood without their consent

Enlarge (credit: RicardoImagen | E+)

Photos of Brazilian kids—sometimes spanning their entire childhood—have been used without their consent to power AI tools, including popular image generators like Stable Diffusion, Human Rights Watch (HRW) warned on Monday.

This act poses urgent privacy risks to kids and seems to increase risks of non-consensual AI-generated images bearing their likenesses, HRW's report said.

An HRW researcher, Hye Jung Han, helped expose the problem. She analyzed "less than 0.0001 percent" of LAION-5B, a dataset built from Common Crawl snapshots of the public web. The dataset does not contain the actual photos but includes image-text pairs derived from 5.85 billion images and captions posted online since 2008.

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Titan Submersible Investigation Declares Frightening Transcript a Fake

10 June 2024 at 21:29
The federal team investigating the Titan disaster found that a detailed recounting of the craft’s descent was “made up.”

© IMAGO/OceanGate Expeditions, via Alamy

The Titan submersible in an undated photo at the beginning of a dive.

The Very Slow Restart of G.M.’s Cruise Driverless Car Business

By: Yiwen Lu
30 May 2024 at 05:02
An incident that seriously injured a pedestrian in San Francisco led Cruise to take all of its cars off the road. The question now is when they will return.

© Jason Henry for The New York Times

A Cruise driverless car in San Francisco in 2022. Cruise paused operations late last year after it was criticized for neglecting safety.

San Francisco’s Hot Tourist Attraction: Driverless Cars

22 May 2024 at 10:22
Cable cars are still trundling up the city’s hills, but robotaxis from Waymo are shaping up as the city’s latest must-do for visitors.

© Jim Wilson/The New York Times

Self-driving cars from Waymo have been operating commercially in San Francisco since last August.

Widening Racial Disparities Underlie Rise in Child Deaths in the U.S.

4 May 2024 at 15:30
New research finds that the death rate among Black youths soared by 37 percent, and among Native American youths by 22 percent, between 2014 and 2020, compared with less than 5 percent for white youths.

© Carolyn Kaster/Associated Press

Flowers for Karon Blake, 13, who was shot and killed in Washington, D.C., in January 2023. Gun-related deaths were two to four times higher among Black and Native American youth than among white youth.

‘Smartphones on Wheels’ Draw Attention From Regulators

30 April 2024 at 10:03
Modern cars are internet-connected and have hundreds of sensors. Lawmakers and regulators have concerns about what’s happening with all that data.

© Mark Abramson for The New York Times

Government attention to the car industry is intensifying, experts say, because of the increased technological sophistication of modern cars.

U.S. Investigating Tesla Recall of Autopilot

26 April 2024 at 16:03
The National Highway Safety Administration also released an analysis of crashes involving the system that showed at least 29 fatal accidents over five and a half years.

© Hannah Yoon for The New York Times

The National Transportation Safety Board is investigating Tesla’s recall of its Autopilot system.